Showing posts with label 72 Months. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 72 Months. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Celebrating 6 yrs Sisterlocked!

I just wanted to make my last post of 2009!  I celebrated 6 yrs Sisterlocked 11-28-09, Thanksgiving weekend.  It's been such a blessing learning so much about myself, my hair and my fellow locked friends around the world.  You've made this journey a special one.  Here's a picture of Jen and I with our extended Houston brother and sister Tim and Jackie. We brought in 2010 with them and had a blast! The other pics are of my god daughter, Kalee and her grandmother, Mrs. Butler on Christmas. She's 88 years young and is "yet holdin' on". We love them so much! True gifts from God.  Happy New Year!