Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Zumba in Waco and beyond anyone???

I've had ladies of all colors in the past 5 months raving about Zumba. The Dewey Rec Center is starting classes on Wednesday and Fridays and if I reinstate my membership at the Y, they already have classes. I wanted to join a volleyball league but that's not going on in town any more at the Dewey. Soooo, if I decide to Zumba, I'll post a video on my blog. If anyone in the community is attending classes, let me know how it's going for you.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Heat written 7-18-06

It’s 105 today 2pm
The sun blinds my eyes and I don’t want to look up
The thought of moving into it’s rays sucks the very life out of me
Inhaling is like depositing a cake to be baked into a 350 degree oven
Exhaling is like blowing out candles on Grandpa’s 95th Birthday cake
The ten minute drive home seems to take an eternity
And this invisible wildfire puts my mind in a state of emergency.
Heat 2:20pm
I drive my dad’s car cause mine is broken. Something about a wire
That keeps draining the battery and the car just won’t start anymore.
His car is a stick shift. I still remember how to drive. Smooth as butter.
So I drop by and see my niece and we sit a minute too long in the car while it’s idling.
The radiator immediately overheats and my black polyester skirt and top
With black-heeled mules didn’t plan for all this and I think I might be
pushing this clunker off the side of the road when the fan belt finally snaps.
Pissssssssssshhh! The air conditioner busts and I race into a panic believing I might die of suffocation with the driver’s seat window broken. I can’t even roll it down. I call Dad and he gives me solutions.
And then he tells me the gas gauge is broken, as well. So half full, really means empty.
Did I mention it’s now 106 today? Heat 3:00pm
Sprinklers jutting out from the lawn of the house across the street from the laundry mat on Bellmead Drive splash a healthy amount of water on the thirsty concrete. And the sidewalk is thankful. A dozen black birds find recourse with the nearest live oak trees. Cause you know black attracts heat. I then take a deep plunge in to the sky blue pool to find a quenching cool; well, only in my thoughts.

Heat 3:19pm
Scarching Marching
Heat 3:27pm
Frying in a pan
Dying to get a break
Sweat browing
Flinging drips and drops from my drenched forehead
Beating pounding
Dirt drying hard and crusty on the ground
And I feel as if the air don’t care
Choking me out
And I hope and pray tomorrow will be a much cooler day

The one I ordered was Sugar Free Blue Coconut. Umm Umm Good!
Hosted on Fotki Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Brunsli's Hairties

I wore the HairTie for the second time and it was very comfortable. The first time I wrapped it too tight and it made my head hurt. With the thickness of my hair all I need to do is wrap it one time and stick the stick through the hole and up she goes!! I think I got my Summer Ponytail now! Thanks Brunsli!!

Hosted on Fotki

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Experimenting and Pondering Changes

I thought I'd add some pictures taken within the last week of me experimenting with my camera's continuous shot feature. It's so cool. It takes 25 shots in 5 seconds. You can read more about the camera here. **I didn't pay that much for it, believe me. I got a major holiday hook-up and paid only $134 for it at The Sharper Image in Baybrook Mall while in Houston after Christmas.
Jen also took some pictures of me with my hair in it's free style state.
I think I'm gonna do something curly coming up here real soon. I just need to retighten one patch that's got me down and out. The root beds are so small and fragile (in my humble opinion anyway) that I am just not motivated to fool with em'. Jen suggested I go ahead and make an appointment with GiGi. I'm really considering it cause I also am seriously thinking about two things: #1 combining my locks so I'll have thicker locks and also a thicker root bed, and #2, coloring my hair. Ree-C got me all "lock envy'd up" with her full color and thickness. It's just beee-au-tiful!!!!
My girl Dread_Princess on Fotki has shown me that you can do major styling with thicker locks. Her locks are just fabulous!!!! I mean it! Well, off to bed I go. I have a much needed dentist appointment in the morning. Wish me well!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Maryee and Jen updated pics

Taken 6-11-06
Watch out now!!!
Jen and I are at our 30 month (2 1/2 yr) mark. I was locked 11-28-03 and Jen 12-13-03. It has been such an exciting journey for the both of us, mixed with more ups than downs. My stress level has actually gone down considerable since getting locked. Cause I promise you, I've lived a full 30+ yrs of hair care drama until getting Sisterlocks. I am sure I would have had high blood pressure by now considering most everyone on both sides of my family (mom and dad included) have hypertension. If you aren't familiar with it's deadly effects on Blacks, I'd suggest you click on the link above.

As you can see there has been tremendous growth, in more ways than one. As a matter of fact, for me this has been the longest my hair has ever been in my life. I always knew I had it in me (he he), but when you are a child and you have no control over the maintenance of your hair, you well, submit to what's given to you, right? Then when it was time to "take control" of my hair, I was rather ignorant of the "how-to"s of it all. Like India.Arie said in her song, I Am Not My Hair, I called myself getting a perm at 15 and by the Spring of the next year, it had all fallen out, thus forcing me back into a Jherri Curl and only 1 inch of hair for the beautician to work with. I'll have to upload pics later. Not to mention, I'd already suffered during my formative years under being misidentified as a "cute little boy". That does a lot for the self esteem doesn't it?

I'm getting closer and closer to my "summer ponytail", but I shant fret. Patience is a virtue they tell me. It's all good. I do think I need to get one of Denise Reed's loc socs Leighann and others have spoken about. I promise to post some fun and interesting stuff here real soon.

Last week was a major transition week. Jen and I found out we can't substitute teach over the summer because we're not "certified" to teach. With the No Child Left Behind Act and all they want more than just college educated folks teaching today's youth. They want proof you got some kind of training to reach and teach young people. When you read my guestbook of students who've visited my website, you'd have to wonder if certification means expertise. hmmm?? It's all good.

So we've been hanging out a lot at Beatnix Coffeehouse hosting Open Mic Poetry and staying Creative. I need to be listing more stuff to sell at Sweet Pea's Corner on Ebay, clearing out all these books, reading more, working on my soundclick and of course writing more. And I by day.

Well, I'll leave you for now. Check back soon or visit my fotki album. There's some updated pics there, well a few anyway. Thanks B for the nudge!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Updo Pictures and post

August 7th post:

I finally have some pictures to share of my locks after I retightened em', bantu'd em' and updo'd em'. Hope you like them. This was fun! I always envisioned my hair in an updo or french roll when I get married (ok, I am not even in a relationship). But nonetheless, I knew how cute it would look with the hair ringling down the sides of my face and my hair wrapped up in the back. Well, with the help of my mom, we gave it a shot. For those of you who don't know, I got my hair dyed two days before I got my hair Sisterlocked. So all the darker hair is new growth since 11-28-03. Let me know what you think!

Blaqkofi says...

Beautiful locks, Maryee. It looks like you did an excellent job with
your first retightening. The bantu knots and updo are beautiful. Your
pics gives me more of an idea what my hair will look like at 20
months. I also colored my hair right before I got my locks.
Thanks for sharing.

SL'd 8wks

Leighann says...

Mary, Your locks look beautiful! The bantu knots are such a great set. It looks wonderful. And that up do... NICE! very elegant. Now we just gotta get you down the aisle so we can show it off even more! :-)

Leighann sld 4 years 1m 8d

Maryee says...


Thanks for the kind compliments! I love heading over to your
blogspot and website just for inspiration and a smile! My sister
was like, "You want your hair long like Leighann's huh?" I was
like, "yep!". When I had braids if it wasn't in a bob it was in a
ponytail. I like the the longer length and can't wait to have it
all be mine and not store bought.

Now, about this husband, please send him to my website first, so he can be clear of what I'm all about! :-)
If he's up for the challenge, he'll know what to do. :-)
I already know that when the BIG day comes, my future husband will be
mesmerized by his glowing bride! The best is yet to come!


Sisterlocked 20 months