Welcome! I'm a writer from Texas. I was locked by Imani Nash-Bey of Pomona, Ca 11-28-03. I had my Sisterlocks for about 8 years and cut them off in 2011. Currently in the process of growing my hair back and getting re-locked SOON! I'm an avid blogger and decided to share my locked growth process with easier access to the masses. If you enjoy reading 1st person narratives and looking at photos and some videos, then you'll enjoy my blog. *Please do not copy my pictures without my permission.*
Showing posts with label teacher certification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teacher certification. Show all posts
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
PPR Exam tomorrow
I just wanted to drop by and send a quick note and request for prayers for me. Tomorrow at 2pm, I take the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Exam at Baylor for my alternative teacher's certification program. I'm ready to take it and get it behind me. I've been busy as a bee studying and trying to catch up on various tasks since my trip to NY for my cousin's graduation, which was wonderful. I have lots to update everyone on and lots of emails off line to respond to. So, if you think of me, just send up a prayer or even think good thoughts! Those are welcomed, too! I will get the results back on line July 7th! So I'll be checking their website to find out if I passed.
The picture of me is in front of the flagship Carol's Daughter. Since I only had carry on bags for the trip, I could only purchase items under 4 oz. I ended up getting the 2 oz. sizes of the Lemongrass and Geranium Toner and Khoret Amen Hair Oil,
I wanted to get the Wash Away the Oil Gentle Face Wash but they were out. Bummer. I used some of my cousin's and it made my face feel so clean and fresh. I called Creyole while I was there and she said I could pick up what ever I didn't get here at Macy's when we road trip to Dallas again. With that I was well pleased.
**Carol's Daughter can be found at Sephora in the DFW area. Thanks Creyole!!***
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Sunday, January 07, 2007
Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance! I Passed the Exam!!
I guess I got something to dance about which is a late Christmas present and a New Year's surprise. I passed the Texas State Board for Educator Certification Exam for Generalist 4-8! Yippee!! Thank you to those of you who sent up a prayer for me! God bless ya real good!
Now if I can just find a job so I can complete my intern and apply for official certification. I take Pedagogy this Spring, starting next weekend. All Saturday classes!! Ugh!! Oh well, for now, it's back to the substitute teacher's grind in the morning. I'll be a PE teacher Mon-Tue, the first days back after Christmas Break. Did I mention, I'm willing to relocate???
Jen was practicing on the drums and I was getting a New Year's workout! Don't laugh too hard, now.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Sisterlocks at G.W.Carver Academy

I'm finding out that the more they see me, the more comfortable they will be around "locked" haired folks. Of course kids at this age are usual very curious and uninhibited. My sister subs at the same school and there's another substitute who has natural dreadlocks, so between the three of us, they've seen a healthy dose of natural hair. It's sad to say that the number of black teachers there is scarce, but when we do show up, we try and reach, connect with and engage with all of the students. I'm happy to be a light to educate and stimulate the desire for our youngens' to love their natural selves. I think they don't choose natural because there's not enough of it around and no one to answer questions they may have. It's braids, perms and lot's a twig tails. You'd have to live here to know what I'm talking about.
Here's the ethnic breakdown of the student population at Carver Academy:
African-American: 41.3%
Hispanic: 48.7%
White: 9.2%
Other: .8%
I will be teaching at Carver until the holidays because the teacher I'm subbing for is on maternity leave. She had fraternal twins. Also, in case I didn't mention it, I decided to go ahead and get certified in Generalist 4-8 through the Teacher Alternative Certification Program through McLennan Community College, where I earned my Associate of Arts in 92'. I'm taking the content class right now to help in preparation for passing the State Exam. It's costing a pretty penny, so I'm always looking for creative ways to pay the bill, since they don't offer scholarships or grants to folks who want to get certified to teach who already have four year degrees. Bummer, huh? Anywho, that's also motivating me to use my God-given talents to get my hustle on. Pray for a sista and wish me well! Pray for all of our students in schools everywhere that they value education (especially free) enough to take full advantage of it.
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