Showing posts with label gigi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gigi. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A day getting retightened with Gigi in Euless, Tx

Felicia who was waaaaaaayyy overdue for her retightening went first. Gigi was gracefully fast and got her done in about 3 hours. You'll see the picture with Gigi crying and Felicia whimpering because this was her first official retightening since getting locked May 1st. She had absolutely no parts and a lot of slippage. Oh yeah, and a lot of new growth. Needless to say we all were happy when she got tightened up.

Jen was next and hers only took about an hour and a half since she has about 300 or so locks. She was concerned that Gigi was gonna be fussing but her locks were in pretty good shape also. Long huh??? And yeah, she still regrets not listening to Imani when she encouraged her to keep the locks small in the beginning. The cool thing about Jen's hair to me and others is how it grows in layers. That's nice!!

Mine took right at an hour and a half as well. She even added a lock in the back for me that I accidentally cut off several months ago. She said my hair looked good seeings how the last time she had her hands in my head was a year ago when she taught me how to retighten my own hair. She is such a good teacher as well cause anyone who retightens their own hair knows that seeing a consultant at least a couple of times a year is ideal and recommended. When my money gets better, I'm gonna do better. Lawd know's Ima do better. Gigi is fast, pleasant and very professional. If you are in the DFW area, go see Gigi!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My girl Felicia got her some Sisterlocks!!

Lockversary date: May 1st. Locked by none other than the fabulous Gretchel "Gigi" Johnson. I'll add a collage when my computer gets fixed. Let's welcome Fe to the Sisterlock family!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

6 months ago I could have cut my locks off

Six months ago, I was in grave need of a retightening. Jen and I moved back home to Waco and the last time I had a retightening was the second week in March by Imani-Nash-Bey, our California consultant. The weird thing about it, is I was getting compliments all the while from March, to April, the May, to June right up til' July 13th when we heading up to Euless to meet GiGi and me taking the retightening class. Why do I say all of this? Because for those folks who think that Sisterlocks are permanent and you have to shave your head if you change you mind, that's not exactly true. As it was, I was between a rock and a hard place, geographically and financially and for both reasons could not get my hair retightened in four months. Now for those of you who are very faithful to retightenings every 4-6-8 weeks, just imagine if you had to go a whole 4 months without getting your locks retightened. That's what happened to me.

I'll tell you, the reality for me is I had over 3 inches of new growth in some places and IF I ever had the chance of cutting or shaving my locks off, this would have been it. But wait, shaving it would not have been the most sensible thing to do. I could have simply cut the locks off and with the new growth I had, jumped right back into braids, an afro or two strand twists. From the pictures you can see it really didn't look like I had that much new growth. So for those of you who are afraid that getting Sisterlocks will have you "locked" for life, there is a way of escape. I'm not advocating getting Sisterlocks and then chickening out and cutting them off. Naw! I'm just saying if you have to cut em' it's not that big of a deal.

Believe it or not, the haters who question you getting locked make you think and stand behind your convictions. They are healthy, like a lil' stress. They keep you on your toes and help you in your personal assurance that you didn't get locked because of fashion or fad, but because you wanted to get locked for you! The blogs and your own personal blog is a good place to send folks. It usually helps folks understand the process we go through when we lock our hair.

Monday, December 05, 2005

GiGi's Sisterlocks

I wanted to add a picture of the back of GiGi's hair. Isn't it cute? She's ready to wear her hair in a bun on the 12th for little Destini. Folks, she's been wearing locks for I believe around 9 years. At one time her locks were all the way down her back. I just can't wait til' I can at least get this beautiful style myself. GiGi is beautiful inside and out! By the way, she's who taught me how to retighten my hair!