I moved to Southern Calfornia (Orange County) 2-6-02 from Sacramento. I cut my 9 inch natural hair off three days after arriving because I didn't want to go through hair care drama finding someone to do my hair in yet another new place. I wore the fade/twa until I had enough length to get into braids and ponytails again. The twa got boring and as funny as it may seem, at this point I had forgotten all about getting Sisterlocks. The day after that next Thanksgiving 11-28-03, I was sitting in a chair for over 8 hours, getting my Sisterlocks! The rest is history.
This is a picture of Jen and me one year almost to the day prior to me getting my Sisterlocks. I had short hair the first time in my life by choice. We took this picture Thanksgiving Weekend in Houston, Tx 02'. We're looking pretty serious here, huh?

Jen was turning over a new leaf in life, moving to live with me in Sunny Southern California. She'd cut her hair down to the quick six weeks before this photo was taken so that didn't help much in having folks tell us a part. Thanks to big brotha T.H.U.G. for taking such wonderful shots!