OK folks, since I have figured out this cool function on Picasa2 by Google, I will be posting collages of various grouped pictures. It's fast and fun as you see. These pictures were taken in Ponona, Ca at my California consultant's shop. We had fun, fun, fun. Here's the skinny on what we did:
There were almost 50 women and a few locked brothers who showed up so this picture collage is far from extensive. I videotaped most of it. It was potluck and the two consultants , Imani and Meka who hosted it provided the drinks and main spread and everyone else bought stuff to snack on.
We had a guy come in and take "glamor shots" for later purchase and other sistas there who set up booths to sell their stuff, like hair jewelry, head wraps, Mary Kay and whatever. We had testimony time when each woman got up and told their "Sisterlock" journey story. It was wonderful!
Me and a few other ladies, including my consultant did some spoken word. We had a lady give a short talk on self empowerment. We took group pictures and then the consultants had a "wrap" session, teaching us how to do head wraps. My sister and I bought a friend who wanted Sisterlocks but had "questions". She ended up getting sisterlocks a month later. After hearing all the testimonies she was sold. Especially seeing all the different ladies hair. It was too inspiring. We had a blast. Enjoy the pictures. Thanks Imani for your wonderful idea.
I'd recommend any consultant to organize an appreciation or "get together". It is a great customer recruiting tool and fabulous sisterhood fellowship time. It reminded me of my old Mary Kay days, trying to get women to the breakfast or function so they could hear the top director testimonies or hear NSDs Christine Peterson or Jo Ann Barnes. Very contagious.