Me and My Naturality
by Maryee
written 1-3-06
I think my hair is fine
I don’t know about anybody else, but…
I love to run my fingers through my hair

I love to twist it
Wiggle each lock round’ my finger
Take my time
Enjoy this natural creation
A gift from God
Something I’ve gladly learned to finally appreciate!

You know, me embracing me
And my naturality
I love to walk into the bathroom
standing flat footed in front of the mirror and just

Sometimes, I will admit
I get mesmerized by my hair
So there!
No grease
No gel
No glob
No goo

No tracks
No Kanekalon or Syn
No strands
Stinging my skin
That old way of thinkin' was killin' me
Are you feelin' me?
No LYE and No More LIES
Today I tell the TRUTH…
You know, about me embracing me
And my naturality
Sometimes I just shake my head
and let the locks dance across my face
A big ole’ smile covers from ear to ear
A smile so big, no one can erase
A feeling so deep, I’m now in my true space
It is allllright with me
Free to be Natural
Free to be ME
Loosed from those unseen chains
That once shackled me
You know, me embracing me
And my naturality
Ooooo Weeee!
Ain’t it just great to be FREE?