Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts

24 October 2013

Today, I am grateful.....

so, here's why....

life delivers things you don't expect, sometimes.

usually, I find myself totally unprepared....

I have learned
that when I've been blind-sided,
I can get out my toolkit of chaos busters.....

My Gratitude list is the best on I can think of when I have nothing else to say.....
so, here tis....

I am eternally grateful for coffee

I am grateful for roses.....

and sunflowers...

of course, the beach....and sun....and quiet....

I am so very, sincerely, honestly grateful for my sweetie....

and magnolias....

and waterlilies..... the bucket full!!


homegrown tomatoes.....

and, as Wallace says, "CHEESE!"....

and bread.....(I am noticing a pattern here....)

and different types of CHEESE!

from assorted countries.....(thank you Whole Foods)

and lastly (but never leastly, is that a word?)

There, I feel much better now....
don't you?


23 December 2012

Oh, my bloggy friends......Merry Christmas to you!

I wish I had that time and the energy to visit each and every 
blog that I cherish....
there are so many of you!

I am honored to have found many women 
who seem to see the world in ways 
that I admire and concur....

So many of you take wonderful images....
I have to admit,
by the time I get around to 
posting or reading blogs
I am weary of my camera.

I have found the iPhone to be the most wonderful of tools.....

This image quickly snapped with said iPhone....

as well as this one.....

When you go to a party and find the food is worth the 
trouble of taking a photo!

don't you love these cute little ornament place card holders?

you simply cannot allow me to sit this close to the you can plainly see....

Oh yes, 
I have friends.....
friends that cook!
and I mean COOK!
I am stuffed better than the turkey this year.

much gratitude.....
I celebrated a 20 year anniversary this year that reminds me
I am fortunate beyond words....

Thank you all for your words...
I feel privileged to have shared your moments of joy
of fear....
of angst...
of creativity...
of concern...
of patriotism...

of course the greatest of these is love....
thank you.

24 November 2011

This I believe...

(with apologies to NPR)

I believe that Thanksgiving is a time to 
affirm our core beliefs...

We, as Americans, have so much to be grateful for....


the pursuit of happiness....

all men created equal....
(someday, maybe, even women)

peace on our shores.....



what a bold word....
such an "in your face assertion"...


We are free to....
cheer for our team
be lazy
choose indifference
think independently
show loyalty, or not
grow, or not
love, or not
wallow in misery,

we are a funny lot...
filled with angst

We boldly go where no man has gone before....
We root root root for the underdog...
We hate injustice
We balk at orders
We resist categorization
We are similar
We are diverse
We love
We hate
We understand each other
We shun each other
We support others who seek freedom
We are Americans
We are so very fortunate to have this land 
at this time
Great potential have we...
if only we will look beyond our differences.
while you feast
look beyond your differences
seek common ground
be grateful


02 November 2011

Where did the time go....?

As I sat out on my back deck today,
in the sunshine,
wearing a sleeveless shirt,
face turning pink,
legs hopelessly pale...
I thought
"Where the heck did the summer go?"
I mean,

Seems like just yesterday I was putting a load 
of sweaters away in the cedar chest....

Holy Cow,
Halloween is over,
and Day light savings time
(does it really save anything?)
will be gone this weekend, right?

get ready...
here comes
the rain...

and the fog

and the snow...

I have a 
pink face,
and a warm body...

03 June 2011

Emotionally exhausted...the ranting begins....

the babble...

It has been a couple of weeks
of emotional stress.
So, all I can manage is the random thoughts 
that have been running through my mind....

-Why do parents use their children to inflict revenge on their "ex"?
-Why would a family of four think that a metal trivet is an appropriate gift for a couple,
who is paying for a wedding and a reception at a country club?
-Who asks their "ex" to dance, while their current spouse is standing right next to them?
-Why do the people that do most of the work rarely get any thanks? or even acknowledgement?
-What is the point of making a wedding the battlefield of your unresolved issues?

Do people ever 
grow up?

On the other hand,
I am so proud
to know professionals
who do their job well......really, very well.
People that unselfishly go beyond what they are paid to do.
The flowers were stunning,
The photographers were patient, and extremely professional.
The minister, co-ordinators and the organist were incredible.
The event manager, wait-staff and DJ's, at the club,  all did their job 
in a timely and smooth way.
Afterward, the wait-staff helped to load the flowers into my car,
so that they could be donated to an "Adult Daycare".
They even helped load the gifts.

I am so grateful for the people I know and love that are 
genuine, kind, generous and loving.
They are the people that went out of their way this week
to help me stay sane.
They brought me gardenias for my home.
They called to make sure I was not frantic.
They waited patiently for me to return calls.
This is real friendship!
I am blessed.

13 April 2011

Today.....I am grateful

to live in this land....
to breathe this air....
to sit in this sunshine....
to hear children playing outside....
to be free....

24 December 2010

Holiday observations...

Do things seem slightly strange around your house?
Sounds that creep in from outside....Getting to you?
Maybe there are strange smells emanating from your kitchen.....
or even your fireplace...
What's it all about Alfie?

It is the Holidays....
it started way back in the early fall....
no more waiting until after Thanksgiving to think about 

And so it is...
hurried shopping-check
snarled traffic-check
crazed parents-check
excited squealing children-check
satisfied smiling grandparents-check

Here are some things I have noticed;
neighbors, who normally don't speak - talking and laughing
children, who would normally leave the table in a flash - doing the dishes
smiles from people who wear a frown 11 1/2  months of the year
strange sitings in the neighborhood...

One of those strange sightings was a 
partially "dressed" Christmas tree, lying on the curb,
Apparently thrown out in haste.

Now, that's appeared nearly a week ago....
it is a fresh green tree, with a string or two of
colored lights. 
And yet, there it is,
waiting for the dump truck.
Well, for a person with an enquiring mind....
this is food for fodder.....
what brought on this fit of 
Tree tossing?
Where is the culprit?
Was he/she mad at the difficulty with which lights are strung?
Was there a fight?
Someone wanted white lights, and the stringer wanted colored?
Who won?
What are they doing about Christmas now?
Why weren't we all informed, so that we didn't have to guess?
As you can see.... the person with the enquiring mind is in a dilemma

I was sitting with my sweetie at the coffee shop when a neighbor
stopped by for a chat.
Seems the person who owned the tree in question, had 
brought it home, set it up in a stand,watered it, let the limbs relax,
and then,
started to string the lights....when all of a sudden
they noticed 
everywhere....coming out of the tree!
apparently, some spider momma had laid her eggs
earlier in the year, and went off to die,
leaving her eggs to incubate for the winter,
hoping to hatch in the spring.
But NO@!
Mr. Tree Farmer came along in the fall and 
chopped that tree down,
wrapped it up,
and took it to town 
for sale.....

Ever hear of such a thing?
not me....smiles...

20 December 2010

Very popular in the 70's....

Remember Kahil Gibran?

He wrote The Prophet
which was particularly popular in the late 1970's.

He was a Lebanese-American 
who had a rather interesting life.

This is one of my favorite quotes...

Wake at dawn with a winged heart 
and give thanks for another day of loving
.- Kahlil Gibran

Doesn't that just paint the finest of all possible 
scenarios for you?

Is that the way you would always like to awaken?

me too...

Fortunately,... I did this morning.
Re-freshed and well rested
(don't hate me)
because my annual Christmas party is 
behind me now....

We had lots of fun..
we always do,
but as with most things
holiday, it required preparation 
weeks in advance.

We are blessed though...
friends that truly appreciate us,
and the effort we put into 
our holiday events.

I hope that your 
holidays are worth every bit of effort 
that you put into them.

and more.....

17 December 2010

And the word was...


"(in existentialist philosophy) relating to or denoting
 an emotionally appropriate, significant, purposive,
 and responsible mode of human life."

That is where I wanted to go this year, 2010.
I endeavored to place myself in a "mode"
of authenticity....

As I interpreted it,
it meant; to be 
who I really am,
without pretense...
false behavior,
or two-faced communication.

It was surprisingly easy....
to be me...
(no, I won't break out in song, promise)
but it had an unexpected consequence...

I started to become aware of the lack
of authenticity in the world around me.

It hurt.

I didn't like it at all....

I found
I have little tolerance for it, anymore.

I believe that we tolerate behavior
in order to 
"get by"...
and then we become immune to it.....
we fail to recognize it for what it is.....
we begin to think of it as the norm.

but that sucks.

I hope
that I never become immune to lack of authenticity again.
Even though, being acutely aware of it has 
some unintended consequences too...
it narrows your playing field,
your playmates become fewer,
and you may not even be able to tolerate your own family much,
that you 

15 November 2010

It was all a dream....

Remember JR?

Well, that's just about what the idea of making all my 
Christmas gifts would be like....

High drama....
broken promises....
out right lies....

There isn't a chance in this here reality 
that I could actually make all those gifts,
much less sew them all.....


Oh Hell No...

Not happenin'
not even with a glue gun....

a girl can dream can't she?

in a place long ago....
this girl thought she might attempt
"The Martha Perfection Cycle"
but alas...

I have a few talents,
but a perfect Christmas is not in my repetoire.

Christmas comes with too much emotion,
hopes, dreams, illusions, delusions.....

I simply cannot pull it off.
I guess I will post some photos
 and pretend
the perfect Christmas event is in the works.

But please do not feel the least bit sorry for me...
I am finally coming to terms with the idea that 
a perfect holiday season is all in one's head.....
that perfection is in the mind of the willing...
that I can have that perfect holiday if I make up my mind
that whatever happens IS perfection...

Difficult you might say,
but is it?

Perhaps it is simply a matter of allowing others to be 
and act just the way they are...
and being in a state of mind, that is willing to accept 
imperfection as being a form of perfection
(ok, my head just about exploded on that one, don't ask for more)

I am willing at this point in time to accept
what comes my way.

this feeling will last....


12 October 2010


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
 It turns what we have into enough,
 and more... 
It turns denial into acceptance, 
chaos to order, 
confusion to clarity. 
It can turn a meal into a feast, 
a house into a home, 
a stranger into a friend. 
Gratitude makes sense of our past, 
brings peace for today,
 and creates vision for tomorrow.

-Melody Beattie

I love this quote,
from one of my favorite authors.
I feel peaceful as I read the words.
Just reading these words
makes me feel as though 
everything is right with the world.

I hope that you feel the same way...

10 October 2010

"living right".....well, maybe....

That's what they say when blessed by some good fortune around here.....
"She must be livin' right...."
she's got a raise...
a boyfriend....
escaped a relationship...
found Jesus...
won the lottery....
got good grades....
made it home on bald tires...
made it to work on time....
got good hair...
good skin...
good kids...

Well, you get the picture....

Anyway, I don't know if I have been livin' right,
but I did run into a bit of good fortune.

while on one of my junkin trips,
I can across a bolt of fabric....
a very large bolt.
It was 54" wide,
and on a roll,
and weighed in over 10 pounds,

I sort of hmm'ed and haw'ed over it for a
few minutes....and then looked at the price.


that's it.....
I wasn't sure if that meant per yard,
or what....

So, I took it up to the front of this store,
which by the way doesn't normally carry fabric,
and asked...

"That's it mam'"
"$4.98 is the price"

So, I bought it,
brought it home,
showed it to my sweetie,
who knows a thing or two about textiles...
and he just about 
"fell out"
(that's what they say around here when someone is 
going to faint)
He couldn't believe it.
He said that there must be 25 yards on the roll....
and then,
he looked closer,
(which he does with all fabric)
"It's cotton, and look at this!"
I look...
"It's Waverly!"
Holy Cow!

Now what to do with my find.....
I sat with it in my office for weeks....
I would think, 
measure a bit,
and then,
I decided.

Curtains for the living room.

We have lived here for over 5 years,
and really had no need for curtains, as 
we look out to trees....lots of trees.

But curtains would be nice,
so that's what I did....

Here they are...

I must confess....
I cheated a bit...
I used a pair of curtain from IKEA
for the lining, and that gave the fabric some structure.

But I am pleased to have finished....
I must be livin right...

17 December 2009

Out of the fog...

My life is so good...
sometimes, when I am very still...
quiet to the point of hearing my breath...
and feeling my heartbeat...

I simply cannot fathom
the immense goodness found in this world.

I know this is not necessarily a popular point of view...
it seems that pessism is a much more accepted outlook.

in my life...
I feel so blessed.

As with most impressions,
details are not particularly important.
But, let's just say that
the last couple of days have bought

a revelation...

a release...

and finally,

a renewal.

My experience has been that sometimes
we don't even know how bogged down we are until
we stick our heads out the window and
check out the scenery.

Once we know that there is a
different, freer, more beautiful option...
taying "mucked up" in the
is just not an option any longer.

like the feeling you have when
 you are on board an aircraft...
ready for takeoff....

waiting for the fog to lift...

just a bit..

and then it happens...

you are speeding down the runway

faster and faster until

the nose of the aircraft lifts...

and soon you are up...

and momentarily...

you break the cloud layer.

Breaking out of the cloud layer
that's it.
That is what has happened to me.

New challenges..

New outlook...

New purpose...

New freedom...

that's what I am.

15 November 2009

A walk in the woods...

sometimes turns into something else....
it can alter your perception...
it can rock your world...
it simply makes you grateful....
this day did all that
for me.
I am in awe of live oaks.....
centuries...they live.
They see hundreds of us...
and are unfazed..
we are so small.