Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts

23 December 2012

Oh, my bloggy friends......Merry Christmas to you!

I wish I had that time and the energy to visit each and every 
blog that I cherish....
there are so many of you!

I am honored to have found many women 
who seem to see the world in ways 
that I admire and concur....

So many of you take wonderful images....
I have to admit,
by the time I get around to 
posting or reading blogs
I am weary of my camera.

I have found the iPhone to be the most wonderful of tools.....

This image quickly snapped with said iPhone....

as well as this one.....

When you go to a party and find the food is worth the 
trouble of taking a photo!

don't you love these cute little ornament place card holders?

you simply cannot allow me to sit this close to the you can plainly see....

Oh yes, 
I have friends.....
friends that cook!
and I mean COOK!
I am stuffed better than the turkey this year.

much gratitude.....
I celebrated a 20 year anniversary this year that reminds me
I am fortunate beyond words....

Thank you all for your words...
I feel privileged to have shared your moments of joy
of fear....
of angst...
of creativity...
of concern...
of patriotism...

of course the greatest of these is love....
thank you.

03 June 2011

Emotionally exhausted...the ranting begins....

the babble...

It has been a couple of weeks
of emotional stress.
So, all I can manage is the random thoughts 
that have been running through my mind....

-Why do parents use their children to inflict revenge on their "ex"?
-Why would a family of four think that a metal trivet is an appropriate gift for a couple,
who is paying for a wedding and a reception at a country club?
-Who asks their "ex" to dance, while their current spouse is standing right next to them?
-Why do the people that do most of the work rarely get any thanks? or even acknowledgement?
-What is the point of making a wedding the battlefield of your unresolved issues?

Do people ever 
grow up?

On the other hand,
I am so proud
to know professionals
who do their job well......really, very well.
People that unselfishly go beyond what they are paid to do.
The flowers were stunning,
The photographers were patient, and extremely professional.
The minister, co-ordinators and the organist were incredible.
The event manager, wait-staff and DJ's, at the club,  all did their job 
in a timely and smooth way.
Afterward, the wait-staff helped to load the flowers into my car,
so that they could be donated to an "Adult Daycare".
They even helped load the gifts.

I am so grateful for the people I know and love that are 
genuine, kind, generous and loving.
They are the people that went out of their way this week
to help me stay sane.
They brought me gardenias for my home.
They called to make sure I was not frantic.
They waited patiently for me to return calls.
This is real friendship!
I am blessed.

19 March 2011

How many of you make coffee in your dishwasher?

I don't, personally...
but apparently there is precedent for this odd behavior.
Otherwise, why would the manufacturer of my 
coffeemaker place these instructions right inside the top,
for everyone to see as they fill the reservoir with water?

"Not intended for use in dishwasher"


I don't know about you but I have never even thought about 
putting this thing in the dishwasher to make coffee...
they are saying that you shouldn't try to clean it in a dishwasher...
But that's not what it says...

Do you suppose that the same guy who answers the phone when 
you call with a technical question regarding your PC.....
moonlights as a coffeemaker instruction writer?
and that he felt particularly inclined to let you know
that this particular coffeemaker can't do the 
hokey pokey in the dishwasher?

What was Cuisinart thinking?
Is this really the depth to which we have sunk?
Maybe they better let us know that this 
coffeemaker doesn't DO dishes either.....

That soapbox calls to me, you know!

on to better things...

I had my posse over for Friday Food night yesterday!
We love mac and cheese,
especially with these fat little boogers...

And a béchamel sauce to get the cheese all smooth and gooey...

And tons of several types of cheeses...

and of course, salt and pepper,
but the Barefoot Contessa turned me onto 
adding bacon!
who  doesn't like bacon??

And, truth be known,
this was turkey bacon, just as a nod to our ever expanding

One dear friend came over early,
and brought the tulips!
They look pinkish here,
but they were actually lavender and luscious...

I had choices for entertainment...
but we opted for one that is hidden under the pile...
we watched

I hope you know how special this little film is...
most of us are mothers of "20-somethings"
and so we hadn't had the occasion to take out little ones to this movie!
We loved it.

I hope your day is splendid!

23 January 2011

My Notting Hill.....

I am a huge pushover....
so vulnerable to flattery....
hang on any compliment....
completely surprised
to see my blog listed
 granting me a
 Stylish Blogger Award.

Did I say OMG!?
What I actually said,
I wouldn't usually print I won't ...
(I know you are glad)

This award
  requires you to share 7 things about yourself
 and award some recently discovered bloggers. 
(Some of these are not so recently discovered, but I believe you will enjoy them all!)

1. I think....or have assumed that I am/was a Leo.....with recent developments, I am unsure.
But I still act like one, and my sweetie is one too....roar!
2.  I have never had musical training, but love music and will listen to the local classical channel for hours on end, if given the opportunity.
3. I know a bit about art history, architecture and Greek mythology, as I devoured books on 
all of this when I was a adolescent.
4.  I covet camera equipment. Really. I drool when I read about another blogger's newly acquired 
piece of equipment. And, quickly pull it up on B&H photo's site, to see how long it will take 
me to acquire one.... 
5.  I buy junk (or junque ;-)) and sell most of it on Etsy. Some things I simple cannot part with.
I have a soft spot for things; 
that I might have seen in my grandmother's house, are of 1960's vintage, or are
modern in design.
6. I fancy myself a dancer, but dread an upcoming May wedding that will require dancing 
on my part...yipes!
7. I am addicted to Diet Coke, and am constantly shocked to find several empty cans
on my there a 12-step program for this?

I am quite sure that is just about all you want to know about me....
so here are some interesting people that might 
just tweek your fancy.....smiles


25 July 2010

Authenticity Revisited.....

"How my ego survived intact....."

We arrived at the reunion early.....
as I had promised to 
be the impromptu 
"designated photographer".

(Which is funny in a way,
because there was a very good professional photographer
in our crowd, that would have put me to shame)

I started by shooting a general 
"record the setting" shot,
and was very pleased that the Owner/manager
of the Art Gallery/Co-op 
had all of the lights on 

I have many 
shots from later in the evening,
but I have not asked if it was ok
to use anyone's image,
the only person I felt comfortable with 
a close up shot was 
my sweetie...
checking out the photographs from 
previous reunions...
maybe to see 
one of my ex's
(they don't all live in Texas,
though I wish they did....)

The gallery was the perfect location for this 
35th High School Reunion.
Comfortable, casual, 
it sort of set the tone for the evening.

I had made up my mind that if 
nothing else,
I could control my own attitude.

I was determined to have a smile on my
face 90% of the time spent...

I did just that.
I shot tons of images.
I talked to people I didn't even know in 
high school.
Or, people who I was so intimidated 
by, that I would have never approached, 

I was bold.
I asked if I could take their picture,
and then just started 
lining them up.....
some balked,
but were coerced by those 
around them.

Who are these old people?
I kept thinking.
Are they sure they are at the correct reunion?
I was stumped.

I didn't stop to eat,
and barely sipped a drink.
I was on a mission....

actually, shooting people is easier than 
actually making small talk.
I was nervous.

We left by 10 pm.
It was just gearing up to be 
a long night,
and I was tired.
home to the computer to 
upload the images.....

Good grief!
I looked as old as the rest!
Sweetie had nicely taken a photo of me with
several friends from elementary school.
One of which, I was in 1st grade with.

And do you know what?
everyone was as authentic,
as I could have wished for.
Some not.
But they are the same ones that 
were not in high school.
So be it.
I found that I had quite a few friends....
real friends.
We were actually quite glad to see each other,
and enjoyed catching up on children,
careers, and church (the 3 "C's")

I believe,
that my fun
had more to do with my attitude
than theirs....

Maybe you 
wish yourself into a 
Good time!


25 April 2010

The BAKW.....

here she is....
Big A@* Kitchen Window.

She's a she,
because of her prominent curves....
they are BIG,
like mine.

She is the defining feature of the 
kitchen in our condo.

We have lived here for almost 
5 years now....

When we saw her for the first time.
I nearly cried.
She (the condo)
had been badly neglected.
Her carpet was torn and stained.
Her tile was cracked and loose.
Her cabinets were, original 
(she was built in 1972)
She looked decrepit.

We have replaced carpet 
in bedrooms,
put hardwood on the main level
painted every surface.
When we gutted the kitchen,
we made it clear to the contractor,
that we had priced a new window,
and that he would probably want to be 
very careful around it, as the custom window 
would run around $9000, 
no kidding....

the kitchen is wonderful now.
And as mentioned previously, 
I am blessed with women in my life,
that come by for conversation,
and tea, or coffee, or sweet tea....

sit at the kitchen table
in front of the 

conversations that are difficult,
are easier when 
there is something to look at
outside of ourselves.
Something that allows us 
to say the unspeakable....
I have noticed this affect 
on people that sit in front of 
the BAKW.

They "Blurt out all over the place".....
as one of them explained to me....
She was amazed that 
things that seemed to be locked in 
her head forever....
jumped out....when she sat there 
with cup in hand.

Maybe it's magic....

It is coated with some sort of 
UV protective film, not 
really reflective but which 
that tends to make looking in
difficult, unless it is night ,
and the lights are shining bright

There is a bird feeder 
and a hummingbird feeder
right there within 3 feet of the window.
The birds rarely notice those inside.
Only if we move, or are too loud...

This is also my favorite 
place to photograph
vintage finds,
treasures found,
treasures kept....

I know how lucky I am 
to have this BAKW...
she makes me smile.

30 December 2009

I am ready to take it all down...after one more look....

The stockings are tired....

They are just a bit droopy...

The gifts have all been delivered...

And I have only one more
holiday event to host...

My book club ladies are coming.
Coffee, regular and decaf...
Christmas cookies..
celery and carrots....
(bigger smiles)

I dont' know about you but I am so
sick of the "sugar highs" that
permeate the holidays.
My head can't take it anymore.

And as much as I love me some coffee...
I might just have decaf...
not really...
but I thought about it.

11 November 2009


I am grateful.
Some of the angels in my life came over
and brought...
in the way of dinner....
Oh my how I do love gifts,
but most especially the ones that you can eat.
Love went into every part of this.
Salad makings....including toppings and poppy seed dressing
(from Trader Joe's no less....)
Pasta...fresh, even...
sweet veggies to toss with the pasta and olive oil...
A beautiful bottle of wine.
ROSES, favorite!
Tea and sweets....
and the very best of all..
(I know, because I am eating some right now)
homemade Pumpkin bread!!!
What could be better than all of this
brought to us on a cool rainy fall day!

I told you there were angels..

13 September 2009

Fall Reflections....

So much has happened in the last eight years...
friendships made, lost, found, renewed,
broken, discovered, changed,
created, altered,
So grateful,
so content,
so different,
so hopeful,
so enlightened....