Showing posts with label authentic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label authentic. Show all posts

16 February 2011

Late people....(soapbox time!)

have no reason to live....

substitute "late people"
"Short people"....

Late people got no reason
Late people got no reason
Late people got no reason
To live

They got late little hands
Late little eyes
They walk around
Tellin' great big late lies
They got late noses
And tiny late teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty late feet

Well, I don't want no late people
Don't want no late people
Don't want no late people
`Round here

With apologies to Mr. Randy Newman...
I have been hummin' his tune all morning long...
only I have bastardized it, by the substitution...

I am attempting to deal with some feelings of anger....


offense taken...

oh forget that, I'm pisssed...

 there is absolutely nothing I can do,
but let it go....

while I am good and worked up,
let me ask you what you think.....

Does it bother you when people are perpetually late?
Business associates,
people that you are doing a favor for?

What is that all about, Alfie?
Lack of manners?
bad habits?

My parents are exceptional people,
they taught me to 
"Be on time"
anything less was a 
complete disregard for the other person's feelings.

Of course,
one cannot always be on time....
things happen...
That is why we have phones,
(and manners)
so that when we are faced with being late,
we pick up the phone,
call the person we are meeting,
and start with an apology,
and then something of an explanation...
unless, of course this is the regular state of events for us
in which case,
 our friends will have known not to expect us,
our employers will have fired us,
our customers will have taken their business elsewhere.
You get the picture.

lest you think me a 
"hard-ass" when it comes to time tables....
Let me tell you,
I struggle, really struggle to keep my appointments.
I mess up....
I forget to update my calendar...
I have had a watch actually quit working...
I have had car trouble...
I have lost my cell phone....
I have (occasionally) lost track of what day it was...
I am not perfect.
No siree.....not me....
but, I understand the importance of being on time,
and make my apologies asap.

I once worked for an airline,
where, if you were late more than say
You were fired.
No exceptions....
 wait for it..
this was before anyone,
(including Bill Gates)
had a cell phone.
Really, there was a time.
(the 1980's)
So, if something extraordinary happened to you,
you had better get yourself to a land line quickly,
so that you could let then know.
You cannot imagine what it costs an airline to cancel a 
flight because a crew member doesn't show.

But honestly,
do you have a person in your life that you can
count on to be late?
all the time?
Almost like an attention getting device,
 they seem to like the drama that 
goes along with arriving with a "big apology" 
and a creative 
reason for the delay?
do they simply show up with no explanation at all?
Acting as though you owed them the wait?
do you get the impression that they use this 
"device" as a way to put you off your guard,
put you on the defensive,
make you so freaking angry that you will jump 
at any chance for a pleasant interaction?

Have you ever confronted this person?

What was the result?
Did they change?
Is that too much to expect?
Do you alter the time you tell them to meet you so 
that you don't have to wait so long?

How do you cope with this?

Any and all suggestions will be taken into consideration....

In the meantime,
the view from up here on the soapbox is 

17 December 2010

And the word was...


"(in existentialist philosophy) relating to or denoting
 an emotionally appropriate, significant, purposive,
 and responsible mode of human life."

That is where I wanted to go this year, 2010.
I endeavored to place myself in a "mode"
of authenticity....

As I interpreted it,
it meant; to be 
who I really am,
without pretense...
false behavior,
or two-faced communication.

It was surprisingly easy....
to be me...
(no, I won't break out in song, promise)
but it had an unexpected consequence...

I started to become aware of the lack
of authenticity in the world around me.

It hurt.

I didn't like it at all....

I found
I have little tolerance for it, anymore.

I believe that we tolerate behavior
in order to 
"get by"...
and then we become immune to it.....
we fail to recognize it for what it is.....
we begin to think of it as the norm.

but that sucks.

I hope
that I never become immune to lack of authenticity again.
Even though, being acutely aware of it has 
some unintended consequences too...
it narrows your playing field,
your playmates become fewer,
and you may not even be able to tolerate your own family much,
that you 

25 July 2010

Authenticity Revisited.....

"How my ego survived intact....."

We arrived at the reunion early.....
as I had promised to 
be the impromptu 
"designated photographer".

(Which is funny in a way,
because there was a very good professional photographer
in our crowd, that would have put me to shame)

I started by shooting a general 
"record the setting" shot,
and was very pleased that the Owner/manager
of the Art Gallery/Co-op 
had all of the lights on 

I have many 
shots from later in the evening,
but I have not asked if it was ok
to use anyone's image,
the only person I felt comfortable with 
a close up shot was 
my sweetie...
checking out the photographs from 
previous reunions...
maybe to see 
one of my ex's
(they don't all live in Texas,
though I wish they did....)

The gallery was the perfect location for this 
35th High School Reunion.
Comfortable, casual, 
it sort of set the tone for the evening.

I had made up my mind that if 
nothing else,
I could control my own attitude.

I was determined to have a smile on my
face 90% of the time spent...

I did just that.
I shot tons of images.
I talked to people I didn't even know in 
high school.
Or, people who I was so intimidated 
by, that I would have never approached, 

I was bold.
I asked if I could take their picture,
and then just started 
lining them up.....
some balked,
but were coerced by those 
around them.

Who are these old people?
I kept thinking.
Are they sure they are at the correct reunion?
I was stumped.

I didn't stop to eat,
and barely sipped a drink.
I was on a mission....

actually, shooting people is easier than 
actually making small talk.
I was nervous.

We left by 10 pm.
It was just gearing up to be 
a long night,
and I was tired.
home to the computer to 
upload the images.....

Good grief!
I looked as old as the rest!
Sweetie had nicely taken a photo of me with
several friends from elementary school.
One of which, I was in 1st grade with.

And do you know what?
everyone was as authentic,
as I could have wished for.
Some not.
But they are the same ones that 
were not in high school.
So be it.
I found that I had quite a few friends....
real friends.
We were actually quite glad to see each other,
and enjoyed catching up on children,
careers, and church (the 3 "C's")

I believe,
that my fun
had more to do with my attitude
than theirs....

Maybe you 
wish yourself into a 
Good time!


06 July 2010


That's the word
that I chose 
at the beginning of the year
to concentrate on in 2010.

I am still thinking....

In fact,
it has been brought home to me 
on a regular basis that most 
of the people I seem to interact with
(bloggers excluded)
are far from authentic.

Is it fear?
Is it meanness?
Is it ignorance?
Is it miscommunication?
I want to know.
I want to understand.
 if I am looking at it 
in a skewed manner,
I want to know that too....

Do I perceive the bloggers
I follow as being authentic
because they are?
or are they really good at 
"puttin on the show"?
Is the fear factor eliminated 
because they don't ever have 
to meet face to face?
Or is the internet just 
a place that one can be
 anyone you want to be?

Here is my dilemma.....
I spent some time with a few of my 
old friends recently.
It was weird.
They were fascinated by things that seemed 
so foreign to them, (and me)
and they didn't seem at all like the 
people I once knew.
I know there is room for growing up, but not developing
a whole new personality.

Then there is the situation
where one of my friends
came into a large amount of money.
I have seen very little of her since.
She has not simply excluded me, 
she seems to be avoiding everyone. 
What is that all about?

I am contemplating going to a 
35 yr reunion (high school)
I want to go,
at least I think I want to......

I was first informed about this 
reunion via the infamous
And the price for the event seemed doable.
So I said YES!
and paid my money.
Now I am watching how people are 
and honestly,
 I am a bit frightened,
seriously folks,
I don't want to be disillusioned again.

So help me out if you have some experience here.
Do you find people to be authentic?
Do you go to reunions?
Have you been disappointed by 
old friends?
Does the high school clique thingy crop up at your reunions?
Do you trust what people present to you,
and is that a vital part of liking them?
What do you think?

Now about that cat....
She must be the reason that the food in
that particular feeder
(we have many)
lasts longer.
She is a neighbors' pet
and loves to hunt by the trees out back.

06 January 2010

My word for 2010....

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just

watch what they do.

-Andrew Carnegie

Isn't this good advice?

It has taken me a very long time to learn lessons of life.
I feel like an infant in the realm of human relations, sometimes.
I am exactly what my junior high teacher, Mr Sherrill said in my
"Constantly surprised by life,
and seemingly amused".

You might think,
in my 5th decade of life,
that I would be a bit more savvy.

But no...
I am constantly surprised....
amazingly,......still amused.

is now my chosen work fo the year.
I have noticed that several, of the bloggers
I follow, have chosen words.
So, I thought I would, too.

Authentic: genuine, real.
that fits in nicely with my outlook for this
year of 2010...
I want to be authentic in my acts and deeds...
I hope to choose my fellow travelers carefully,
by watching their actions,
rather than
their words.

you may say
"Ellen, how the heck are you going to judge whether
bloggers are authentic?"
As those of you who do this daily,
whether reading or writing or simply perusing..
you can tell..

22 November 2009

Tastes from the past....

enjoyed today....

This morning brought a breakfast flooded with memories..

It all started with a visit.
Several days ago,
a sweet lady named Anne
came to see me...
she had a photographic need..
that I am in the process of filling.
But what she brought for me
is pertinent here.
She brought eggs.
Eggs from her farm,
her chickens,
her effort,
her loving care.

These eggs were purposely saved for Sunday morning.
As they are special.
when I took my first bite....

I remembered....

being a child,
waking up to the smell of bacon...
fried green tomatoes,
oh my!

These were REAL eggs.

I had forgotten what a real egg
tastes like.

How sad....
I didn't even know,

that I had fallen into the same trap
 that we all have fallen into,
at one time or another.

The trap of convenience.
The neighborhood chain store,
that brings us everything we need.....

or does it?

Maybe not.
As these eggs reminded me,
Eggs have a taste.
They are not bland.
Not real eggs.

I think I will ask for the photographic bill
to be paid in eggs...