Showing posts with label Girlfriends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Girlfriends. Show all posts

19 March 2011

How many of you make coffee in your dishwasher?

I don't, personally...
but apparently there is precedent for this odd behavior.
Otherwise, why would the manufacturer of my 
coffeemaker place these instructions right inside the top,
for everyone to see as they fill the reservoir with water?

"Not intended for use in dishwasher"


I don't know about you but I have never even thought about 
putting this thing in the dishwasher to make coffee...
they are saying that you shouldn't try to clean it in a dishwasher...
But that's not what it says...

Do you suppose that the same guy who answers the phone when 
you call with a technical question regarding your PC.....
moonlights as a coffeemaker instruction writer?
and that he felt particularly inclined to let you know
that this particular coffeemaker can't do the 
hokey pokey in the dishwasher?

What was Cuisinart thinking?
Is this really the depth to which we have sunk?
Maybe they better let us know that this 
coffeemaker doesn't DO dishes either.....

That soapbox calls to me, you know!

on to better things...

I had my posse over for Friday Food night yesterday!
We love mac and cheese,
especially with these fat little boogers...

And a béchamel sauce to get the cheese all smooth and gooey...

And tons of several types of cheeses...

and of course, salt and pepper,
but the Barefoot Contessa turned me onto 
adding bacon!
who  doesn't like bacon??

And, truth be known,
this was turkey bacon, just as a nod to our ever expanding

One dear friend came over early,
and brought the tulips!
They look pinkish here,
but they were actually lavender and luscious...

I had choices for entertainment...
but we opted for one that is hidden under the pile...
we watched

I hope you know how special this little film is...
most of us are mothers of "20-somethings"
and so we hadn't had the occasion to take out little ones to this movie!
We loved it.

I hope your day is splendid!

08 November 2010

And, they had to ask....

Do you suffer from Delusional Holiday Gift Sewing?

The magazine

Now let me set the record absolutely straight....
I am not an accomplished seamstress.
I am not an enthusiastic sewer even....
I always pray before putting the presser foot down....
especially lately.

My sweet baboo spent an extended business trip in 
Shanghai recently.

On previous trips,
he asked what I might like....
I said pearls.
He brought me 
and a ring!

I love them all 
and frankly, am a bit 
humbled that he would
go to so much trouble,
and expense.

as he was packing for this trip,
he asked again,
"What can I bring you?"
I was prepared this time.
I said that I would love some silk fabric,
so that I could make a blouse.

He came back with the most luxurious fabric you could ever imagine.
And his business partner mentioned how expensive it was.....

So, you see.....
when I sat down to pick a pattern for this fabric,
I was especially cognizant of the difficulty of each 

I have completed 2 out of the three patterns I chose.
(They are being completed by a monkey with 12 thumbs,

My eyesight is in transition,
and thus, 
I can hardly thread the needle.

back to the 
"Question From Vogue Magazine"...
the answer is 


I apparently got all cocky....
(you get the picture),
because I started to plan to make all 
of my Christmas gifts.....

Handbags for girlfriends,
scarfs for others,
felt phone covers for guys,
hats for others,
laptop protectors for some,
and simple stockings for others.....

What am I thinking?

It is November 8th for Pete's Sake!

Guess I should be grateful that a magazine 
brought me back down to earth....

Now, I wonder where that glue gun is?

24 April 2010

A cupa tea...

I am blessed....
I have women in my life that remind 
me how very lucky I am .....

Each week,
one or two of them will come
by my house after work,
or on their way to play,
and we will sit in the 
(Big A@# Kitchen Window)
drink something hot,
tea, coffee, hot chocolate
and talk.

We do not discuss politics
we do not discuss children
(well, occasionally)
we do not discuss men
(now that's a lie!)

But we are 
aware of how 
blessed we all are.
To have good health,
friends, family,
food (especially food!)

And now,
I am blessed in a new way...
Bloggy friends.
(hope they don't mind that name)
I am so amazed
at the talent,
the kindness and
the sheer joy of writing...

Thank you Anne!

06 November 2009

One of my favorite places...

This is my kitchen window...
I love sitting here.
When my girlfriends come over,
we sit here,
drinking coffee,
or a Diet Coke,
or Sweet Tea.....
Mostly, we share...
share stories,
This place is a bit elevated..
and the window is enormous,
just about 9 feet across.
We sit, talk, laugh, cry,
and occasionally
we simply watch the world go by....
I treasure my girlfriends.
These relationships
take nothing away from my
or my parents,
or our children.
In fact,
the conversations that take place here
instill in me a huge gratitude
for my life,
just as it is....
that's what my girlfriends give me...

25 February 2009

Morning Break....

How lucky am I?

I spent the morning with three of the most wonderful ladies in the world.

Normally, my days are spent surrounded by men...

Not that I mind, but it is so very wonderful to have time with my girls..

These are the sweetest.

Someday I want an entire morning to simply observe them.

Shoot tons of images,

and revel in the feminine viewpoint.





Love that!

01 February 2009

Be young, Be foolish, But be happy......

Several times a year, for many years the "Chicks" have been getting together, either at the beach, or in the mountains. We have known each other for decades. Some of us went to Junior High school together. Last year, one of us died of Cancer. It was awful. But, we had warning, and spent the last several years making our weekends special. We even managed to all turn 50. We miss Anne like crazy, and always take a photo, or many, of her with us on our weekends. She was the most beautiful of us all, even when the illness took all it could from her.
We are all turning into grandmothers now, and Anne managed to do that too, in fact she is with her grandson now....
Did I say we miss her?
We are creatures of habit. We all throw our sunglasses down in the pile, so we will be able to find them later....and our keys,......and our purses....etc....
We should get Anne's glasses, keys and a purse to take with us.