Showing posts with label subtracting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label subtracting. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Math's lesson

Today Daria didn't go to school as she felt not well in the morning. She got fine later on. Before the afternoon we had a short maths lesson. Adding and subtracting with regrouping in the range 0-100.

At this stage she counts on paper calculating in her mind and then she checks it on the bids and/or subtraction board if she feels unsure. We introduced some multiplying last year but had no time to continue.

Dzisiaj robiliśmy z Darią odświeżenie dodawania i odejmowania w zakresie 0-100. Na tym etapie Daria oblicza pod kreską a następnie sprawdza używając łańcuszków z koralikami i montesoriańskiej tablicy do dodawania i odejmowania. W zeszłym roku wprowadziliśmy też elementy mnożenia ale nie było czasu rozwinąć tematu.

For this acvtivity we used printouts from 

Polecam stronkę z gotowymi przykładami

There is big mistake, according to me, in Irish primary school curriculum that adding is introduced separately from subtracting. Half year is wasted. Kids learn adding 0-100 in first half year. Then in February they start subtracting 0-100. What I prefer is teaching kids both them together, or subtracting the next day after introducing addition and it has been understood by the child.

For example.

3+?=7 How much we need to add to 3 to make 7?
4+?=7 How much we need to add to 4 to make 7?

7-?=4 How much we need to subtract from 7 to make 3?
7-?=3 How much we need to subtract from 7 to make 4?

I consider when you do it in that way it gives the child the wider understanding of what is happening. Daria is now 7 now and when about two years ago I started to teach Daria to add and subtract numbers we didn't have the Montessori sets yet, so we worked on home made counters.