Dzisiaj przed południową drzemką Igor wziął z półki litery z papieru ściernego. Zrobiliśmy małe przypomnienie, i udało się nakręcić, krótki film. Dla tych z Was, którzy nie znają pprzeznaczenia liter z papieru ściernego zapraszam do przeczytania poprzednich postów z tej tematyki. Kliknij tutaj.
Showing posts with label czytanie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label czytanie. Show all posts
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Montessori work - Movable alphabet
After a "snake game" we had a session with language material. The movable alphabet has recently been place on our Montessori shelf and Igor had a chance to work with it today. He constructed a few words from it. Unfortunately the movable alphabet hasn't got the proper box for its storage as I could not gather myself and cut it out. We used words and pictures form pink reading material that you can find that post. The whole pink material can be found here.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Pink reading material - part 2
Phonetic reading material
Once your child knows the phonetic sounds and has learned to build words, you can introduce him to the Pink reading material.
As I said last time Igor prefers sticking words on a sheet with pictures so I did not use the first two steps at pink material. I will describe them a little bit and share the material with you as I prepared them all at once.
First step is Box of objects and cards: the child identifies and sets out the objects
(usually 6) in 2 horizontal rows. You show one of the cards which have corresponding words written on them and asked to say the sounds starting at the left. The child is encouraged to say the sounds faster and faster until a word can be heard. The card is placed below its object. The child continues until all words are read.
- Pictures and cards: as previous exercise except pictures are used instead of objects
- Large Pink Sheet and cards: a sheet containing 6 pictures. The child sounds out and reads the words as before, matching the cards to the pictures. (These were shown on previous post.)
Next steps are:
- Pink Wall Lists: lists of “pink” words for the child to read. There are no pictures to act as support in reading. Lists are hung around the house.
- Pink Booklets: small booklets with one “pink” word on every second page for the child to read.
- Secrets Boxes: pink box containing folded pieces of coloured paper, each with a “pink” word written on it. The child takes one piece at a time and reads to him/herself, encouraging silent reading.
I created as well the activities where Igor can place the missing beginning end ending sounds.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Pink reading material - part 1
This week I've been ill, so I had plenty of time to prepare finally the Pink reading material for Igor. I decided not to buy it as prices are ridiculously high. I used picture I found in Google, as usual.
Pink Series
Pink Series
The pink series consist words with three individual sounds. Most commonly they are consonant-vowel-consonant words, such as cat, dog, pin, rug, mat, etc.
Normally you should start with object-word matching and picture-word matching. I said it before that Igor loves sticking the words on the cards. If he has loose objects and words or pictures they are everywhere but not on the proper place. It is his temperament.
Igor practices reading these words. He labels pictures with words. He practices spelling all of them with the movable alphabet sometimes. We still continue the sand paper letters.
File available for downloading below.
The next step is to match the beginning and ending sounds. They will be available soon.
File available for downloading below.
The next step is to match the beginning and ending sounds. They will be available soon.
W tym tygodniu byłem chory więc miałem mnóstwo czasu żeby przygotować Różowy materiał do czytania. Zdecydowałem się nie kupować gotowca jako że ceny są śmiesznie wysokie. Do przygotowania użyłem obrazków wysokiej jakości znalezionych w Google.
Różowa seria
Różowa seria zawiera słowa składające się z 3 pojedynczych głosek. Większość są to kombinacje spółgłoska-samogłoska-spółgłoska np. cat, dog, pin, rug, mat, itd.
Normalnie powinno się zacząć od dopasowywania obiektów i napisów, potem obrazków i napisów. Należy to robić na stole bądź na macie. Pisałem już wcześniej, że Igor uwielbia wersję z przyczepianiem wyrazów do folderu. Gdy Igor ma w ręku kartki pojedyncze, rozrzuca ich po chwili po całym pokoju. Taki już nasz Igor ma temperament.
Igor ćwiczy czytanie tych słów. Przyczepia słowa do obrazków. Ćwiczy literowanie
wyrazów. czasami używamy ruchomy alfabet i składamy słowa z nich. Kontynuujemy pracę z literami z papieru ściernego.
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Picture word matching
That activity is what left after we were learning phonics. We have three of those folders. In few next days I am going to prepare the pink reading material and we start learning it.
Ta zabawa została nam z czasów gdy uczyliśmy się literek fonetycznych z alfabetu angielskiego. Mamy 3 takie foldery. W ciągu najbliższych dni zamierzam przygotować różowy materiał od czytania i zaczniemy z nim pracę.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Sand paper letters 2
In the evening Igor took the Sand paper letters form the shelf. He knows all sounds well for a long time. Now we need to get used to the shapes of written cursive alphabet. He's touching is not perfect yet. I mean he does not want to trace them in the proper way, but it does not matter. The most important is he recognizes them properly, names the sounds of letters and tries to trace them as was shown. Few weeks and he will master them.
After tracing we got the idea to start matching the sand paper letters to the movable alphabet. I did not buy the original Montessori alphabet, but one I found in local book shop. Letters are smaller but I am really happy with the type of fonts they represent. It is cursive writing, very similar to the ELEMNTARZ font I used for sand paper letters. Daria was very helpful this time. She introduced Igor to the sense of this activity and helped controlled his errors specially when "p" was turned upside-down and was read as "d".
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