After a "snake game" we had a session with language material. The movable alphabet has recently been place on our Montessori shelf and Igor had a chance to work with it today. He constructed a few words from it. Unfortunately the movable alphabet hasn't got the proper box for its storage as I could not gather myself and cut it out. We used words and pictures form pink reading material that you can find that post. The whole pink material can be found here.
That activity is what left after we were learning phonics. We have three of those folders. In few next days I am going to prepare the pink reading material and we start learning it.
Ta zabawa została nam z czasów gdy uczyliśmy się literek fonetycznych z alfabetu angielskiego. Mamy 3 takie foldery. W ciągu najbliższych dni zamierzam przygotować różowy materiał od czytania i zaczniemy z nim pracę.