datestampWednesday, September 22, 2010

In 48 hours...

In 48 hours, I'll be leaving on a plane headed for this:(this is what they call a "beachhouse in OBX").

I am finally getting excited.

I don't have time to go.
I don't have time to get ready to go.
I don't have time to get everything done so I CAN go.

But, go I must.

I need a break.
I need some love.
I even need the pressure of being "Aunt Laurel".

God knew what He was doing when He put us together in families.
And I'm SO grateful I get to spend some quality time with mine.

Forgive me for being offline for a week.
But, in 48 hours, I will be.

Miss me.

datestampTuesday, September 21, 2010


There's a new bio on the new jacket of my new little book.
And it's something I must have said/written because they wouldn't have made it up.

My new little bio reads:
Laurel Christensen served a mission to Riverside, California, before graduating from Brigham Young University. She has spent most of her career at Deseret Book Company, where she is the Creative Director for Product Developmentand directs the Time Out for Women program. Laurel holds a master's degree in communications management and thinks it would be fun to someday be called "Professor." She loves working with teenage girls and especially enjoys making sure they are well-educated about the world of Jane Austen.

Now, you might have a couple of questions after reading that little bio.
First, did I have a job change? Yes, I did. That's a whole nother post for a whole nother day.
Second, do I really want to be a professor?


I do actually think it would be fun to be called "Professor." I've had dreams of teaching college courses for a long at a cute little junior college in New England or something.

The truth is, though, "professor" is not REALLY what I think would be fun to be called one day. But, I can't say what I REALLY want to be called, lest my little bio sounds really pathetic or like I'm soliciting prospects for marriage.

I mean, if I was going to choose to be called something other than "Laurel", it would probably be:
honey or
babe or
a little nickname that just belonged to me or
That sounds most fun of all.

But, I can't have a bio that says that.
Can you imagine?

Laurel Christensen...blah...blah...blah...blah...Laurel holds a master's degree in communications management but thinks it would be fun to someday be called "Mrs. Knightly" or "Mr. Knightly's children's mommy"....blah...blah...blah...If interested in helping her achieve this, please email her directly at...

I mean really!

So until I can do my "future bio":
Laurel Christensen...blah...blah...blah...She spent most of her career at Deseret Book Company, before settling down in a small quaint New England town with her adoring husband and their 3 little munchkins. I know...she can't believe how lucky she is either. She's a professor one night a week at a local junior college but she still loves working with teenage girls and especially enjoys making sure they are well-educated about the world of Jane Austen, especially now that she knows Mr. Knightly really does exist.

Well, the "new bio" will have to do for now.

So, when you read "and thinks it would be fun to someday be called 'Professor'."...well, now you know what I REALLY think.

Not really.

datestampSunday, September 19, 2010

Sweetest day

On Friday I got word that this little one made it's way into the world. I can't quite describe how excited I was about that.
And it's not because of the book per se...or that it's MY book.
It's because of what I truly believe it's meant to do.
What I hope it has the chance to do.

We landed today just in time for me to get home and get myself to a little bit of church with the other congregation that meets in the building across the street from my house. But, when it came time for the speakers after the Sacrament and when they said they were talking on "Provident Living", I slipped out (don't judge me).

I made my way downtown to our offices and broke in (well, I mean, I have a pass but it WAS a Sunday and it felt a little "break in"ish), determined to find a copy.
I found a little stack on the Production floor. I grabbed 10 of them and then reminded myself that might be thievery (is that even a word?) and I probably shouldn't steal, especially on Sunday.

So, I just took two.

I picked them up and ran out to my car and started to cry.
My first tears were exhaustion (TOFW weekends do that to me).
My second tears were excitement.
My third tears were gratitude that I got to be the writer of this little book.
My last tears were just a tich of sadness..."Where can I go to share this with someone who will be as excited as I am and know why this means so much to me?"

And then I knew.
I didn't even call ahead first.
I just went straight to Ardeth's house.
Heber answered the door. "Are you lost?" He asked.
"Is your cute wife home?" I asked back.
And then she came around the corner and before I could say anything she said, "IT'S HERE! Is it here?"

We made our way to the couch.
She'd read a page and then cry and then I would cry.
It was one of the sweetest moments of my life.
I said, "If someone had told me when I was thirteen that I'd be sitting on your couch sharing this with you, I NEVER would have believed it. I can't believe I got to do this."

We read some more and said all the things we were both feeling. I'm one of her girls, you know (and any of you who were in YW 1984-1992 are too, just so you know. She feels that way about all of us) and it just felt SO good to experience that with her. And so fitting to share the first copy with the the woman who issued a call to my 13 yr old heart oh so long ago.
She deserved a "pay off" for what she did.
She doesn't need it or expect it.
But she deserves it, you know what I mean?
And it just felt really sweet to be the one to give it to her.

Then, there was one more place I needed to go.
Someone who I knew would be as excited as I was.
Someone who knew what this meant to me.

And I made my way here... And this might seem terribly silly to some or a little too much for others, but I sat down under the shade of the little tree and I started reading...out loud.
I read the intro to him and then I looked around to make sure we really were alone.
And then I read the first chapter and I kind of could envision Grandma sitting by his side listening...and smiling that way she smiled when nothing needed to be said.
And then I read another chapter. Out loud.
And then another.

It was a bit of an emotional experience for me. I don't know how to articulate how it felt whenever I knew my Grandpa was proud of me (and Grandma, of course). I could almost see/feel/hear how Grandpa would have gotten a little teary and said, "oh, Laurel, my girl" as he held it in his hands.

And I wanted to share this with him.
I needed to feel what that felt like.
And today, I got to.

Hearing the words jump off those pages reminded me that this is a project that was given to me. I truly feel that way. And I hope it's okay I'm even saying that out loud. There was a message that needed to be written and I just feel like the Lord let me write it.
Anyone could have done it.
But, he let it be me.

Today was a reminder that God has a plan for each one of us.
I have things I was meant to do.
YOU have things you were meant to do.
Ardeth Kapp did.
My grandpa did.
The cute 16 yr old girl I met Friday night in Hartford does.
We all do.
That is something I know to my core.

If I've had a sweeter day, I cannot at this moment recall it.
This has been the sweetest day of all.
(PS If you "earned" a copy, give me a couple of weeks to get my stash and I'll send them right out. Promise. xoxo)

datestampThursday, September 16, 2010


What is it about this place?
I feel it as soon as I get here.

It was a haven for me in 1997.
I was graduating from BYU, dating a boy I wanted to marry who didn't want to marry me, I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do with a Speech-Language Pathology degree, and I needed a place to run away to.

And I came Hartford, CT (where I am tonight).

My sister and brother-in-law were living here in 1997. They had a small 2 bedroom apartment. Harvey had his first "professor job". And they let me come live with them. In a 2 bedroom apartment. Did I mention that?
My roommate was my 2 yr old nephew, Isaac.

Every morning, Heather put her 2 little ones in the Ford Escort wagon and drove me the 30+ miles ONE WAY to my temp job. On the way, I would teach Isaac about Photosynthesis ("What feeds the trees, Isaac?" "Foto-finsisis", he would say), I would talk to him about Heavenly Father in an attempt to try and help make Heather's life easier with two little ones ("Who's watching you while I'm at work?" "Hevly Fader and Jesus", he would say.)

I cried a lot and wondered a lot about what on earth I was going to do with my life.
I tried to get the boy out of my system.
I tried to lose my college weight.
I spent a lot of time watching PBS shows with the kids.
And flying Isaac around in a little plastic clothes hamper.
And eating Harvey's homemade pizza.
And going for walks with Heather.
And talking to God.
We talked A.LOT.

I fell in love with everything about Connecticut:
the trees,
the winding highways,
the homes,
the people,
the pace of life,
the spirit.
It all felt very familiar and I decided to make my life here.

And then one night I had a dream that was about as clear as any dream I'd ever had.
And when Heather woke me up that next morning for work, I said, "I have to go back to Utah."
I SO didn't want to go.
But, I left and went back to UT.
I didn't ask questions even though leaving didn't make any sense at all.
Not for a really long time.

Maybe not totally until tonight.

In some ways SO much has changed for me in 13 years.
And in other ways, there are still some challenges and questions.

BUT it's pretty amazing to see what the Lord has done with my useless little Speech-Pathology degree.
He had a plan in 1997.
And where I am in 2010 is no surprise to Him.
We chatted about that a little bit tonight.

He reminded me He's in charge.
That He's got it under control.
That it's all good.
And He reminded me that when He talks to me, I listen.
Because on really big things, I do.
And He likes that about me.

I love knowing that.

And I guess that's one of the things about this place.
Connecticut is one of the places I came to know God a little better.
And He got to know me a little better too.
I'm so grateful.

And that must be what I'm feeling tonight.

datestampWednesday, September 15, 2010

No words

There are no words

to express the abyss

between isolation and having one ally.

It may be conceded to the mathematician

that four is twice two.

But two is not twice one;

two is two thousand times one.
-G.K. Chesterton (English writer, 1874-1936)

Sometimes there are no words.
And yet, my new friend G.K. found them.
God said man was not made to live alone.
Well, I can attest that woman wasn't either.

(P.S. This is NOT a "call for help". I am not depressed. Promise. Just a little tired...and just stating a fact. Sometimes it would be nice to have some help...not just a willing mom or a good friend or a listening ear. A legitimate help meet. The past couple of weeks happen to be one of those times. There's a reason God gave Eve to Adam. He's a very smart God. And there have been moments in the last 7 days when, sure I needed someone to pick up the dry cleaning, but I also wanted to share really great news, a couple of tears and concerns, and just talk through an issue or two. You know? And so I love this quote. And that is all.)
On the road with TOFW. Try not to miss me.

datestampTuesday, September 7, 2010

[not] so funny

What's funnier than getting a "parking ticket" and not paying it in 10 days (when it would have been $30) and then going online to pay it (now that it's $70) only to find out that you have another parking ticket from last May that is now $125?

Finding out your "parking ticket" this time was not for an expired meter (which it could have/should have been) but that it's for an EXPIRED LICENSE PLATE!

If this sounds familiar, yes, the same thing happened about this same time last year.

I seriously will pay top dollar (heck, anything under $195 would be a deal for me today) for someone to either marry me and assist me in my life (lest we repeat the "sexist" accusation again)...or just take over my life.

At least the "I'm an adult and I have responsibilities" part of my life.

Any takers?

datestampSunday, September 5, 2010

a world of possibilities


is just a big word

thrown around by small men who find it easier

to live in the world they've been given

than to explore the power they have to change it.


is not a fact, it's an opinion.


is not a declaration; it's a dare.

IMPOSSIBLE is potential

IMPOSSIBLE is temporary.




(attributed to Muhammad Ali)

I believe...

Do you see that button over there on the right?
The one that says "i believe"? (you might need to scroll down to find it).

Well, it links to the profile I just set up. I figure it's one more way I can openly share who I am and what I believe.

I've loved watching the video profiles of other Mormons.
There's Aaron & Emily Sherinian.
Aaron was in my freshman ward at BYU. He tried to teach me how to drive a stick shift. Oh, I loved him. And he has exactly the life I knew he would have. And he found a wife who is suited for him perfectly (Darn it.).

There's Jeff Decker.
He's the kind of guy that makes Mormons look cool. Seriously, I watched his video and thought, "we really are a collection of very normal and cool people."

There's Cassandra Barney.
She has the kind of "equally yoked" marriage I'd like to have and she's managed to keep her identity while being a wife and mom. Love her.

And there's Paris Thomas.
He's a reminder that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone and that men and women who turn their lives over to Christ can overcome anything.

After being inspired by these videos...seeing other Mormons who put their faith "out there", I decided I wanted to do it too.

The process really got me thinking about some things in my life.
Like...why AM I a Mormon?
HOW DOES my faith bless my life?
What DO I believe?

My profile is "pending review" so that link doesn't say much yet, but I thought I'd share a little of my profile here:

When I was little all I dreamed about was being a mom and a TV talk show host. I’m neither. Instead, I “accidentally” graduated from college with a degree in Speech-Language Pathology and found my way into a career of event planning and marketing. I have a masters degree in Communications Management and I currently run a nationally touring inspirational conference for women. I’m US born but like to pretend I’m Canadian. I took a trip to China that changed my life. I’ve written a couple of books geared to teenage girls and feel passionate about helping girls discover their life’s mission and see the hand of God in their lives. My life isn't perfect but I'm happy. And I generally live by the philosophy that LYFSGUD.

PS The TV Talk Show Host dream doesn't seem nearly as important anymore but I still dream of and pray for the privilege of being a mom.

I was sitting on a plane once when someone asked me what I believe. I shared a bit of my life with him and he said, "It occurs to me that if I had been born to your life, I too would be a believer." I've never forgotten that.

I am keenly aware that my faith is in large part due to my background. But, I have read and talked to many people of many faiths and for ME, being a Mormon is key to my life's happiness.

My faith gives me purpose and direction. My faith gives me boundaries and freedoms. My faith gives me peace.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I want to live the life He paved the way for when He gave His life for me. And for me, that life has deeper meaning because I'm a Mormon.

I spend a lot of time every summer, at my own expense, traveling around the US speaking to groups of teenage girls. Why do I do this? Because I truly believe, to my core, that "I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father who LOVES me. And I love Him." I learned those words as a teenage girl and that belief summarizes everything about the way I have chosen to live my life. Those words are such a part of me...they go with me wherever I go and influence every decision I make. And I'm pretty passionate about helping today's girls come to know that too.

I also teach a weekly Sunday School class to 13-15 year old young men and young women. And once a month I meet another woman from church at a downtown taco cart. I check in with her and we talk about the things going on in our lives. We often talk about how the Gospel of Jesus Christ matters to us. We love getting together...and we really love those tacos!

One of the other parts of a profile is to answer a "Frequently Asked Question". Want to know what I answered?
"What is the law of chastity?"
Yep. I really did.

So, if you are a Mormon, set up your own profile.
If you aren't, go check out a few profiles. We really are a very normal bunch.

datestampFriday, September 3, 2010

"Post-show" Laurel

There's been a serious lack of fun and random on this blog lately.

We're gearing up for the fall tour at work and this morning, the girls in the office were talking about "post-show Laurel".
Who is she?
Well, she is delightful for one.
She thinks everything after 4:15 p.m. on Saturday is HILARIOUS.
So, she laughs a lot too.
And because she laughs in octaves (especially when she's exhausted), the echo of the laughter causes her to laugh harder.
We really should get video evidence of it some time.

This is NOT video evidence of THAT but it's a great memory of a show in one of my favorite places AND it also shows what happens when one of the venue guys wants me to get out of his way. (And we thought he was trying to be our camera guy!)

Enjoy (and notice the cute red event shoes. I can stay in them for 14 hours. No kidding. I heart Me Too Shoes. You should totally get a pair.).

Happy Friday.

datestampThursday, September 2, 2010

My Quest for Renewing Retreats

Many things in life act upon us over which we have no control, but there is a zone—of differing size for each of us—in which we can act for ourselves, rather than merely be acted upon (see 2 Ne. 2:26). For example, this zone includes a certain amount of disposable income. What we do within that zone is especially up to us to determine.

Unwisely, we often write checks against our time accounts as we never would dare do, comparably, against our bank accounts. Sometimes we make so many commitments that they become like the vines in the allegory of Jacob, threatening to “overcome the roots,” including the “roots” of family relationships, friendships, and relationships with God.

A renewing retreat can be difficult to arrange. But informal, brief retreats can be fashioned by providing greenbelts of time between busyness, even if these are only a few minutes long.

After one of the Brethren made a report to President Brigham Young, he was anxious to leave so as not to impose. But President Young said, “Please sit a spell with me. I am weary of men and things.” How often do we “sit a spell” with spouse, children, colleagues, or friends? Unhurried time seems to be worth more than the same amount of time spent hectically.

(Elder Neal A Maxwell, "Wisdom and Order", June 1994)

Summer is gone.
And in so many ways, I feel like I never saw it.

And now?
Well, it's September.
And in many ways, the next three months will not be my own.
But, I'm determined to "sit a spell".
At least a time or two.
"Renewing retreats" sound pretty critical.
Even if they ARE only a few minutes long.

And I'll have some.
Just you wait and see.