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Showing posts with label Weddings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weddings. Show all posts

November 13, 2012

In Love

Rochelle's multi-photo layout is perfect! Take notice of the  pictures. I love the photo from behind, the closeup of the couple's hands and everything else :)

I totally struggle with 2 page layouts!  But since I am making a wedding album for my Cousin-in-law, I had to go back to multi-photo pages and/or 2 page layouts.   I used a sketch from SketchSavvy for my inspiration and really loved how this page came out.  I even went a little further with thinking outside the box and actually busted out my sewing machine and STITCHED around the heart!!!! :)   Overall, I love how this page came out and I think the heart and stitching really pulled the 2 page together for an ultimate moment shot!!

June 05, 2012

All in White: Jean

I chose to scrap the newspaper announcement from our wedding. Actually this is a photo copy of the original which is from 1975!! Yes - in a month we will have been married for 37 years. For this challenge, I used white flowers but I stamped some of the layers with a script stamp. I painted the Maya Road wood element white and also stamped that. I wove trim and pearls among the flowers and used netting for bows. White glittery letters were perfect for the title. Doing all white is not as difficult as you think! Give it a try!

March 12, 2012

A Wedding Day in Penny's Life :)

Take note of Penny's tip for dollar store flowers. I too have done what she suggests and you will find that it is a money saving tip!

This is a layout of my daughter Sequita and my granddaughter Madison, on Sequita's wedding day.

For this layout I used the following items:
Sketch was taken from here:
Pattern Paper:
Basic Grey - Urban Couture - URB-363 Pashmina
Basic Grey - Perhaps - KISA - PER - 738
String clasp:
Basic Grey - string clasp - 542631
Basic Grey - 551152
Word Brad:
Studio K Basic Grey - 564688
Tim Holtz Ink- Vintage Photo - TIM - 19527
Studio G Ink - WM 0028 Lime Green
Fisker's Paper trimmer - the really old one, I still love and use it even though I have several more that are more expensive!
Elmer's Craft Bond Glue Stick - 4021
1 sheet of 12 x 12 Dark Green Cardstock
5 tiny strips of white cardstock for journaling strips.
K & Co. Border strips (these came in a pack, and I have found that I use the "wrong" side of these as much as I used the "right" side.
Floral Garden - Silk flowers 967173- 1109 (I purchase almost all of my silk flowers from either Dollar Tree, or Dollar General, and just remove them from the stems, and use them on my layouts, much cheaper than the more expensive one's that are for scrapbooking.
Small hole paper punch
This is actually 330 Wrights Hem sewing tape - Seal Brown 092
Assorted brads - unknown
Assorted jewels - unknown flea market find
Pop Dots
Zots glue dots
1 small sheet of mulberry paper

I started this layout by cutting one of the background papers almost in half, and then cutting out some of the background flowers and popping them up off the main background sheet on the layout with the pop dots.

Next I tore strips from the dark green cardstock, and the rest of the mulberry paper to form the lines on the layout, along with the K & Co. border strip, and held them in place with glue and brads.

I then added the mulberry paper, as a photo mat, and placed my photo.
I cut and placed the "hem" tape, using brads and glue.

Next I free hand cut the butterflies, and inked their edges, and placed the jewels on the butterflies with glue dots. (If you don't want to free hand cut the butterflies, you could use stickers, or a cutting machine to make yours.)

Next I cut and inked the journaling strips, and added my journaling.

Then I inked the flowers with the lime ink, in order to make them match the layout colors, and added them to my layout with brads. (They appear brighter in the photo than they actually are.)

Then I added the string clasp and title stickers.

The journaling reads:
Sequita and Madison, the 2 girls of the family now. Given the task as memory keepers, as most girls in families.

Now it's your turn to make a layout like this of your own! Happy Scrapping!
Love Penny

February 18, 2012

Tribute to Whitney Houston

What sad news we all received around the world last weekend when learning of Whitney Houston's passing. Although it was public knowledge that she had her struggles with substance abuse, it is my hope that it is found that it was not a cause for her death. She was so instrumental with her angelic voice when she came bursting onto the scene in the 1980's. Seriously, I am not sure if we ever had such a beautiful voice as that and we 80's chicks definitely looked up to her! The Body Guard has long been on my top 5 movie list of all time and I seriously respected her talent. What a loss to those who knew her and those who enjoyed her music and acting.

I asked those Groovy Chicks who had some time this week to create something in tribute to the beautiful Miss Whitney and below we will show what we came up with. Sending many blessing and prayers to her family.


Here is another layout (yay!) for my wedding album! We celebrate 18 years in April...'bout time dontchathink??? I was inspired by Whitney's "I Will Always Love You"


Tammy and I chose the same song for inspiration. Here is her beautiful "I Will Always Love You".


Jean chose my favorite Whitney song of all time, "Saving All My Love for You".


Heather has chosen another beautiful classic, " The Greatest Love of All"

If you would like to take part in leaving love for Whitney follow this link where you can see thousands of fans have been doing the same:

January 23, 2012

I Got Married!

So, Rebecca, Lead Fiskateer, whom I lovingly call Mrs. Cassidy shared a sketch this month and I just knew what I needed to do. Yep, after almost 18 years of marriage I FINALLY made another wedding layout for my album. About time right? She had circles running down that sketch where on my page you see roses. I water colored those. Any chance to break the watercolor out is always a fun time!!! Thanks for coming by, Deb♥

November 12, 2011

A Classy Wedding Gift

Sheena has made a lovely wedding gift to share with us today. We as scrapbookers can only wish that we make new scrappers out of our friends and if one received a beautiful gift such as this one then surely they would consider working in and out of scrapbook albums! Awesome job Sheena!

One of my favorite things to make for weddings and baby showers are personalized picture frames. I choose the frame color and material personally for the recipient. In this case, it was a wedding gift for a friend of mine. I like to use white, cream, gray and black for weddings. Sometimes I will add a poem or in this case their initials. I always make a photo mat for them to add their own picture. I stick to standard sizes, usually 4x6 or 5x7, as they are easy to obtain and no extra work for them. After I was finished, I thought the white frame was a little too stark(my husband agreed) so I cut out large corners to add to the outside, I am really happy with the result. I hope they cherish it for a long time.

September 07, 2011

A Wedding Announcement

From Silvana we have a beauty today!
I didn't even think of doing something like this with a wedding invitation until a friend ask me if I could make scrapbook page or something like a keepsake with the invite to give it at her friends rehearsal dinner as a present. I said "sure I can make something special" and I started to search for ideas on the Internet. I found a few places where they sell shadow boxes with babies keepsake and other ideas, among them wedding invitation so that's what I ended up doing for her. This is the result and I'm so happy to tell you that she and the bride LOVE IT. So if you didn't know that you can make this with some of our scrapbook supplies, now you know =)

June 14, 2011

Wedding Day Wishes!

Recently our designer Jen T celebrated her anniversary to husband Mike. She created this wedding layout from their special day. Congrats Jen and Mike!

April 29, 2011

I am Royally Inspired ")

Over on the Fiskateers board I added a few layouts tonight to play along with a few challenges. Lead Tami asked us to play in her Royal Challenge and since the handsome Wills and his bride Kate were married today I decided it was WAY PAST time to pull out some photos from my own wedding to scrap. I know I am not alone in it taking too long to scrapbook my wedding as I have run into many through the years who feel the same- weddings are just too hard to do. I think what it boils down to for me is that it needs to be perfect since it represents such a special day.

I got over it and went for it. I have so many more pics from that day that I cannot go wrong with at least completing a few today.

Hope you take the time to scrapbook your wedding! Sending you many wishes to get those done...mine are 17 years late! Do you have me beat?


March 08, 2011

Wedding Gift Idea

Are you attending a June wedding this Summer? I think Darlene has shared with us a GREAT gift idea that is sure to be a wonderful hit with the one giving and receiving. This is such a kind idea! I know Jami Lynn must adore it!!!

I racked my brain for so long trying to think of what to make for our former IIG DT member for a gift. She just got married recently and I thought, “why not make her a keepsakes box for her love letters or special memorabilia?” And so I did. :)

I bought a plain wooden frame box from my local craft store and picked up a stack of DCWV paper (Linen Closet Stack) to decoupage the wood with. I used Mod Podge glue to adhere the papers down, layer by layer. I printed out some of Jami’s favorite photos from her wedding and engagement photos and made those the featured photos on the front of the box. I also used some new ribbon by Jillibean Soup (Bean Stalks) to tie to the outside of the box. I printed off the verses of Corinthians 13 4-7 and secured them inside. This was very fun! I hope she gets some use of of this box and project. :)

November 23, 2010

Scrapbooking Tough Subjects

I often times would like to go back and scrapbook pictures from previous relationships and know how hard that can be. I think Darlene has shown us a wonderful way this month to overcome another subject that could have been hard. Read on and take notice of the ruffle matching her mother's dress! It is so awesome!

Although my Mom and Dad are now separated, they did get married back in the 80's and stayed together for over 16 years. I felt that it was my duty to document what once was between them. I didn't know exactly how to title this layout as it wouldn't have fit under another more romantic phrase such as "I thee wed" or "happily ever after" so I went simple and decided on a safe title, with no implications, "just married."
I tried to use a romantic color scheme but not too frilly and this is what I came up with. I used scraps of paper from my "surmount" graduation layout (last month's Dictionary Challenge), and for that added something, I pleated silky ribbon, with added pearls to cover the stitching in the center, and handmade silky ribbon roses. I used a handmade hat pin that a friend had given me as another element of pizazz. The swirly dots on the bottom left corner are actually on transparency paper and made by another friend with, I think, nail polish (my friend used an existing rhinestone bling to trace onto the transparency paper the swirl design) from which I closely trimmed the excess transparency from. I think I am rather fond of the contemporary romantic feel of the patterns and colors, and also, the positive memories it brings me to look at these photos and have a reminder of a happy time in my parents marriage.

I hope this inspires you to scrapbook a memory that you no longer find relevant today, but perhaps one day, you can look back and smile at what once was.

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