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Showing posts with label Ask Deborah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ask Deborah. Show all posts

July 26, 2010

Ask Deborah

It is time for the next edition of Ask Deborah :) I talked about this one a few weeks ago. Here is a reminder of how it works:

If you notice there is a Mr. Linky questionaire at the top of this blog. What it allows you to do as a visitor is Ask Deborah a question and when you do it will allow me to come and visit your blog. Cool right? I look forward to you asking me anything on your mind and of course for a visit to your blog too!

I am so sorry to say that whoever has asked me this question left no name or a blog site that I can visit :( Thanks for the question and if you are reading please visit again so I can visit you too!

What is your favorite scrappy tool? What is the one thing you have bought and dont use?

Hmmm. My favorite scrappy tool? I LOVE my Fiskars Squeeze Punches and probably use them more than any other item that I have. I love how they can be used over and over again and yet your pages won't always look the same because you have used the tool again and again...

The one thing I have bought that is never used would probably be some of my embossing templates. They are also a Fiskars tool, but just something I don't break out. I have used some of them but other just sit and stare at me!

From Debra at Arty Crafty...How do you choose your layout format?

For the last year I have been backwards scrapping. I start out by creating a layout without any pictures. That's right! No plan, just paper. I have so many totes of paper that it is ridiculous so when I watch TV at night I grab paper, adhesive, a paper trimmer and start playing with the paper. After I have done that I then look for pictures that I feel can work with the layout I arranged and colors I chose. While watching a Lifetime movie the other night I actually made 20 layouts; It's true!

Jen of The Scrappy Side of Me asked: do you scrap chronological or just favorite pics of the moment no matter when pics are taken?

I once was a chronological .scrapper...BUT...I got bored! I wanted to feel a bigger freedom with my scrapping and started scrapping many albums all at once. For example right now I am working on an 8x8 baby album, 12x12 about me album, and the ongoings of my family. It works for me and I get my pages made a lot faster than before :)

Tammy of Always the Apprentice Handicrafter and who has a really cute blog asked me Do you like to use sketches?

I do like sketches for inspiration! I actually don't find myself using them as often as I would like to but I do really appreciate the hard work that goes into making and designing them. Often times I find myself sitting down with sketch in hand and then I go completely different than what the designer was sharing, lol! That makes me...well, me :)

Thanks to each of you for your questions! Fun!!!


July 11, 2010

A New Column with Deborah

If you notice there is a Mr. Linky questionaire at the top of this blog. What it allows you to do as a visitor is Ask Deborah a question and when you do it will allow me to come and visit your blog. Cool right? I look forward to you asking me anything on your mind and of course for a visit to your blog too!

The first question is coming from Natalie of Timesless Legacy Designs
and she wants to know "How do you take such awesome pictures of yourself? You know, turning the camera on yourself?"

Well, Natalie I myself have struggled with that one a lot, especially before digi cameras! I am not the most photogenic person I know so I have to prepare myself to gear up by making sure I have no mascara running down my face, or eye liner! Then I take advantage of my mirror and hold the camera at an angle where I can see me in the camera lens which is reflecting in the mirror. Then, hold still and SNAP! Hey it works, what can I say?

Good Luck!

Question number two comes from Darlene of Scrappy Go Lucky who wants to know "What are the easiest color combinations for you to scrap with? Hardest?"

By far the easiest colors for me are anything on the cool side of a color wheel, bright, sunny and cheery colors. I like being in places that show the happy side in pics so those colors make it easy for me to work with and I am drawn to the groovy aspect too :) Hardest for me are the colors we see in Fall. The warm reds, browns and golds are so depressing for me to work with. It reminds me that Spring and Summer are behind me and that makes it harder for me to work with.

Thanks for your questions!!!

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