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Showing posts with label OTP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OTP. Show all posts

December 11, 2012

A Project for True XOXO

As much as I love operating the If It's Groovy and Scrap Our Stash blogs, sometimes I need some new challenges as well. So,  I joined the design team of True XOXO :) Here is the Christmas OTP (off the page)  project I completed for them  and what I had to say :) TFL!

I have altered some very inexpensive candles this year as teacher gifts for the teachers at the dance studio and my daughter's Girl Scout leader too. It was very simple to make strips of matching Christmas papers, wrap them around the candles with double stick tape. Add on a hand-cut tag and complete with some ribbon secured with Zots. I stamped a Christmas message and taped it on the top and added a Christmas candy to send along to them. Hope you try this very easy and cost cutting gift idea! Deb♥

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