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Showing posts with label Graduation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graduation. Show all posts

September 19, 2012

Phd in the house!

What an accomplishment~Jean must be so proud!

Ever focus a layout on a thing or things instead of people? I tried this with my layout. I scrapped the folder and letter my daughter received at her Phd graduation.

August 09, 2012

So Smart!

GREAT idea!!!

I saw something like this online and thought it would be a cute gift for the Open House we were invited to. I printed out my sentiment on a piece of vellum and added the gift. I cut that and a piece of graduation scrapbook paper to fit my frame. Put it together and you are done. You could alter the frame more if you wanted to. Just a quick gift that gives the grad something to open besides a card.

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