Showing posts with label The Primitive Hare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Primitive Hare. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Hirons - Part One

Design - "Yule: Winter Solstice"
Designer - The Primitive Hare
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 December 2014
Completed - 28 December 2014 

Hiron's is a Eugene landmark drugstore owned by the same family since the 1930's.
They go all out for Christmas.

Mushroom tree

Another mushroom tree

Retro Santa items

Owl tree

Another owl tree

Sea World tree

Another ocean tree

So much to share.
I'll do another post tomorrow.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

A Raven Trio

Design - "Awakening" (freebie)
Designer - The Primitive Hare
Fabric - 28 count mystery fabric
Floss - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 7 March 2014
Completed - 8 March 2014

A blue sky day and a trio of ravens.

Can't get any better than that!

The one on the top is substantially larger than the other two.

I thought perhaps a bonded pair - top two birds.
And a semi-adult juvenile from last year - the bottom bird.

Or an adult and two grown kids.

But these two acted more like a bonded pair than adult and child.

The adult bird

The other two.
Such  treat to see this group.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Yule and Birds

Design - "Yule: Winter Solstice"
Designer - The Primitive Hare
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 December 2014
Completed - 28 December 2014

I am seeing Red-breasted Nuthatches with some frequency.

They are hanging out at the front of the house.

And even coming to the peanut feeders there.

On Friday a sizeable group of Bushtits showed up.
You can see how small they are compared to the red Christmas lightbulb.

Usually they are all about suet, but are also choosing to eat seed.

And now suet!

They do have an outsized tail!

And sometimes they look rather frowny!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Summer Celebration

Design - "Litha: Summer Solstice" (freebie)
Designer - The Primitive Hare
Fabric - 25 count Vintage Country Mocha Lugana
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 22 June 2014
Completed - 23 June 2014

Summer is here - let's celebrate.

The House Wrens are parents now.  

I watch them fly in and out of the house.  Often when they leave, they are carrying a fecal sac to help keep the nest clean of feces.  Pretty clever of Mother Nature.

As best I can tell the Black-capped Chickadees are done nesting.

I think a Downy Woodpecker created the tiny holes on this branch.

I had a female Brown-headed Cowbird show up.

Big news in Acorn Woodpeckerland!  I've seen three birds multiple times now.  This is a new bird - a male with pink eyes.

The Pine Siskins have nested and fledged.  The youngster on top successful begged for food and was fed multiple times.

And here's a young Steller's Jay!  A rumpled mess like most teenagers are.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Cold April

Design - "Spring Celebration: Ostara" (freebie found here)
Designer - The Primitive Hare
Fabric - 32 count R & R American Chestnut linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 3 April 2014
Completed - 4 April 2014

Another gray day. We have yet to have a 70F spring day.

Mornings like this the Turkey Vultures roost until the temperature warms up a bit.

Still seeing a Chestnut-backed Chickadee - that's a treat.

Bunny and Mourning Dove.

Mourning Dove 

I am wondering if this White-throated Sparrow has decided to summer here.

He has been singing up a storm, "Oh, Canada, Canada, Canada!"
I hope he attracts a mate.

I am now seeing 8-10 Violet-green Swallows. 

They are back house hunting. I am waiting the return of my Tree Swallows. I think I've heard them a couple of times.  I've also heard Purple Martins. 

My Evening Grosbeak total is two males and one female. 

While House Sparrows are extremely common 'city birds' it is rare that I have one visit.

On Wednesday morning I saw this House Sparrow as well as a Chipping Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, and a White-throated Sparrow.