Design - "Bird in Hand - Summer"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Picture This Plus Wren linen
Fibers - WDW & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 June 2018
Completed - 23 June 2018
Here it is - I think that it is a bit cluttered, but so be it.
Young birds are fledging...
It would be hard to top this young Steller's Jay!
Isn't that expression a hoot?
Angry Bird.
He is a mess of downy feathers and note that his bill looks softer and brighter than a mature bird's.
There were no obvious parents in the area.
Here he is in all his poofy glory.
I also had a Brown-headeed Cowbird drop by.
He is rather handsome.
I continue to see Warblers - Orange-crowned mostly.
This one was singing and singing.
Sometimes in the evening a couple of Cedar Waxwings swing by.
Love them SO much.
I would have named them Bandit Birds.
This one is "singing" - a very high pitched call.
Here are the two birds.