Showing posts with label Cinnamon Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cinnamon Heart. Show all posts

Friday, April 9, 2021

Bigger Stitch Bigger Birds

Design - "Rabbit Garden" 

Designer- Cinnamon Heart 

Fabric - unbleached linen

Fibers - Gentle Arts

Started - 8 August 2009

Completed - 13 August 2009

After several sunny days, Wednesday was overcast.

I saw at least seven Turkey Vultures.

This handsome Coopers Hawk is still lurking about. 

There's also a smaller Sharp-shined Hawk in the neighborhood.

It's courting time.

The caps on the posts of the deer fence make a nice sound!

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Finish and a Start - Blue Mountain Bunny and Rabbit Garden

I never got around to photographing "Rabbit Garden" as a work in progress. I finished up it last night, and I am absolutely charmed. It is a design from 1999 and has stood the test of time, at least in my book! The Gentle Arts flosses are perfect and the unbleached linen is nicely rustic. I am so pleased with it.

Now on to another project - another rabbit. This time a design by The Sweetheart Tree. It is called "Blue Mountain Bunny" and I will stitch it on 32 count Lavender Mist Belfast using a Dinky Dye Silk floss.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rabbit Update

I am continuing my rabbit theme with my current stitching. I am working on "Rabbit Garden" by Cinnamon Heart. This is an older chart. I combed through my stash and found the chart and the 28 count unbleached linen which I'd purchased back in June of 1999! So ten years later, I am still enamoured with the design and am so pleased with how it is progressing. I will have a photo soon.

On top of that have added to my rabbit charts - see the photos above and below. When will it end you might ask...a good question!