Showing posts with label perasaan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perasaan. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Exam politic?

Salam. Just want to update a little, I have finished my end posting examination just left the case power point presentation. Hmm, I was a bit afraid actually because early in the morning, I felt a bit lethargic, tired and there was one episode of vomiting, but nothing came out. It hurts me so much, I couldn't even flip a page in the morning before going for exam in the MGH. This was really a tawakal for me ..:") During the case presentation, I was paired up with the Fara, my groupmate. We started finding the case from Ward 4, however, no good cases were seen. Mostly all because of fractures and have already on fixators. ( It will made hard for us to examine). Then we went to one ward below, there was one case of osteoarthrosis, with kind of a good I may say, plus the Chinese uncle looked very cooperative. On inspection what I noticed, there was swelling seen on the anterior part of right knee, however, he had undergone TKR (Total Knee Replacement) on the left side. We tried to get the history, fara and I alternately asked, and during the time, I was feeling giddeness, and I had this headache. My eyes were wide, searching for a chair at least to sit, but around the nice uncle, the chair was occupied. Then I had to sit just on the floor, squatting to be precise. Then I felt a bit better. Korek and korek to get the history, it turned out that this uncle have come for exam for manipal student many time previously. I tried to ask for symptoms OA but he never mentioned it, yeah it was true he said he's having knee pain but, that was only right after I asked him thou. He kept on saying doctors said he was having infections in the bone. I was a bit confused, and with the unwell state of me, I looked at Fara, then we decided to find other cases because for now, even the examination findings were perfect, but I couldn't dig so much yet, the history. Then, to simplify, we clerked a case of diabetic foot ulcer, a Malay lady, who is also nice and cooperative. The same feelings came to me,, the unwell part then I just squatted asking the permission from the lady. Eventually, Dr. Sendeep came to take our exam, which supposed to be Dr. Nirmal. I presented the history, while Fara presented the examination findings. I couldn't bear with  the smell and maybe at any time I may throw up, better asked her, rather than I closed my nose, it looked inappropriate. And yeah he asked us questions unrelated to DFU, only a little bit about management he did asked. He asked more on Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology which I had read 4 years back. T_T. Just hope that the results will come out just fine ;)

And one more thing I'm gonna touch today. I rarely speak about politics in my blog, I think never for what I remember, but today I'm gonna speak up a bit. I knew, I seldom read about politics, don't even care to register for voting ( realised when it has closed, couldn't register, too late;p), I knew very very little about politics, even you can ask him how he laughed at me, when I didn't know what's the difference between so called 'parlimen' and 'dun' one time and when I had misinterpretation on usage of ink on the nail. I knew all of that, but, thinking that I didn't know anything I sometimes, just follow and see what's going on, about the issues they've been talking and all. YES, I know that when we talked about PR, we are definitely not going to say PAS and PKR only, so we included the DAP too, they are Malaysians too. What I knew most of Malaysians currently want to diminish all the corruptions in the government, all of us want that. But, as a Muslim, what I really want to, and of course other Muslims too, we want the leaders who can apply all those Islamic rules and lead Malaysia in a Islamic manner, with no corruptions and better nations.

"TGNA should have long back retired, what our Tun M has done, he was too old for that, and let new faces lead the Kelantan."
Maybe the statement is correct at one angle, yes, let the new faces lead Kelantan, but don't you know that Kelantanese were so sad for the retirement of TGNA? They were so so sad. And they deserved too. They are Kelantanese. TGNA has become MB of Kelantan for about 22 years. They live in Kelantan. So they are well aware of that, VERY WELL AWARE of that. And plus, it shows that TGNA has leaded Kelantan in a very good way, they feel sad for the retirement.

Don't simply make a statement about something but you don't actually in their shoes. Yes, you may have your rights to say, your proofs, but still, you are not in the people shoes. Even those who are in the shoes they have other opinions, they are more deserved.

I am attracted to another statement.

"Even Rasulullah s.a.w becomes a leader till the end of his life." Yes, true. I agree with that. Maybe, he was too old for the post previously before the retirement, but as long as he think he could lead the state without any problems, ( and yes, not much of a problems it seems), that's why maybe he decided to continue. Then when he thought of letting other new faces to lead, he retired. :) It is as easy as that.

I am not trying to pro or anti any parties. But, just think. An ulama like that, with new generations, leading our country one day, with Allah's help, insyaAllah Islam will rise again. :) Don't raise any issues on racism or anything. You may think that when other races are on top one day, they may displace Malay's speciality slowly. But, think in a bright side, Allah itu ada. Allah maha melihat. A country with a ulama leader, insyaAllah will make ease by Allah :) Amin. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

One word, the secret one.

It takes me half an hour to think,
Why I have the thought, a hurting one,
My mind is trying to positively judge,
But my heart says otherwise,
That one word, that kills us all if it rules
Women, as a matter of fact possess more,
But, so do the men,
I tear a little, a little, a little
Heart gets soft and progressively brittle
'Don't be ridiculous, this is friendship!'
But, still, a minor ache controls my night
From negative pole, forcing it to be the positive one,
Healing is not a tough process, is it?
Internal monologue of own-self questions
Don't worry, it will heal.,
And for that one word, it will not be revealed,
Let me keep it deep in my dull typical heart of mine. :)

Monday, April 2, 2012


Esok pra- test.

Esok aku pasrah, jadi lah apa nak jadi. Just try my best.

Ingat je ni ye, Nurul Fitrilina.



InsyaAllah, everything will be okay:)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

chill la!

Just realized something today.

I really couldn't tolerate if people talk with the harsh voices to me, I really couldn't.

I had pra-test today. That was an annoyed moment, I felt like bursting out the fire. The hill and the parking went well even I made a slight mistakes during the 3-corner part. But, when it came to the road which before this I could do well, better than hill, parking and 3-corner, the irritating moments began. I was the first to go with this pakcik. The only pakcik that has the license to do the pra-test, so I can't change to other person if I wish to do so later if in case I FAILED again.

I knew that he is the teacher in that particular driving school, although he didn't teach me, but then can't you behave and say something good without hurting others?
Previously, I could do well on the road, I really can ( bukan nak membangga diri or what) tapi that's it. But then, when it came to the test, at first when he was in a perfect silence, I could do every single steps without missing, but then when I reached the first traffic light and when my engine's car first stopped, he started yelling! He yelled at me and I really couldn't tolerate that!!! I felt so pissed off, but hmm, that was it.

I held my feelings, till I felt cracked inside, and when I reached the place back, then suddenly mo routine driving teacher came and asked me, "Macamana? Okay kan?" He said that with a smile in his face. Then only, my tears came out, running down my fast very fast, unable to control anymore. It hurts, and he was really mean. The mean teacher called me, then said something about how reckless I was on the road, I couldn't control the gear, I made the car stopped in the middle of the journey 4 times and bla bla although before this I was confident on the road, even not fully at least. I still teared that time, and I knew that he noticed it. I just nodded and didn't say a word. Then I walked out the room without saying thank you to him. I was so pissed off, really. I knew I was mean for not saying thank you, but which  one was more me, me not saying thank you, or he shouted at me so much till I couldn't concentrate and focus from the beginning of the journey to the end?

Maybe, I was a bit mengada- ngada, but I still couldn't accept the harsh yellings by him. Before this, maybe I could but that was the maximum point I think. My next pre-test would be this Tuesday. I didn't book for the practice before the pre- test. Lantak la. Fine if you want to fail me again, because I knew you have marked my face as 'budak loser tak pandai bawak kereta.' Label la, aku dah tak kisah. Bukan salah aku. Mungkin lepas ni, aku just try je buat, pekakkan apa yang dia cakap, sebab aku dah malas layan orang yang high voice ni. Seriously. Bukan nak cakap orang Melaka kasar, tak semua, tapi this time, it proves that most of citizens of Malacca acted like that, I noticed. Maaf pada orang Melaka yang lain.

After telling it to my mom, I was a bit calm. She said, it's okay, just try the best after this, and if possible try to change other cikgu. Hihi. Mak comel sangat. If only I can do it, but I can't. He is the only one who in-charge. Takpela, sabar jela, kalau Allah nak bagi aku lulus, lulus la, and kalau Allah dah tetapkan aku fail jugak, aku terima.

*Actually, aku super sedih super koyak ni, banyak sebab sebenarnya. Sebab high voice is the trigger. Sebab lain, sebab penat menunggu, penat booking since November 2011, penat lagi sebab before this aku penah amik half way tapi tak sempat habiskan. If let's say, I pass this Tuesday, I have the thought to go back home later, but if I can't make it, and he fail me again, I might stay here again, struggling to get the license again. Routine. Penat. Hmm.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

free medical-check up

Salam. How's everybody? I'm back again. Yeah, not so long actually, since the last time I blogged. Today was the last day of my 8- hours driving classes and it has come to the end. Suprisingly, tomorrow, I am going to have 'Driving Pre-test' which is conducted just before the JPJ test, to evaluate whether you have reach to a level that, you can sit for the JPJ test before obtaining the true car license. I am a bit nervous actually, even I have practised it so many times, well it is just normal actually but yeah, still I can't eliminate the feeling from me now. It just happened. I've told Bam about this, then he suggested that I just stayed calm, because let's say if I am fated to be failed, then just repeat the test, no need to worry much. Actually, he was right, why thinking so hard, because, it wouldn't change anything, once fail, you have two, three, four and infinity's opportunities to re-do the test. What you just need to do is just, prepare for the money then take the exam, that's it not more than that. It's not that I pray that I fail, it's just better to think of the worst. What I pray now is, I hope everything goes well, for the pre test and also the true JPJ test later, which I am not sure about the date yet. Good luck, Nurul Fitrilina. :)

Anyway, just to let you know, I just came back from the free medical check-up done in my college, specifically at the Dental Building, which is the tallest building in the MMMC. I've checked my weight, height, BMI, blood pressure and also the glucose level.

  • weight: 52 kg
  • height: 167 cm, old time I checked was 165cm. I've grown up?;p
  • BMI: calculate it by yourself if you care but I guess you don't. :D
  • Blood pressure: 116/ 68 mm Hg
  • Glucose level: 5.7 mmol/L

 They were all normal. Then, I was counselled by the senior medical student, and there were few advices that he gave.

  • go for exercises, at least 3 times a week in a duration of 30 minutes each, which I have stopped doing it for the past 2 months. 

  • Go and check for the CVD screening when I have time at the nearest KK( Klinik Kesihatan). Well, CVD stands for cardiovascular disease.

  • He noticed a slight pallor on my palms and lower palpebral conjunctiva. Maybe this is results from the blood donation that day. ( Owh, forget to mention, I donated blood that day and my blood type is B+ve. Weeewit. ;p)

  • That's all. 

Yeah, and that's all. Let's study for commed. Good luck:)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

restless when I blanked and blurred.

I had a thought block this morning, I didn't know how it happened, it just did. It started when we were trying to do the dispersion exercises given by the lecturer. We had to find the answer for standard deviation, variance, standard error etc. which we have already learned during the school days and also A - level. It was fun, because, it involved so much calculations and I really love it.

Back to the point, about how I got this thought block. It started when Zaty asked me on how to calculate the variance. I explained to her the formula, and I have done it and got the answer. To make things easier, you have to know the mean value and saved it somewhere in the calculator either as A, B, C, etc values, so you didn't have to put the value many times. Then she asked me on how to insert the value either as A, B or C. When I was about to tell her, I suddenly blanked, like REALLY REALLY BLANKED. I felt so idiotic that time because it's not that I didn't know, it just that I forgot to do it during that particular time, even when Zaty asked I've already have the answer in my answer sheet. The way I inserted the value was done and triggered by my subconscious mind, and if I tried to recall one by one on how I did it, I just couldn't do it. I stucked for a while, just watching over the paper.

I am kinda person who will be so unmotivated if something I know it very well just slip from my mind like that, like that that eventhough before that, I am so mastered to do it. To continue the next question, I was so not into it. My mind was really working that time, trying to recall but I couldn't. When I got back to my room, I called my sister, Farina to teach me, yeah she did thought me but it was not the way I usually did to enter the value as it was quite complicated for me. Then I called my other sister, Najwa and Alhamdullilah, she really did it the way I did it. I got back the way! No more thought block! Immediately, I rushed to Zaty's room and told her the correct way about it. You know what, when I have already known the answer to my missing memories, I was so so so relieved and happy. :)

From here, the conclusion I can make is that, yeah I am the one who is so eager to know something that I used to know that I forget it just like that. I don'tknow about others, but that's how I feel. And if I couldn't find the answer, I will be restless and can't do anything else which I suppose to do. Just thinking, whether is a good thing or not? Haishhhh T_T

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Don't be sad. Just remember whatever happens, there must be good things lie behind, we never realize it somehow. :")

Untuk kamu kamu yang tengah down dan sedih macam saya:(

Mari kita senyum, Allah dah aturkan semuanya:)

now it is raining heavily outside:)

Sunday, February 19, 2012


There's few things in mind, that haunts me. I never blame you, it's not your fault at all, even not mine and not theirs too. It's just that, simple things that have pointed it to be like, yeah she likes you. I admit that I am jealous regarding this matter, but I also definitely know where you heart belongs, you have told me million times, and I have put that in my heart too. :) But, yeah I am a woman, and woman gets jealous easily, so it is actually a normal kinda thing. But, just want to make everything clear about this, I am okay with this, I just have to bear with it. :) Just like you have beared with things that come in my life before you. If you could face, why don't I? ;)). They may search you, find you, chat with you or maybe call you, but whatever it is, I have told myself so many times that, you and I have exchanged our hearts, remember? =)

Regarding today's activity, I have bought tickets from Kedah back to Malacca. Not a very long holiday anyway, it just A WEEK OKAYYYYY. Just be patient, this is what medical students should bear with. :) Semangat! =) And right after that, we( Syikin, Syaima, Kak Maryam,Me) went to find a famous coconut milk shake in Batu Berendam, Melaka. But, it was not our lucky day, the shop was closed. But fortunately, there was Pasar Malam near there, and I bought something there. I will post the photo later. Surprise! :)

this is today's dinner. yeah for this, I can upload the photo. Nasi Kerabu,. Jeles much? ;p

Monday, February 13, 2012


ATTENTION: To my family, friends and you know who you are, this post doesn't mean for you guys. And not to accidental visitor too. I don't mind if I've got visitors.Welcome:) These are what blog means for. I am talking about others who don't have any relation to me, but yeah maybe a little relation still they love to stalk my posts if not everyday, every three days or yeah a week can be counted too.-.-

Yeah to you, in front of your lappy reading my posts.

Happy enough to stalk me?

Stop stalking me if your intentions are just to monitor me , my life.

If you come visited to learn something or maybe for the sake of seeking knowledge( if I do posted notes/ lessons) I really don't mind. But, somehow, there are these groups of people who stalk me because they aren't happy with my life. :( . Stop finding and searching the pasts that has gone somewhere else. Just let go and start your new life back. Sometimes things happen for a reason and it meant to happen. Don't be sad because many good things are there in front of you, maybe you just don't realise it. I don't want to accuse anybody, I am tired of guessing and watching over the LIFE TRAFFIC FEED and suddenly it pops up your name in my mind based on the place shown there. Not good you know. :( I also don't like to guess about something unsure.

Leave this alone. Do visit for other purposes like I've mentioned before, I don't mind. But please not because to monitor my life. Don't take into your hearts. :) Be happy and keep smiling. Salam:)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year+ poem

Salam. HAPPY NEW YEAR people! I hope it's not too late to wish! =))) Sorry, not in the mood to blog for the past few days as I busy did something else. Well, just nak berlagak for a while, I passed my computer test! * yeah, the one that you needed to sit in the steps to obtain the driving license* Well, one thing I wanna say, alhamdulillah. =).. Eventhough I did all of that alone by myself, I managed to undergo that. *mula-mula cuak giler kot sebab sorang-sorang..huuu*..

Okay, fine. New year has come. 2011. eh, my bad, it is 2012 ALREADY LA GIRL! And this year, if "long live" I am gonna reach the age of 23. Phewww! About to reach middle of twenties. Feeling matured enough? Well, you judge it by yourself. ;).. Okay, the intro is in English but, the rest of the entry for this time will be in Malay. Yeah, I miss blogging in Malay. ;D

Ha, hello hello. Faham lagi kan? Ada lagi kan korang ni kan baca blog aku? Hihi.. Thanks sebab masih lagi setia dekat Chocolate, walaupun Cekelat ni takdela berinformasi mana pun. Hanyalah lebih kepada aku yang mengarut dekat sini. Lebih kepada luahan perasaan, yang aku tak mampu nak luahkan dekat orang lain, sebab kadang-kadang apa yang aku nak cakap susah nak digambarkan dengan kata-kata.. Hee, sorry konfius sekejap.. :).

Tick tock tick tock sekarang dah pukul 9.00 malam waktu Malaysia. Apa yang aku buat? Aku masih lagi stuck depan lappy mengupdate cekelat., kinda miss him somehow. :").. Hmm, berbalik kepada isu tahun baru, ramai yang menjadikan tahun baru sebagai titik permulaan pada perubahan ataupun titik pecutan untuk mencapai azam masing- masing. Macam orang lain, aku juga punya azam yang tersusun dalam kotak hati, dari sesimple azam kepada sekompleks azam.. Tak semua orang tau azam aku eyh.. sapa yang dah baca previous blog aku, dia tau la 3 azam aku tahun ni, tapi untuk the rest hanya aku, dia dan DIA je yang tau.. Hee.. Mystery enough huh? Well just let it be.. ;)) Berdoalah supaya azam dan harapan aku bakal menjadi kenyataan insyaAllah ameen. ;).. Aku tak nak cerita azam aku yang the rest dengan korang bukan sebab apa, sebab yang utama sebab yela azam tu bisa pudar kan, awal memang la semangat nak buat semua tu tapi by the end of the day, kita lupa dan leka dan kemudian azam tu pun hilang ditelan masa. Aku tak nak macam tu. Aku nak azam aku kekal sampai semuanya tercapai. Azam dan harapan. Aku tahu bukan senang aku nak capai kalau takde usaha yang kuat, tapi sekurang kurangnya aku mencuba. insyaAllah dengan izinNya semuanya boleh! :D Semangat! Semangat! Semangat! Hihihih..

Sekarang macam yang semua sedia maklum, aku tengah posting Community Medicine, jadi kena lah aku pergi Klinik Kesihatan terdekat, tak payah pi hospital dah. tapi aku rasa commed lagi best sebab lepak giler kot untuk yang malas macam aku. hihi. bleh main dengan budak-budak comel, ukur panjang, berat, head circumference, chest circumference baby baby tu. Hee. =)*sori la takde gamba nak tunjuk sebab aku tak amik pun. sebab biar lah kenangan tu aku simpan terus dalam hati, tade gambar pun takpe. :) Teehee,, sweet plak bunyi nya padahal tak sempat nak ambil gambar. :p. Selain daripada tu, kena jugak take care dekat ibu ibu mengandung nie, kena jaga diorang baik baik, bukan senang nak jaga sorang lagi dalam perut tu, hee.. :) kena dengar la apa nurse nasihat kat pregnant mother, selain daripada itu, kena jugak take note blood pressure, weight, BMI of these mothers, yela nak rule out high risk cases, sebab bila dapat tahu awal, dapat lah langkah pencegahan awal dapat dilakukan. :). Bila tengok ibu ibu ni pregnant, teringat la mak aku dulu pernah macam ni jugak mengandungkan aku. so, appreciate la mak anda sekalian yea. :). And dalam masa yang sama, aku jadi takut pun ada. Pheww. takut oww, sebab nanti aku pun akan jadi cmtu gak, korang pun sama la. kena jadi mak macam tu, kena jaga baby dalam perut untuk 9 bulan, sanggup ke korang? tak sanggup pun kena la jaga, amanah Allah kan.:) Best kot tengok mak mak tu, hee.. semangat je cerita berapa kali baby tendang, semangat cerita persiapan( untuk yang peramah la nak cerita. hihi). Selain daripada tu, aku dan kawan kawan aku yang lain pergi jugak 'home visit'. Pergi check mak dan anak lepas bersalin, well known as post-natal cases. tengok la kot kot la baby tu ada jaundice, ke mak tu pun kena tengok jugak kalau kalau ada tanda-tanda varicose vein ke, post partum haemorrhage ke. macam macam bleh jadi ow. Itulah kisah pasal commed.

Lagi satu hal, audry masih tak okay macam dulu. penat dah nak sedih. tak jadi okay jugak. entah bila la aku bleh hantar repair. :(.

oh guys, sekarang ni aku follow " how i met your mother' tapi baru 3rd episode season 1. Hehe. yela kan, bosan tak tau nak buat apa tiap malam. nak study malas,biasala commed. hee. :).

rasanya tu je kot. penat dah. mungkin nanti aku blog lagi. mungkin esok. entah. kalau umur panjang insyaAllah.

Lagu background:
*It Girl, Jason Derulo
*The One That Got Away, Katy Pery
*Smile, Avril Lavigne
*Quiet Hearts, Amy Stroup
*Wish You Were Here, Avril Lavigne.
*I Like It Like That
*Percaya Padaku, Ungu.

That solemn night,
Where blinking stars seem to be gone and the moon appears restless
The cold feet shivers at the corner of empty room
The half-closed eyes force to open endlessly
Mind has gone nowhere, trying to locate the heart
Don't blame own self nor others
It's the fate that remains unchanged over time
Stuck in the middle of journey
With failure and difficulties step in, we wonder
We know but we take things for granted
We understand but we avoid the truth
We learn but we skip the wisdom that sets in
Please change and make a move
Life is like a moving wheel
On top or at the bottom can't be escaped
Knowing about guided sequences
Shall survive us till the end.

Poem setelah sekian lama. :) Untuk kamu. :) Juga untuk kamu-kamu. :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I don't know how to explain.

I am NO good.

I am NO special.

I am an ORDINARY girl who always tend to do thousands of mistakes.

Sometimes I have uncontrolled EMOTIONS which goes in favour with SADNESS even for small

little things.

And sometimes, I feel GUILTY for always making you WORRIED and SAD.

You are NICER than typical me. 

I am NO great. Screw me. Screw me.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

how the feeling becomes when it is mixed up? :S


got it right?

Ma and abah are coming. *BIG SMILEEEEE*

big grin!

I have learnt the correct way of ECG *SATISFIED FACE*

Satisfied face of this child getting the ice cream is similar to mine when I am little bit understood about ECG. Alhamdulillah=)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

bad day

tick tock tick tock. that is the only sound I listen at this moment. The sound of the wall clock. Sigh. Sigh for no reasons. Yeah, there are too much reasons actually. T_T. unbearable ulcer pain at the inner part of left lower lip. feel like cutting that one away. I hate ulcer, but it keeps on bugging me at least once a month. usually I get ulcers because I am so stubborn to drink lots of water, but now I get the new ulcer because I accidentally bite my lip. I talked less today, kinda. Even when I was in the ward, where I supposed to clerk cases, I couldn't clerk well because it hurts when I talked a lot. So, I prefer to just chilling out and just read the cases from the case files. But, guess what? I managed to draw the blood from the real patient in the blood bank. It was so exciting, even at the very first place, I kinda nervous to perform that. :p..

Then, at the afternoon , I had my PBL session. I've not done well.:(.. Uhhh feel so stupidos. :(

At the evening, my little brother called. He lost his mp3, the one that I gave him before because of his good upsr results. He previously lost his handphone too, which I gave to him too. So dissapointing. Haihhh, little brotha, please be careful next time and please appreciate the one that I gave. I gave it with love, so keep it well.:(..

Then, come the story about ticket going back... to go or not to go? to leave or not to leave? am I able to be alone in the hostel? hmmm..

one thing that always keep me calm:)- At Umbai, Melaka.

Thanks mcd for the treat. looks yummy kan?:D- Umbai-
All in all, not in a good mood today. :( Salam all.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


sorry for the burden I've made.

sorry for the troubles I bring.

sorry because sometimes I demand a lot.

sorry for the undescribable emotions sometimes.

sorry for everything.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Salam.. Walking around the housing area, chit-chatting about many things were so way good after a busy life. :) Thanks to Syikin Wanzul for the sincere accompany. I think, it's been a long time since I last walked without aims, talking about things unrelated to study and medicine and postings. Feel so good! ;)). And on the way, I saw a known football boot, orange in color( if I am not mistaken). (rasa bangga sekejap sebab boot yang cantik tu saya la yang pilih. :P).

Today, not much things have happened. Just finished protocol challenge( one of the end posting exam) in the evening. Nothing much to comment. Let by gone be by gone. Focus for the next posting insyaAllah.

Aim for tonight: Washing clothes, clear my study tables and keep my clothes in the cupboard properly. And studying not to forget.

And today, I suddenly think about beaches. BEACH as in beach not the other 'beach'. Hee.. :). Calm and refreshing. Maybe romantic and memorable? Who knows? :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

someone like you~ *unrelated*

It hurts when you wish you can play at least for 5 minutes in the court but it ended up that you didn't get even a chance to do that. :(. I know I am not good enough to play well, but at least, I tried. When this kinda thing happened, seriously, I don't feel like playing for more. Yeah, I am serious. Main suka-suka dalam kolej lagi best. :").. YKWYA told me something which undeniably true.

"experience doesn't always come when u are in the court, even if u only sit on the bench watching the game being played,u r good enuf."

But, I can't continue it anymore. I am sorry my dear.:"(

But, alhamdullilah, after all the things that happened yesterday, I managed to meet my lovely sista, Nurul Najwa Mustapa who came by to Kompleks Sukan, UITM just to see me. Aww.. She's so cute. She came together with her two friends, bringing some spaghetti that she cooked by herself. *rasa macam nak nangis je taw*.. Thanks wawa.. Love u so much!!! =)))).

sayang kamu adik~ :)
Okay, gotta leave now. tonnes of pages are waiting for me to be read. Salam peeps.:)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

two people with two different qualites.

Hey salaam.:)

Now I am thinking to talk about one topic, not much, just ONE. About people who love to matter about others' own businesses but neglect about theirs. They pretend to be just so good in front others but, actually, they are the thorns in the beautiful flowers. Pity them, huh? I am not pointing to anybody, I'm just saying this in general. I know, sometimes, I did the same as these people did, talked something behind, but at least, I kept this between me and friends, not involving others. One more thing about these people, they are acting too way good, pretending that they are soooo innocent but truth is they don't. Maybe they may look proper, sweet or decent, innocent, but at the other sides of it, if one is about to reveal, they've got qualities contradict to the listed qualities before. That is one type of person.

The other one type of person is, the one that pretend to be somebody else, but actually they are someone else. You got it, don't you? Okay, to make things simpler, I give you example: You've been asked by your friends to do something that you are not so okay with it like bunk the class together, but because you are the one who like to pretend to be somebody else, you don't matter to bunk class with your friends. Why don't you tell your friends that you are not okay in bunking the class, and you will not skip the class? Is it too hard to admit? Just SAY IT OUT LOUD. You are trying as if you want to take care of the friendship, you are willing to do something you are not okay with it at the very first place. It is so not good.

Last but not least, come into the picture about me back again. hee. I suddenly miss reading novels. :( Rindu sangat nak baca, and been thinking about new novels lately. Anybody got one that is nice, name it to me.:) Thanks guys. ^^

Saturday, April 9, 2011


If you ask what is my mood now, I will say,



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm too young and too little, still. I'm sorry.

Hey. Salam.

Duhh. I've never thought about this, EVER in my life.

getting engaged at the age of 21 and getting married at the age of 22?

Oh, please. I am not that ready. Really.

And plus, I'm not into what they called ARRANGED MARRIAGE.

I prefer to find the soulmate by myself.

But people used to say that, we can't never get what we want.


Hmm. Whatever. Jodoh ketentuan di tangan Tuhan.

I want at least, my future hubby is also a doctor.

Cz doctor understands doctor.

Architect watsoever isn't my type.

I'm so sorry. Go find someone else.

I've got a BIG AMBITION.

And I want to achieve that first.

Thanks ma abah cz understanding what I want now.

Thanks cz you guys don't force me to accept this hard decision.

Love u guys infinity.:)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

hey u freak, don't simply say you know me if you don't

It's not me to tell the whole world I miss you.
It is still not me to announce to all I need you.
Don't label me as me if I say I can't life without you.
I am not that kind of typical girl who is too desperate about you.
I admit, life isn't easy and kinda freak when you are not around.
I admit, sometimes I remembered those sweet memories when I was alone.
But, again I would like to express here, I still CAN LIVE HAPPILY without YOU.

P/s: abaikan jer aper I cakap nie. This is when you are too full after eating too much. lol.:p. *mood: a bit emo*


 Assalamualaikum w.b.t  well, hello. Here I am again. Just recovered from Covid 19 infection Cat 2A about 3 weeks ago. My husband, my parent...