Showing posts with label ngarut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ngarut. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hey there, salaam. :) Somebody asked me to update my blog, so well, here I am again. Hee. Now I am in Orthopaedic posting, yeah done for the first day, knee examination, so far everything went well, hopefully it will stay d same till the end of this posting. I kinda like this posting, seems interesting, and plus the ortho professor said that, those who wanted to become orthopedician must have very strong hands. Haha ! Kinda cool rite, if you join this department. Hehe, I will be as strong as rock. :D

nothing much, just my project today's evening. haha. usrah's project. :p

Referring to the above photo, I have spent this whole evening to finish up my usrah homework. Yeah, it may seem simple but, actually quite tough for me you know, for someone who are not creative like me. I had to struggle about the colouring part. You know what keeps on circling my mind everytime I talk, listen, watch about art: Why the hell I cannot be a creative fellow since I am left- handed person, because I have heard that left-handers tend to use their right brain more than left, which means, they tend to be more artistic, but in my case ( I am a left0-handed person) I am zero- artistic person. Sedih kan? :( Keep thinking what is my advantage actually? or may talent? Ape eyh? Takkan takde? T_T.

Anyway, speaking about new posting, I have a lot of things to be improved. To change from commed to ortho is a bit shocked, but not really actually, cz just like commed, ortho is labelled as one of the relaxed posting, but still there are too many new things we gotta learn in ortho posting, so I cannot waste my time like I did back then during commed. I'm thinking about making a daily timetable, timetable here I mean, the study timetable. Maybe I will become istiqamah after this, and that is what i want actually. InsyaAllah, I will try my best! Nak lepas P2S1 in time, and I wanna be a doctor in time! Tak nak repeat or suppli. Takut! :( Ya Allah, please ease our way. Amin.

And one more thing to be updated, I registered myself to be joining Sunathon program. ( Sunathon refers to sunat or circumcision with marathon). A good choice actually, rather than curling in the blanket whole day. At least, I have something to do in the weekend( 19/5/2012) and plus, I can achieve new knowledge which I'll never learn during routine posting. Alhamdulillah:)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

moulds. you! :D

It's already 12.20 in the midnight. Okay, now again, I wasted my night. and this is because of that damn moulds stucked on my white-white walls. Actually, I did realized about the presence of that moulds back then, when I came back to my room after one week of holidays. And that moulds were there because of the cold temperature of my room due to the aircond which was still turned on after I left my room. The humidity of the room plus, the absence of sunlight into my room triggered the moulds to form their colonies. Okay, you are too bad, moulds! :S. I have tried so hard to remove it by using 'kain buruk' but then it was just hopeless, they just remained there. Then, I suddenly thought about using an eraser to remove the moulds, yeah I know it sounds pretty weird, but that's how I got the idea at the very first place. I tried to rub the eraser against the wall, and it seemed to be working! Told ya, my idea wasn't that bad after all. The view is better than before, even not all of the moulds that I can get rid of. Just let the remaining moulds remain there, and I'm gonna chase you out from my room very soon! Padan muka!

By the way, I have browsed a little bit from mr google to find out ways on how to get rid of the moulds from the walls. And these are the few suggestions:

this is the simplest way. okay, not bad, can try this one.
    I don't have this. So, this is thrown away from the list of suggestions.
and this one. Nah. Seems too much to wear like this, not gonna get infected, am I?
this is what will be if I just left the moulds to become populated and produce their offsprings!
Okay, and actually it turns out to be like this. I just use this: ERASER! or in layman term is 'pemadan' or rubber or getah pemadam? Whatever. The most important thing is that, it works!;))

never mind. I can suggest this to others. :) spare lots of erasers okay! :) you might never know when you gonna use them, hahahaah.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Seems familiar? Well, maybe.:).

Okay, stop dreaming. Let's focus on workshop tomorrow.

Good luck Fit! =)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Hey, there!


Many things happened this few days. A lot.

All mixed-up.

Happy, sad, excited and the lists go on.

I'll story a little later, cz now I have to focus on Patho class test for tomorrow.

Wish me good luck! ;)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

kalo nak filter dulu aci x?

hee.tahlaa.tetiba nak sebut benda2 indah tu.
walaupun tak jadi kat aku pon.
kat org lain tapi aku jugak tumpang happy.
weee. finding PRINCE HENRY isn't a simple thing I guess.
Banyak benda kena filter.
  • mata takbule sepet.
  • tak nak yang putih melepak cam pompuan.
  • mahu sawo matang.
  • tamau yang jambu.
  • mahu beriman, bule leads aku.ketua yang baeek.ewaah.(:
  • harus at least sebaya.tamau muda.tua lagi bagus.kekeke.
  • mahu yg sanggup bwk aku p Eiffel Tower.=p
  • mahu yang minat BMW juga macam aku.
  • terima aku seadanya.allollolloh.
  • the rest goes on.
Haha.Manusia memang.Memilih nya lebih2.Biasalah tu.adat.Tapi jodoh ketentuan dah di tangan Dia.Apa bule buat.Terima saja.Filter ke tak ke, suma dah ditentukan.Hee.Pasrah sudeyh.-_-

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mimpi Indah.:)

Malam ni...Nak mengarut lagi...
Nak mimpi lagi...Nak berangan lagi...Nak macam-macam....Berangan.Mimpi.Bukan sekadar mimpi.Bukan angan-angan Mat Jenin...Bukan mainan tidur.Ini mimpi betul.Ini mimpi yang dah lama aku simpan.Dari kecik2 dulu.Dari tak reti mengeja sampai dah pandai mengeja.Dah boleh buat ayat sendiri.Dah boleh pulak tambah kata-kata kiasan, simpulan bahasa dan perumpamaan yang nak menyedapkan ayat.Dah pandai macam2 dah.Hmm...Dah kata pun mengarut.Memang mengarut sungguh.Malam ni aku nak jiwang.Yes..Nak jiwang..Bukan nak jiwang "Aku chenta kau." "Aku tak boleh hidup tanpa kau.""Aku sanggup lakukan apa sahaja untuk kau.".Bukan jiwang tu.Err...Mungkin ada jugak jiwang tu.Tapi bukan perkara utama malam ini.:D..Aku bukan nak mencari publisiti.Bukan nak semua orang baca cerita aku.Bukan nak semua orang keep commenting apa sahaja yang aku post.Bukan macam tu.Kalau sapa nak baca silakan.Sapa nak comment pun silakan.Amatlah dialu-alukan.Amatlah ditunggu-tunggu.Sapa nak post as anonymous pun silakan lah yea selagi tak menyentuh sensitiviti masyarakat.Harap paham.-_-..tapi sebolehnya tolonglah bgtahu siapakah anda yang sebenar.Senang.:)..Tak yah secret2...Aku jenis chill.Aku memang chill.Walaupun member2 aku keep saying yang aku ni gabra.Aku ni tak cool.Tapi tak! Aku cool.Betul.Aku cool.lalala~..Baiklah.Berhenti.Berbalik kepada tajuk utama.Mimpi.Mimpi yang aku nak sangat menjadi kenyataan.Mimpi yang kalau jadi kenyataan aku sangatlah bersyukur.Apa yang aku nak? Apa yang aku mimpi? Banyak.Banyak sangat macam orang lain.Tapi dalam merealisasikan mimpi-mimpi aku itu, aku kena berpegang pada banyak perkara.Banyak asas yang akan buat aku still in the right track.Tak mudah melatah andai kata angan-angan itu menjadi yang sebaliknya.Tidak seperti yang aku impikan.Tidak seperti yang aku inginkan.Mimpi yang kadang-kadang aku senyum sendiri bila aku fikir boleh pulak aku termimpi-mimpi sampai macam tu.kelakar pun ada.Lawak-lawak.Bermimpi macam semua itu akan jadi kenyataan.Paling aku pasti:
  • We'll never get what we wish.
  • We'll have to take the risk before the dreams come true.
Begitulah kesimpulannya.Ohh...tambahan...

  • Angan-angan tidak akan menjadi kenyataan tanpa usaha.
Jadi, apa yang aku kena buat? Aku kena berusaha.Aku kena terus "fighting".


Tapi masih tidak cukup kalau sekadar berusaha tanpa berdoa pada Dia.
Dia yang menentukan andai kata impian kita itu menjadi kenyataan atau tak.
  • Doa dan tawakal.
Tawakal.Selepas didahului dengan usaha.
Itu sahaja untuk malam ini.Pasti anda-anda yang membaca begitu eager skali nak tawu apakah impian a.k.a angan-angan a.k.a mimpi aku tu kan?
Keep guessing.Keep wondering.
Untuk diceritakan sekarang aku tak mau lagi.Belum punya rasa nak cerita lagi.
Mungkin one day....
Yes one day as what someone pointed out.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I managed it.

Kept thinking d whole nite.
At last, came out with a simple conclusion.
Get ready and never give up.
Those 2 things that keep making me standing still till now.
And making me stronger after all.-_-
Just got bax from library.
The place where I'm gonna spend d whole nite everyday I guess.
For d sake of studying.amin~
opss.gotta go now.
to ppl out there:I'm well ok now.
As wut I keep telling myself,
just CHILLIN'.
Maybe after tis, I'll be retiring for a while in blogging.
I wish to focus and concentrate more in what I'm up to now.
To those who keep missing me, just have a visit in this blog and read d previous2 post.
How d story began,
How I managed it,
How I felt throughout d entire time,
How I become what I am now.
(mula dah nak ngarut.ekeke~)
k then, goodbye till now.

With love,
Little Mermaid Who Wish For Something Good Happen Very Soon.=)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 things that make a difference

HELLO, a kind of cute way to greet, honestly from a cute gal.

Wakaka~.I'm goin mad again today.=p.Nothing much to be updated.

Nothing much to nag.Nothing much to share.But still...I need to post on something.

I miss CHOCOLATE already.-_-.Recently, nothing good happened.Nothing bad happened.

LIFE goes on as usual way..

As what I suppose to face,I think. Yeap.I want to share on something.

Something that we might think it is juz a simple thing with simple solution.

Yes, it is.=)

Let's begin to the world of magic unlogical life..


What would you do when you were given a chance to go to an island in a trip...
but suddenly u found yourself alone coz u were lost in d middle of the island with nothing.
But the best part wuz, u got d chance to choose 3 things to bring together with you.
Haha.The point now is that, I keep wondering what are the things might be...

If I were the one who face the situation above, I would surely CHOOSE:
That is me.=)..But how about you guys? Keep thinking
and cracking your head if you guys eager to know too.(+_+)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I dah habes pon FIRST Block exam.hmmm,nak cakap camner yea...I DON'T

expect too much laa. Bergantung la nanti. At least lulus pun dah ok.Sebab

senior2 keep saying first block memang macam tu sbb kite baru nak adapt

dengan cara exam baru..


Subject tader la banyak pown. 3 je kot. Tapi nak belajar tu berlambak-

(Kata-kata orang yang study last fitri.Ahaha.=p)

Okaylah, kesimpulannya aku amat berharap aku dapat la senyum sikit bila

tengok RESULTS nanti. At least bole la BOOST UP ckit nanti bila dah masuk

2nd BLOCK which is tomorrow.=). Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Dah abeh

first block. Dah nak masuk second block dah pun. SERIOUS!! Rasa macam

baru je sampai kat sini. Kat Bumi INDIA ni. Aku harap lepas nih, aku akan

jadi lagi MATURED, RAJIN, NERDY, STRESSLESS and the rest goes on.

"Start from day one."

kayh talking about studying n those stuff, I just want to

update several things that currently happened to me. Kind

of. Or something that happened around me. Jadi, dengar jer

k aku nak melalut. Ngee.


  • Saya nak beli phone baru. InsyaAllah. Nak p Mangalore nanti. Hee. Atas permintaan n cadangan orang ramai, mereka suruh saya beli LG COOKIES. Jadi, akan difikirkan.:)

  • Adik saya dah dapat LISENCE. Waa..Jelesnye dengan dy. Sob3.:(

  • Block 2 akan bermula ESOK. Azam baru. Impian baru.

  • Saya nak abehkan baca Twilight. Atas budi baik Fara meminjamkan buku itu kepadaku. Sayang ko la fara.:)

  • Tetiba nak tengok KAL HO NA HO. Mood jiwang tetiba. Hek3. Dah mintak tolong someone downloadkan. thanks to dat someone.

  • Someone dedicated a song to me entitled GIRLFRIEND by NSYNC. It's a nice song. Thanks. Lagu lama tu. Tapi x pela. huhu.

  • Tetiba teringin nak main THE SIMS. hee.. nak buat family baru. lalala. Ckin, tnggu saya datang bilik kamu eh...Ngee...Terbaekla.=p

  • And last but not least, saya tak suka kalo orang tu suka berkias- kias n suka mencari alasan. Orang yang tak suka straight to d point. (Ada kaitan pape ke? DIA YANG SATU je tahu. Wallahualam.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

biskut~sweet buns~

Indahnya ari ini~...

Haish...Fitri mengarut lagi...Memang 'INDAH'...Tadi x smpt nak breakfast...Pastu aku pown bawak biskut g kls...OMG!! Hari ni start kls dgn dissection..Lupa lak..Huh...So what? Does it matter? it does matter la syg ooi...X kan kau nak makan dpan encik2 cadaver itu...huh...okayh... So aku pon amek biskut n kluar dr dissection hall (DH).. Segan la nak makan sorg2 kat luar maka ajaklah Ckin tman..Thanks dear~ hee....X taw napa hari ni pada aku bau cadaver2 tu kuat ssgt..mayb sbb ak baru pas bfast rasa biskut masih terasa dalam masa yg sama terhidu bau formalin..i'll get used to seriously takes time kot....ummm.... Ari ni blaja part blakang badan...Actually x smpt blaja pn..sempat dissect je...And for d first lecturer bg group ktorng dissect SENDIRI! Sgtlah happy...n sgt satisfied....=)..But ari ni ak spoiler of d day..hee...not my fault...aku terpotong cket part of muscle..ganas sgt kowt...ehehe....cacat je superficial fascia dye..ngeh3,,,,Dat wuz fun...Pastu da abeh dissection time break ktorg grak g satu stall kot...jual samosa,sweet buns...sgt rmai la cz mmg sdap pn...thanks to farah she managed to get d SWEET BUNS..ngee...n thanks to her jugak dye kasi kat aku satu..lalala...puasnye HATI....n d worst part for today is dat...tetiba ktorng bru prasan yg ESOK ada SDL...physiology...tu pn sbb Mr James ingatkan...seriously suma dlm lecture hall tu x igt pasal neyh...=)..So, tido lmbat cket la mlm nih..CHAIYOK!!!!!! (*_*)


 Assalamualaikum w.b.t  well, hello. Here I am again. Just recovered from Covid 19 infection Cat 2A about 3 weeks ago. My husband, my parent...