Showing posts with label commed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commed. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Salam. Exam is around the corner. I woke up around 10 am today, not very early, because I aimed to wake up around 8 to continue studying. :( I haven't even finished the epidemiological study yet. Hmm, just thinking when will I finish this topic off.

I just came back from having my lunch, I guess, I can't take a nap now, since I woke up late today. Never mind, good luck fitrilina! Go and continue studying! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

JPJ Part 1.

Salam everybody. How's the day? Well, I know you guys don't ask me, but I still wanna tell. Heee. :D. I woke up late today, around 1030a.m. Not scared, and ashamed to tell, cz I didn't have class this morning. Hihi. But, as soon as my eyes got opened, I looked over the skype and my friends left a chat. Two chats actually, those from my commed group members. Ira and Lina, they asked me about something related to our results and methods, the things that we had to present today's evening. I replied them back, in realize that we didn't put enough bar and pie charts in the results, then we had to add them up till the graphs became about 5 in number. 

Today it was still not my turn to present. Mine would be about discussions, maybe if Allah's will, next week. Gotta try hard to complete this weekend. Enough about community medicine.

This evening, about 630 pm, Syikin, Zaty, Mun and I made our way to go to the nearest CIMB bank in which I was the DRIVER. Percaya tak? Hee, actually, Syikin alllowed me to drive because tomorrow, yeah tomorrow I have JPJ test, at last. I was a bit lousy driving at the early part, but later when I got used to it, it became much better. But, still a lot more to improve. I did have the skills, but however, I just need to have some confidences to make it real, and do it well. Whatever happens tomorrow, I will try my best. I pray to Allah s.w.t to ease my way tomorrow, so that I will successfully pass. Cuma bertawakal saja for the moment. Doakan saya ye, kawan- kawan! 

Just to remind myself, commed end posting exam will be next week, I should have started studying and focus. 
Semoga berjaya Nurul Fitrilina. Banyak benda kamu kena hafal, for example the unfamiliar formulas which are so so many many many more more. Okay, gotta go. Till then, goodbye and salam. :)

P/s: Based on the title, it is mentioned as JPJ part 1. Maybe there will be JPJ part 2, in which during the time, I will tell you all whether I pass or not. Semua bergantung pada esok hari. Faith, confidence, and relax, serta tawakal. T_T

Saturday, March 31, 2012

free medical-check up

Salam. How's everybody? I'm back again. Yeah, not so long actually, since the last time I blogged. Today was the last day of my 8- hours driving classes and it has come to the end. Suprisingly, tomorrow, I am going to have 'Driving Pre-test' which is conducted just before the JPJ test, to evaluate whether you have reach to a level that, you can sit for the JPJ test before obtaining the true car license. I am a bit nervous actually, even I have practised it so many times, well it is just normal actually but yeah, still I can't eliminate the feeling from me now. It just happened. I've told Bam about this, then he suggested that I just stayed calm, because let's say if I am fated to be failed, then just repeat the test, no need to worry much. Actually, he was right, why thinking so hard, because, it wouldn't change anything, once fail, you have two, three, four and infinity's opportunities to re-do the test. What you just need to do is just, prepare for the money then take the exam, that's it not more than that. It's not that I pray that I fail, it's just better to think of the worst. What I pray now is, I hope everything goes well, for the pre test and also the true JPJ test later, which I am not sure about the date yet. Good luck, Nurul Fitrilina. :)

Anyway, just to let you know, I just came back from the free medical check-up done in my college, specifically at the Dental Building, which is the tallest building in the MMMC. I've checked my weight, height, BMI, blood pressure and also the glucose level.

  • weight: 52 kg
  • height: 167 cm, old time I checked was 165cm. I've grown up?;p
  • BMI: calculate it by yourself if you care but I guess you don't. :D
  • Blood pressure: 116/ 68 mm Hg
  • Glucose level: 5.7 mmol/L

 They were all normal. Then, I was counselled by the senior medical student, and there were few advices that he gave.

  • go for exercises, at least 3 times a week in a duration of 30 minutes each, which I have stopped doing it for the past 2 months. 

  • Go and check for the CVD screening when I have time at the nearest KK( Klinik Kesihatan). Well, CVD stands for cardiovascular disease.

  • He noticed a slight pallor on my palms and lower palpebral conjunctiva. Maybe this is results from the blood donation that day. ( Owh, forget to mention, I donated blood that day and my blood type is B+ve. Weeewit. ;p)

  • That's all. 

Yeah, and that's all. Let's study for commed. Good luck:)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

restless when I blanked and blurred.

I had a thought block this morning, I didn't know how it happened, it just did. It started when we were trying to do the dispersion exercises given by the lecturer. We had to find the answer for standard deviation, variance, standard error etc. which we have already learned during the school days and also A - level. It was fun, because, it involved so much calculations and I really love it.

Back to the point, about how I got this thought block. It started when Zaty asked me on how to calculate the variance. I explained to her the formula, and I have done it and got the answer. To make things easier, you have to know the mean value and saved it somewhere in the calculator either as A, B, C, etc values, so you didn't have to put the value many times. Then she asked me on how to insert the value either as A, B or C. When I was about to tell her, I suddenly blanked, like REALLY REALLY BLANKED. I felt so idiotic that time because it's not that I didn't know, it just that I forgot to do it during that particular time, even when Zaty asked I've already have the answer in my answer sheet. The way I inserted the value was done and triggered by my subconscious mind, and if I tried to recall one by one on how I did it, I just couldn't do it. I stucked for a while, just watching over the paper.

I am kinda person who will be so unmotivated if something I know it very well just slip from my mind like that, like that that eventhough before that, I am so mastered to do it. To continue the next question, I was so not into it. My mind was really working that time, trying to recall but I couldn't. When I got back to my room, I called my sister, Farina to teach me, yeah she did thought me but it was not the way I usually did to enter the value as it was quite complicated for me. Then I called my other sister, Najwa and Alhamdullilah, she really did it the way I did it. I got back the way! No more thought block! Immediately, I rushed to Zaty's room and told her the correct way about it. You know what, when I have already known the answer to my missing memories, I was so so so relieved and happy. :)

From here, the conclusion I can make is that, yeah I am the one who is so eager to know something that I used to know that I forget it just like that. I don'tknow about others, but that's how I feel. And if I couldn't find the answer, I will be restless and can't do anything else which I suppose to do. Just thinking, whether is a good thing or not? Haishhhh T_T

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Semester 7- the beginning

Semester 7. Hello and Salam everybody. Yeah, yeah, it's true, I'm back to school, back to med skul, study and busy stuffs and all. No more holidays, enough for one week okay, don't ask for more. :).
Sorry for not updating cekelat during the holidays, because I was so busy and lazy to update, even I had the internet connection all 24-7.. Sorry! :D. Yeah, being at home was so great, meeting up with your parents, siblings and family and not to forget with him, not to say that I didn't have the chance to meet him in college, but I can only go out with Mr. Bam over the holidays only. Yeap, sabar- sabar, insyaALLAH everything will be just fine! :)

Actually, I have tonnes of stories to be told regarding the holidays but so lazy to type at the moment, hee, maybe I will story to you guys again on the next or next next post, just wait and see :). Speaking about Semester 7, now I am officially a FOURTH year med student. 3 years have passed, never have the thought that I have made it and crossed two big exams before reaching at this level. Alhamdulillah. It's just that, I just need to keep my spirit up high and continue studying, praying and hoping that the last two years will be just smooth before I will become a real DOCTOR. Amin. ;). Ups and downs have been faced, sweetest and saddest moments also there. Yeap, fourth year, life would be a lot more busier and stressful, but whatever it is, just remember that, I have to continue this battle till the end. Just pray to HIM that everything will be fine :) Regarding the love story of my life, let it be secret. InsyaAllah, another 2 years, all this patience will be repaid. Amin. :) Owh, my first posting for this semester is Community Medicine. Since I don't have class this evening, I just do nothing but cleaning and tiding up my room ;) . Love the smell of the flowers all over my room! Thanks for the flowers!! =))).. Will upload my room photo later. Not yet finished cleaning. Tehhee rest for a while :D.

Anyway, for Community medicine, we need to do some kind of research for this semester, lots of statistics to be learned, and even we gotta to use our dusty calculator because there are lots of calculations to be made. yeay, I kinda miss Mathematics so much! :)))) Hope the research won't be so hard, I hope I can find easy, simple, but knowledgable research for the use of all ;) Help me, help me for the research topic! Hee.

Okay, gotta stop now. Will update Cekelat later ;) Salam.


 Assalamualaikum w.b.t  well, hello. Here I am again. Just recovered from Covid 19 infection Cat 2A about 3 weeks ago. My husband, my parent...