Semester 7. Hello and Salam everybody. Yeah, yeah, it's true, I'm back to school, back to med skul, study and busy stuffs and all. No more holidays, enough for one week okay, don't ask for more. :).
Sorry for not updating cekelat during the holidays, because I was so busy and lazy to update, even I had the internet connection all 24-7.. Sorry! :D. Yeah, being at home was so great, meeting up with your parents, siblings and family and not to forget with him, not to say that I didn't have the chance to meet him in college, but I can only go out with Mr. Bam over the holidays only. Yeap, sabar- sabar, insyaALLAH everything will be just fine! :)
Actually, I have tonnes of stories to be told regarding the holidays but so lazy to type at the moment, hee, maybe I will story to you guys again on the next or next next post, just wait and see :). Speaking about Semester 7, now I am officially a FOURTH year med student. 3 years have passed, never have the thought that I have made it and crossed two big exams before reaching at this level. Alhamdulillah. It's just that, I just need to keep my spirit up high and continue studying, praying and hoping that the last two years will be just smooth before I will become a real DOCTOR. Amin. ;). Ups and downs have been faced, sweetest and saddest moments also there. Yeap, fourth year, life would be a lot more busier and stressful, but whatever it is, just remember that, I have to continue this battle till the end. Just pray to HIM that everything will be fine :) Regarding the love story of my life, let it be secret. InsyaAllah, another 2 years, all this patience will be repaid. Amin. :) Owh, my first posting for this semester is Community Medicine. Since I don't have class this evening, I just do nothing but cleaning and tiding up my room ;) . Love the smell of the flowers all over my room! Thanks for the flowers!! =))).. Will upload my room photo later. Not yet finished cleaning. Tehhee rest for a while :D.
Anyway, for Community medicine, we need to do some kind of research for this semester, lots of statistics to be learned, and even we gotta to use our dusty calculator because there are lots of calculations to be made. yeay, I kinda miss Mathematics so much! :)))) Hope the research won't be so hard, I hope I can find easy, simple, but knowledgable research for the use of all ;) Help me, help me for the research topic! Hee.
Okay, gotta stop now. Will update Cekelat later ;) Salam.