Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Sister Alex Solomon:

What the heck?! Totally did not see this coming AT ALL. I got the news this morning and I have a day to pack. I will be leaving fancy pantsy north Phoenix and will be heading to Spanish-land. What is even going on?! Anyway, I will be in an all-biking area again in the West Maricopa stake. I will be covering one Ward: Villa de Paz. When I got the news this morning, President called and said, "Is this Sister Solomon? I just called to see if you were hyperventilating." Yes, President. Yes, I was. I was mid-freak out while trying to get ready, pack, and talk to Ward members who want to see me before I go.

Anyway, I'm super sad to be going. I have grown so much in this area and I will miss these people like a lot. Seriously, a ridiculous amount of missing is going to be happening. I will also miss Sister Percival a ton! It has been a great month with her! BUT, President told me I will have a chance to see what it's like on the other side of the mission. Apparently, the side that baptizes a hecka lot more. So that's good? Maybe he was just telling me that to get me pumped. ALSO, I do not really know where Sister Bauer is in Spanish-land but somehow I will FIND her. She's over there somewhere and I will find a way to connect with her. I don't care what it takes!

Other than that, nothing too crazy has happened this week. I'm just going to be running around saying goodbye to everyone before I go tomorrow. I feel like I'm forgetting to say something so if I remember more later, I'll send more. Oh yeah, women's conference was good. Okay I think I got it all now.


Somebody gave us "church hats"

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