Showing posts with label Carissa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carissa. Show all posts

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Josh & Carissa's Temple Sealing

Saturday, March 21, 2015
Las Vegas, NV LDS Temple

We also celebrated mom & dad's 50th wedding anniversary

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

by Carissa Swarm
Happy Mothers Day to my amazing mother. I know I don't tell you enough how much I love and appreciate you! Thanks for all you've done for me. You have been such a great example in my life. 
And Happy Mother's Day to all the other moms out there. You do a great job too!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Girl's Night Out!

Vicki, Snick, Carissa,
Debbie, Melissa, Meg

Tivoli Village in Summerlin

Scarves & Sunglasses...
just being silly!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Gingerbread Houses 2013

The Whole Village

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Josh and Carissa Swarm

For those of you who were not aware, I have been dating Josh Swarm. We met through mutual friends and have been dating for quite awhile (our first date was September 2011). This last Monday, we got married. I had one of my old bishops perform the ceremony and Cameron was our witness. I am very happy to have found such a great guy and am really excited for everyone to meet him! He also just got baptized today. He had a couple of close friends from school and guys he works with come. It was a really good service and I am excited to not only have him in my life, but to have him a member of the Church and our family. 

Kissing in the Church building after we got married.

Cameron has known Josh for awhile now from all the times Cam came over to my apartment to eat and Josh was there too. They got to know each other so well that Josh convinced Cameron to go to North Carolina for the summer to sell home automation/security for Vivint with him. Every since, they have acted as brothers, but now they actually get to be brothers!

We got a chocolate cake from Smiths. We figured instead of having to freeze a piece of it and eat it a year later, we can just get the same cake from Smiths and eat a fresh one. We aren't making very attractive faces though. lol

December 1st 2012.
These pictures are from Josh's baptism today. The guys on the left are some of the guys Josh works with. The two guys on the right are guys he has gone to school with. And then there is Cam.

Cameron, me, and Josh!  :)

Josh's friend Phil from USU and the missionaries.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July in Las Vegas

Deb's Festive Strawberries...

Believe it or not this is the serious picture.  The silly ones were scary!

 Carissa looks pretty happy as an only child (hee hee) Kyle was working and Cameron was at the Lake.

The kids did a few sparklers.

Then, ate bomb pops (Jared didn't want to take another picture)

We watched some early fireworks the neighbors were doing.

Then we went to the fire station to watch the fireworks with Wayne. 

Wayne got a call just as the fireworks were starting.  He got back just after they ended.  So we sat in the parking lot and enjoyed the cool weather for a while afterward.

Yes, I said COOL weather, these girls had to bundle up because they were cold!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Worthen Cabin

Two cute girls playing the ipad

A Carlson family game of pool

Yes, Carissa has a head, just a funny picture

Wayne, the old man, looking cute right before his 34th birthday.
 Just doing what squirrels do best...

 Snick throwing a snowball at me so that Wayne could practice taking action shots.  Thanks a lot!

Somebody was pretty spoiled over the weekend...

The Boys clearing off the driveway.

This picture is really memorable- it was really cold, snowing and we didn't know how to work the auto function on our new camera.  Good thing we have a few die hard picture takers otherwise we (I haha) probably would've given up.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

College Life... Hello from BYU!

Apartment Pics:
Living Room

Notice the cute vinyl saying on the cupboard made by Grandma
"I Kiss better than I Cook!"


Carissa & Courtney: Kung Fu Masters!

Nice action shot!

Scary Blue Foam Day

Cosmo, Courtney & Carissa at a BYU football game