Showing posts with label Solomon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solomon. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2016

Pics from Doc

Face timing with Alex and Andre at the same time on Mother's Day. 
It was great!

Sent by a ward member who feeds them every week.

Friday, May 18, 2012

How's the house coming?

We get this question a lot lately.  It's coming slowly but surely, and we're up there working every chance we get.  I admit, I've been bad about posting pics on the blog.  So, here are a few from last weekend.  We've been working on the deck and, since the pictures, have it about halfway finished.  After that, we'll be putting the exterior siding and metal roof on. 

Usually when we're up working, we'll saddle up Sally and take turns riding. The picture I took of her shows part of our awesome view from the property.  I love it!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Scrapbook Pages

Hi everyone!  I haven't been on here for a while.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Here are a few scrapbook pages I have been working on lately on my digital scrapbooking program. I've been having a lot of fun putting these together.  More coming!
 Alex designed this page
Connor designed this page

Sunday, April 3, 2011

February Quick Trip

I am late putting this on the blog, but we were so excited to go down in February. We got to visit Grandma Christensen in New Castle, attended Paris & Christy's wedding in Parowan and then continued on to St. George and Logandale to visit a bunch of family. I know it was only for a short time, and I wish we could've spent more quality time with everyone, but we were glad to come anyway. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Grandma was so sweet to have a nice big dinner ready for us when we got to her house after 15 hours of driving. It was so nice! These pictures were taken the next morning as we were getting ready for the wedding. Thanks for having us Grandma!After a nice wedding ceremony in the Old Rock Church in Parowan.

Paris & Christy live in Columbus and we do a lot together.
"Sisters" - taken in Kevin's back yard.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Tribute To Roxy- Our Special Dog

Eyes fearful, paws worn
A sorrowful sight, so forlorn

Love they said would be the cure
For the suffering you had endured

So our family grew that day
We brought you home, with us you'd stay

Slowly, gently the bond it grew
Faithful, loyal, loving, true

Looking back, it's so unclear
How we got by without you here

Trusted companion, devoted Friend
You gave and gave until the end

They said we were a gift to you
But now we know who rescued who

So long, dear Friend. You'll forever have a place in our hearts.
Roxy- A member of the family from 2005-2011

Monday, October 4, 2010

Solomon Update

Here are a few things our family has been up to this fall.

Grandpa & Grandma Evans came to visit. We had a great time with them and did lots of fun things. We went to a football game...

...we barbecued...

...Grandpa checked his blood pressure...

...we played games...

...we enjoyed the weather...

...we made salsa...

...we sewed...

...and last, but not least, we ate Grandpa's famous pea soup and lots of peach shakes!
After Grandpa & Grandma went back home, we had more exciting events.

Alex's Cross Country meets:

Connor's football games:

We took a trip to Helena and toured the capitol building. On the drive up, we saw a huge moose!

Homecoming Parade- Andre as Homecoming King candidate
Alex on the Pep Band float
Homecoming Game - Columbus Cougars -vs- Red Lodge Redskins (27-0)
Andre (#12) made two touchdowns

Andre & Brooke as Senior-class-nominated candidates
Homecoming King & Queen candidates Homecoming King Andre Solomon & Queen Tessa Rouane
Andre's Eagle project has been in the works for over a year and has finally come to pass. He striped the Stillwater County Courthouse parking lot after it was freshly rechipped. We had a great turnout of brethren from the branch to help out and it was a great success!