Showing posts with label Grant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grant. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Conger Family pictures 2012

We had Noob take our pictures back in April.  It was a windy day, but we still got a few good ones.
Denver, Age 12
Evan, Age 10
Alisha, Age 7
Grant, Age 3
Lewis, Age 2

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Grant!

BIG BOY! Grant is 2 years old

I can't believe Grant is already 2! He is getting so big and already has such a fun personality! It's so fun to tickle him or chase him around, just to hear him giggle. He can also be pretty crazy and really loud! I told Shane he's loud because we gave him the middle name of Lane. Grant loves being outdoors, he could spend all day out there! He really enjoyed our camping trip to Tropic this year.Grant loves to play with cars and trains. He also has to watch his "Cars" movie at least once a day. It's good because between the toys and movie he can keep himself busy for a few hours.
Grant likes to be a big brother. He is a good helper and will bring me a diaper, blankie or pacifier (usually when I don't need them). He likes to give Lewis a lot of kisses and is only mean once in a while. Luckily, he finally started going into nursery really good right before I had Lewis!
He must be going through a growth spurt right now, because he is always in the pantry getting into the cereal or crackers! He also has a major sweet tooth and is always trying to get someone to grab him a piece of my scout candy. The funniest thing is when Shane is making his daily shake, Grant comes running in to get a cup as soon as he hears the blender going.

Grant doesn't know many words yet, so I'm hoping he'll catch on to the "talking" thing real soon. It can get frustrating trying to communicate with him. I'm hoping that the only reason he doesn't talk much is just because he has nothing to say.

We love our cute little boy and we are grateful that he is part of our family!
~Love, Mom, Dad, Denver, Evan, Alisha and Lewis

Happy Birthday, Mr. Grant! You are a fun little man & the kids had a great time playing with you at Tropic!
~Aunt Candi

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Grant!

Grant turning 1-year old!

By Vicki Conger:
If I had one phrase to describe Grant it would be "busy body".  He is constantly going and loves getting into stuff (as you can see below).   He can hardly hold still!  He's a momma's boy too, and always wants me to hold him, but as soon as he gets into my arms he is squirming to get out.  He will sit still for is his Baby Einstein movie, so if I have stuff to do, and I don't have time to deal with him, I turn on his movie and he is mesmerized for a half hour!
It's really  funny, because he can't walk yet, but he can climb.  He is always climbing up into his blue chair and then sitting there so proud of himself! Most of the time he is a happy, smiley boy with a fun personality (except when he's teething).  
There are already a few things that Grant really likes.  He loves music.  He has a lot of musical toys that he'll sit and press their buttons over and over and over and wear out all of the batteries.  He loves the piano too.  He is very content to sit on the bench and pound on the keys.  Whenever he hears Evan practicing, he feels the need to go and "help" Evan with his songs. 
He also loves cars.  He has a bunch around the house that he pushes around and already makes his car noises to go with it.  Grant also loves going outside and going for walks in his stroller. I'm hoping we can get him walking soon, so going outside (or even camping) will be a lot easier.  We have had a lot of fun with this busy body over the last year.  He has definitely been my hardest baby because he is so clingy, and he hardly ever naps.  But despite the hardships, he has been a great joy to our family!