Showing posts with label West Point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Point. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Andre's West Point Graduation

Friday, May 22
Beginning of Parade with West Point Parachute Team

View of parade from Washington Hall

After the parade - very handsome!!

We had a tour of the grounds & facilities on Friday after the parade...
General George Washington

General George Patton
Hudson River in the background

Day before graduation, prior to the formal banquet:
Connor, Snick, Mom, Suzy, Andre, Milo, Alex, Georgia, Ned

Andre looking handsome in his India Whites

At the banquet on Friday night. Cool mess hall!!
Hat Toss at end of graduation on Saturday, May 23
Class of 2015 DISMISSED!!
Andre and his roommate Christian with diplomas in-hand!
Congratulations Andre!!

Lieutenant Andre L. Solomon
Commissioning at Trophy Point

Being commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army
by friend, LDS member & West Point Historian, Sherman L. Fleek.

Suzy & Milo pinning the stripes on Andre's uniform

It is a tradition in our Army that newly commissioned second lieutenants present a silver dollar to the first enlisted Soldier who salutes them. The coin symbolically acknowledges the receipt of respect due the new rank and position.

General Martin Dempsey, Address to 2015 West Point Graduation

2015 West Point Graduation: Oath, Army Song, Prayer, Hat Toss

Andre's Graduation Announcement

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Andre Solomon Update

Vicki recently asked Andre on Facebook 
how he's doing and here is his response:
"I am doing well! I'm actually in Washington D.C. for a couple days to study Congress for my legislative politics class. I am still a double major in Russian and American Politics, so that keeps me really busy. I'm basically paying for my semester abroad right now! Life is good, although I can't wait for this semester to end and for summer to come around. This summer, I will be sent to Fort Bliss, Texas (near el Paso) to shadow a 2nd Lieutenant in an Aviation platoon. I will also do my leadership detail at West Point, in which I will be a company commander for Summer Garrison Regiment. I will be at West Point and basically manage the cadets that remain there for various reasons. Most of all, I can't wait to go home this summer".
Andre with girlfriend Shylah Daniels

Friday, July 27, 2012

West Point 2012

Cadet Andre Solomon

Friday, August 12, 2011

Newspaper Article:

CHS grad completes basic training at West Point Military Academy
By Marlo Pronovost
Stillwater County News Reporter

Photo courtesy of the Solomon family
Columbus High School graduate Andre Solomon has completed cadet basic training at the West Point Military Academy in New York.
Solomon began basic training on June 27 -- shortly after graduating from CHS. The six-week program of Cadet Basic Training is considered “one of the most challenging events a cadet will encounter over the course” of the four years spent at the academy, according to West Point.
The initial military training program provides cadets with basic skills to instill discipline, pride, cohesion, confidence and a high sense of duty to prepare them for entry into the Corps of Cadets. First aid, mountaineering, hand grenades, rifle marksmanship and nuclear, biological and chemical training are all covered in the program, according to a press release from West Point regarding Solomon’s basic training completion.
Solomon is now one month into his classroom curriculum, which consist of courses such as Advanced Multivariable Calculus, boxing (which is mandatory) as well as a Russian class, which his mother says is his favorite.
“He is thinking about majoring in Russian which would give him opportunities, while at the academy, to visit the country and experience things there,” said Suzy Solomon, Andre’s mother. 
Solomon plays trumpet in the Spirit Band, is involved in intramural football as well as the fly fishing and hunting clubs.
He also has pending applications to the Whitewater Kayaking Club and aviation club, which would allow him to earn his pilot’s license. 
“I think the most challenging thing for Andre is trying to balance his academics with everything else going on,” said Suzy Solomon. “His weekends are usually spent catching up on homework.”
It will be Christmas before Solomon will be able to come home, but his parents are keeping in close touch via internet video conferencing.
“It makes it seem like he’s not too far away. We miss him very much but are extremely proud of him and his accomplishments,” said Suzy Solomon.
He plans to graduate from West Point in 2015 and be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
The mission of the U.S. Military Academy is to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army.
For more than 200 years, West Point has produced scores of the nation’s leaders, including presidents, astronauts, pioneering engineers, renowned athletes, CEOs of major companies and founders of Universities.
Only 1,000 cadets were appointed to the class of 2015. Roughly 4,000 hopefuls sought to get into the historic military academy.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

March Back

On Monday, August 8, 2011, the U.S. Military Academy Class of 2015 makes the annual 12-mile "march back" to campus from summer training. Nearly 1,200 new cadets completed a significant rite of passage when they celebrated the completion of Cadet Basic Training by marching almost 12 miles from Camp Buckner to Washington Hall. The March Back after Beast Barracks has been a long-standing tradition for the Corps of Cadets.

Cadet Andre Solomon

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ice Cream Social

These are photos of Andre at the ice cream social today. It takes place halfway through basic training. The cadets get the opportunity to go to a community member's home for a couple hours to relax, hang out and call home. The home he went to was even LDS as was one of the other new cadets. It was very good to talk to Andre for a while. He is doing great!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Cadet Andre Solomon

We were so excited to get this photo e-mailed to us tonight. The Cadet Sergeant took it at LDS Chaplains night.

Please feel free to drop him a note. He checks his mail almost every day and letters are the highlight of his day. He is in his third week of Cadet Basic Training. Almost halfway over!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Andre's New Address

New Cadet: Andre Solomon

P.O. Box 3947

United States Military Academy

West Point, NY 10997-3947

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Sitting in a Black Hawk helicopter

We are so proud of Andre for all his hard work and dedication this past year in applying to the US Military Academy at West Point. He has been so focused on his goal and nothing has held him back. Andre not only attended the Summer Leader Seminar this past June, but has put in a lot of time and effort into the application process, raising his ACT score and obtaining nominations from all three Montana congressmen.

Andre will be reporting to West Point the end of June for Cadet Basic Training. He plans to serve a mission after his second year at West Point, afterwhich he plans to finish his last two years and graduate with the class of 2017. Upon graduation, he will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He will then serve on active duty for a minimum of five years.

In 2009, Forbes Magazine rated West Point America's best college. Read more about the prestigious military academy at

Go Andre! We are very happy and excited for you!

Article found on Jon Tester website (United States Senator for Montana):

Columbus student nominated by Tester accepted to West Point

Senator: Solomon ‘represents best of Montana’

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

(SANA’A, Yemen) – A Columbus High School student nominated by U.S. Senator Jon Tester has been accepted to the prestigious U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y.

Tester today said Andre Solomon, 17, “represents the best of Montana.”

An All-Conference award recipient in football and track, Solomon is very involved in school activities. He serves as Vice President of the Columbus High School Key Club, is Senior Patrol Leader for his Boy Scout Troop, and is a member of the school’s Jazz and Pep Bands.

Solomon also enjoys shooting, hunting, and fishing.

“Montanans are no strangers to service to country, and Andre is proof that that value still runs deep,” said Tester, a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. “For his dedication to country and his commitment to his ideals, folks across our state can be rightfully proud of Andre and his family. I know I am.”

Solomon is one of 31 Montana students Tester nominated to military academies based on their academic achievement, leadership, community service and participation in extracurricular activities.