Monday, May 16, 2016

10 months...and some miracles, I guess

Well well well, I hit my 10 month mark yesterday. That's weird. Also, Sister Gonzales is officially at 17 months now. Crazy things!

It has been a pretty normal week as far as everything we are doing but it has also been kind of crazy. I have been working hard to be a good Sister Training Leader but somehow, because of scheduling, we had 3 exchanges to go on with other sisters so Sister Gonzales was barely here! Yikes! We are going on 2 more this week so wish us luck!

Because we only have one Ward, there are only so many names on our Ward list that we can go visit. This week we officially ran out of people who we hadn't seen before. That's kind of scary because now we don't always know who to go find but we can just keep working with our less actives. We also ran out of names on our potential investigator list so now when we go finding, we are just tracting. We just go door to door for HOURS and it's actually kind of awesome sometimes. We haven't seen anything good come from tracting BUT our hard work and sweat is definitely paying off! I have never found a new investigator from tracting but ever since we started doing it and just going out ALL day, people have been falling into our laps! It's amazing!

We are still teaching Pete but it's hard to get in contact with him since he doesn't have a phone so not a lot of progress has been made. We found a part member family and the 13 and 8 year old daughters want to get baptized together so we are teaching them and they already have a date picked out for their baptism! While we were out tracting on Saturday, we stopped by our Relief Society President's house for a break, hooked up to wifi, and received a referral! We followed up on it immediately and were led to a part member family who just moved here from Chicago THAT DAY. The parents really want to get sealed so he is going to get baptized this Summer! Also, after church yesterday, we received a call from our Elders in Anthem saying that some random couple showed up at their church. He is a member and she isn't but she wants to be. They asked the Elders if they could send people to teach them and then the Elders found out the couple lives in our area! ISN'T THIS MIRACULOUS?! I seriously can't believe it.

I just want you to know that this has happened every time for me on my mission. Our area has absolutely nothing going on and no investigators and then we work really really hard and are as obedient as we can be and people just start showing up one week. It just shows that God is listening to our prayers and has people prepared for us; he just wants us to know that we have to work hard to earn it.

Anyway, things are awesome with the work here and our Ward mission leader finally admitted that we are "the hardest working missionaries this Ward has seen in years". YES. I know that I have not found these people and all the credit goes to the man upstairs but I'm glad that Bro Gould finally admitted that to our faces. It's good, so just pray now that it won't get too hot for us...I'm already dying and my watch tan line is pretty stellar.

It was good to talk to you guys on Monday but also weird. Like, it feels like it was a dream that didn't actually happen. But I'm glad I got to see you all.

Have a good week! ❤️

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