Monday, October 12, 2015

Sister Alex Solomon

This week has been super interesting! To start off, one of our roommates had a leadership meeting that we dropped her off for. When we picked her up, she started freaking out about how one of the sisters in our zone had been sick for 3 weeks and was sent home. SO Sister Wood's companion got emergency transferred to be with the sick girl's companion. Because of that, Sister Wood, Sister Williams, and I are now in a trio until the 21st which is the next transfer. It was really unexpected and we are all stressed out. Fortunately, we have been roommates with her for 3 months already so we all get along. Unfortunately, we are now all covering 3 wards and our schedules were already put together. So we are working on figuring all that out.

One of our investigators had his baptismal interview this week and it went great! He is all set to be baptized this Saturday and I am so excited! But I don't really get to count him as my convert since other sisters were here who actually taught him everything. So I'm still waiting for the investigators who get baptized because I taught them! I'm sure it will happen someday. We took Chloe and Colleen off date this week because we finally had the word of wisdom lesson and Colleen is not happy about the whole no smoking thing....hopefully they will come around! Because of trio problems, I will be on my own with a member to go teach them this week while the other 2 sisters work in other wards. Wish me luck!

We had our last meeting for those of us still in our 3 month training period. During the meeting, President Griffin came and stood in front of my row and looked right at me as he said, "I make it a goal to never judge a missionary in their first week or even their first
transfer. I have seen some of you grow so fast into marvelous missionaries. I have great expectations for you in the future." It made me want to cry, I was so happy! I caught his eye right before the closing prayer from the stand and he winked at me and it was pretty

Fun facts for this week: Elder Montoya spoke at our stake conference which was pretty awesome. Also, I went on exchange in Phoenix North with a temporary companion who told me all about how October is an evil month because Halloween is a holiday literally celebrating Satan worship. It was super interesting. I learned so much. Not.


It rained this week! Like, a lot!

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