Monday, September 21, 2015


Sister Alex Solomon - Arizona, Phoenix Mission

Hellooooooo! This week has been pretty great. There were definitely some negative times but I will get to those start though, we have been working on bringing baptism up in every lesson with our investigators. It has gone well so far! On Monday I asked 3 people to be baptized and they all said yes! They asked when we usually have baptisms and we said Saturdays so they started trying to plan it for this Saturday! We were like, "hold up and simmer down now, you still drink and smoke and we've only had like 2 lessons! You're not ready yet!" It was still awesome though. So we are going to try to put them
on date this week. In other good news, we got another investigator on date for baptism! His name is Chris and he has been investigating the church for almost 2 years! His baptism is October 17th. It's exciting because he has been taught by a bajillion sets of sister missionaries so a bunch of them are coming to the baptism with us. I'm super excited!!

This week was also mission tour....that's when a couple of general authorities come speak to our mission and give us training. So on Thursday, we heard from Elder Bradley Foster and Elder and Sister Montoya who are super new because this is his first year as a general authority. They are from Mexico so Sister Montoya spoke to us entirely in Spanish while her husband tried to translate. It was pretty cute. I have to toot my own horn now for a little a few weeks ago, I had this idea. I asked my companion if we could go through the ward lists and make birthday cards for everyone who had a birthday this month. We have been doing that every day and dropping them off at their houses every night. I just thought it would be a great way to show the wards that we care about them so then maybe they will like us and trust us. Anyway, at mission tour, Elder Montoya was talking about how we get in with people in our ward councils. He wrote down words like "bishop" and "ward mission leader" and then wrote words next to them like "birthday" and "wedding" . He said, these are the important events in people's lives. They care about them so if you start to care about them too, you can make a difference to them. So no big deal, but a general authority and I totally had the same idea. Everyone in our district and zone knew we had been doing the card thing so they all turned and looked at me down the row and my companion gave me a high five. It was awesome! Why am I so cool? Haha, just jokes, but it was fun.

I gave my talk in sacrament meeting yesterday. Thanks mom, for allowing me to  share your experiences. That was the most time and effort I have EVER put in to a talk and I think I turned out pretty good. A lot of people thanked me afterward so I felt nice. Also mom, the primary president texted us yesterday and thanked me for my talk and for your story. She said her lesson was on the Holy Ghost that day so she used examples from my talk and your story and that it went over really well. Thanks for all your help!

Saturday was cool because our stake had a preparedness fair. There were a bunch of booths there that taught you how to do gardening, survival skills, solar cooking, food storage, and family history, and a lot more. They also had an emergency helicopter land in the parking lot that people could go inside. It was awesome! We went to help and we ended up working the family history booth. There were a lot of members and nonmembers there so we got to teach a lot of people about The guy who set up the booth had a giant old book on the table that was called "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah" and it had pictures and bios of men who came to Utah in the mid 1800s. It was published in 1910.  Anyway, I found some ancestors in it!  A ward member posted and tagged me on fb on the ward page pointing to a picture of Ira Stearns Hatch.  He said, "Sister Solomon found ancestors in my book...can you see the family resemblance?" Hahahaha, it was awesome! I will send you the pictures.

We are having fun but we also have a huge problem this week. That problem's name is Brother Anderson. He is our ward mission leader for the Arrowhead Ranch ward. To give you some background, ever since I got here, the dude has been giving me weird vibes. He just looks creepy and he always talks in this weird soft voice. I hate it. Anyway, yesterday he sat us down and told us we were not good missionaries. He wants us to stop teaching this investigator named Marge. He told us that she "is not comfortable with this particular set of missionaries" and that the teaching should be left up to him. He came right out and said, "maybe when you get transferred, I will tell her that our ward has good missionaries now." I wanted to straight up punch him in the face. So that happened and I am upset but I also just want to laugh at him and say, "oh, you think we aren't good missionaries? That's funny because we found 12 new investigators this month in our other ward AND we will have 4 baptisms next month."

Anyway, other than that it was a good week.


I heard scraping sounds when I was in the bathroom then looked down and saw this....Sister Williams is super creepy and I love it!

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