Monday, August 10, 2015

Week 2? I already lost count...

We are the coolest. Well, mostly me.

Hi Everyone! 

So this week has been a little bit harder. Apparently my mission president sometimes puts new missionaries in really hard areas to sort of weed out the wimps at the beginning so he doesn't waste any more time on them. I have certainly felt the truth of that this week. I am in an area where we have no investigators, no referrals, and the members and bishop refuse to talk to us or even answer their doors. Also, we are not allowed to go door to door in any part of this mission so all of our investigators are supposed to come from member you can imagine how that's going. We have no way to find people and we have had so much extra boring time where we have nothing to do because literally no one will talk to us. It's sad. And to make things worse, there were legitimately 4 times this week where we went to knock on a door from old lists of potential investigators we had, and we found out that the PI was dead. No joke, all of our potential investigators are LITERALLY dead. As in, 6 feet under, body decomposing, dead. So that's a bummer.

This last Sunday was pretty cool though because we got to church and some random dude in jeans and Converse just walked in and came to sacrament. He got out of jail on Monday and he said that he went to church the whole time he was in jail and that he thought our church was teaching the right stuff. So when he got out he just walked on Sunday until he found one of our buildings. Cool, huh? He really seems serious about making a huge change in his life. Unfortunately though, he is 23 so he can't be our investigator because we are supposed to hand him off to the elders in charge of the Young Single Adult ward in our area. So, still no new investigators. Drat. 

Fun things that happened this week: I went on an exchange and so I had a new companion for one day. She's super cool and she knows Dei (my roommate from BYU)! She took me to go get ice cream and some members were there at the shop and they paid for our ice cream. So that was cool (even though I'm already starting to hate all things sugar). While on exchange, we went to the gym to work out. In the complex gym they constantly have tvs playing in front of the treadmill so I accidentally watched some Good Morning America with Dan Harris....oops! #sorrynotsorry 
They did a tribute to Peter Jennings since it was the tenth anniversary of his death. That was interesting. Also I saw a Ron Paul commercial and I really want to know what was on the website for it...all he said was go to the website for a FREE video at . 

So there is this member here who is super awesome and we just love her. Her name is Nanette. It's like Anette but just with n before it. She is in her late 40s, she's always been single, and she is 4'8" tall. She is so cool though and she plays pranks on us. Anyway, this week we went to her house for dinner and she taught us how to say, "Repent you ugly sinning cockroach" in Hawaiian. So that is a thing I can do now. But I don't know how to spell it so I'm not writing it.

I am officially a Facebook missionary now. I had to go on my Facebook and completely modify it though. That means that I had to manually click to hide every single post I ever had. It was a lot of work! So Mom, when you post something about me or with me in it, you can't tag me. I'm friends with my mission president now, so I have to be careful.

I only have two major complaints this week:
1. We cannot work out in the gym if there's a dude in there, even though there are four of us. So we have to find something to do outside and my companion will not run with me. It's frustrating!
2. My companion keeps telling me that I need to unfriend everybody, including my family, cause their posts could be distracting. I don't get it, but I'm trying to be obedient and have a good attitude.

This is all I can think of for now but I will probably send you more stuff throughout the day....
Anyway, have a good week and I love you all!

Sister Alex Solomon
4545 W. Beardsley Rd. Apt. 2031
Glendale, AZ 85308

Here is my awesome Corolla. I call it mine because I am the only one who can drive it here.  
Also, it's a champ. I didn't get it in the picture but we have 
an awesome ghetto bike rack on the back of it.

Me on p day....when I'm not having to drive everybody around.

I wasn't going to send this one from my new 
profile picture photoshoot but I thought it was kind of cute.

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