Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Cameron!

Our baby boy is now 17 years old! It's hard to believe. What can we say about Cameron? He is a fun kid to be around and is very laid back. He has lots of friends here in town in three different stakes and in many high schools. He loves playing football and volleyball. He has had 3 different universities ask him to play football for them next year. (Colorada State University, Northern Arizona University, and U.N.L.V.) He is still trying to decide where he wants to go to college, and has decided he wants to be an orthodontist. He is getting braces on as soon as his mouth heals from getting his wisdom teeth out.

Cameron is a great student and after report cards came out at the end of school, he now has a 4.41 GPA. Not too shabby. Cameron is the 1st assistant in the Priests Quorum and still participates in a lot of scouting activities. He is going to a high adventure camp (Del Webb) at the end of July. Dad and Mom are throwing a big birthday luau for him and Carissa next week. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Cam is determined that he is going to be taller than his dad. We'll have to wait and see.
Cameron, we're so blessed to have you in our FLAMILY. We hope you have a terrific birthday.
~Love, Mom

Cameron is the sweetest "little" brother there is. Him and I have so much fun and definately know how to stay out of trouble :) hehe He is the teddy bear of our family and LOVES to cuddle with people, and trust me, it gets to the point where he is practically smothering you! Cameron was always known at school as the Mormon boy which I am so proud of. All his friends know his standards and they knew he wouldn't back down on them. I can't wait til you go to BYU with me!!! ;) (haha mom that was my pitch for you!) Love you Cam! Happy Birthday!!!

Cam is such a cute, fun kid. It's funny to watch all his little cousins following him around like little puppy dogs. Cam is very smart and talented. I think it's great that he already knows what he wants to be when he "grows" up. I can just imagine what his life will be like when he's my age. He'll be rakin' in the dough for his hot wife and 6 kids! Whatever he does, I'm sure he'll be successful! Happy Birthday Cam, we love you very much and are very proud of you!

~Vicki, Shane and Kids

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