Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Denver!

by Vicki Conger

Denver is a naughty boy. He likes to get into trouble and choose the wrong. SIKE!! OK, let me start over. Denver is a good boy and he is pretty good about doing what he is asked in a timely manner. Usually the only time he gets in trouble is when he doesn't think something through before doing it. It's nice having him around because he is a great helper to me. He helps me a lot with the little boys and when we're out and about without Shane, he'll take one of them for me. He is becoming more and more responsible (and independent) every day. He's looking forward to when he can babysit for longer periods of time and so am I!!

Denver has a fun personality and makes friends easily. There are always kids at the door looking for him and enjoy being around him because he is pretty easy goin'. He is also a talker (I wonder where he got that from?). Hopefully that won't get him in trouble at school. Speaking of school, Denver is a good student and gets good grades. He has the capability of getting straight A's, but he likes to hurry through his work, so he has time to chat or play. I'm always amazed at some of the things he has stored in that brain of his. He really is like a sponge. He is pretty excited to go to Junior High this year. He decided he is going to play the Bass in orchestra this year. I'm excited to see how well he does with that.

Denver is getting pretty tall for his age and also very good looking. Seems like the girls his age (and some older) are starting to realize that. If you combine his good looks with his personality, I think he's going to make a great catch.

Denver still likes to cook and likes to help me cook or bake things. He's getting pretty good at it, if he can just make sure he reads the recipes right. Some of his other likes are: camping, fishing, making lego structures, watching movies and TV, and playing video games (he's really into the Wii Lego games).

We love that boy and we enjoy having him in the family!

Happy Birthday Denver!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Kannon!

by Candi Evans

Kannon is finally 14! He is so excited! Although, he thinks he is turning 16 because he wants to drive all of the time! We sneak him driving to Kevin & Cynth's or Darrel & Amber's & he hasn't gotten caught yet, but he probably doesn't look any smaller than me sitting in the driver's seat! Sometimes I wish he was 16 so he could drive, but yet I don't want him to really be that old! He has also hit another milestone - he is finally taller than me! He thinks he's so funny calling me "Shorty", but he is only 1 inch taller so far! He keeps hoping he will hit his growth spurt soon. We hope for him too!!!

Kannon is a great kid! He has always been such a laid back boy and really easy going. Nothing gets him too riled to easy. So far he has been a good teenager, not one of the scary ones you cringe at! And he knows he better stay that way! He is a lot of fun to be around & wants to make everyone happy. He has a fun sense of humor, between him & his twin cousin, Wade, they have kept us in stitches this last week!

Kannon has been the Deacon's quorum President this last year & we have been really proud of how responsible he has been with his calling. His leaders have told us a number of times how impressed they have been with him carrying out his duties and how he is with the other boys. He has definately learned how important it is to follow through with a task when you're asked to do something, because it drives him crazy when he has to remind the boys to do something he has asked. Hmmm, good life lesson there!

He played football & baseball this year & had a great year. It was so fun to watch him! I was sad when baseball ended, because they were so fun to watch & such a good group of boys. He has a lot of really good friends that are really good kids, both boys & girls! He & Tylee have had a lot of fun together this summer hanging out with friends. We are so glad they are here! He also loves to snowboard, he decided snowboarding was better than basketball for his winter sport. He is actually really good & we have a lot of fun together.

He is soooo excited to be going to High School! He can't wait! He went to football camp last week with the high school at Snow College & had a lot of fun & learned a lot too! He's not too excited about early morning Seminary tho, he's not what you would call an early riser! He definitely has Evans blood in him, he needs his sleep!

All in all, Kannon is a great kid & we love him so much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KANNON! P.S. He was so excited he actually had some good pictures turn out when Noob took them for us!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Lyla!

Happy Birthday to Lyla. She is a sweetheart and is awfully smart, loves books and can throw a ball. She is always saying "What's that" which reminds us of Debbie when she was that age. We love you, Lyla!

~Grandma & Grandpa Evans

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Deb & Randy hosted a fun-filled birthday Luau for Cameron & Carissa and their friends at the home of Larry & Tracy Long.

Approximately 20 more kids showed up AFTER this photo was taken!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


My Mustache

My mustache is so full

So graceful

So thick and vivid

It has no rival

No one else to compare.

In the winter

It’s as black as night

And in the summer sun

It shines like gold.

It cheers me up

When I am down


“Hey buddy how are you?”

It will always be my friend

My loyal companion

Forever by my side

Or should I say

Above my lip

~Miguel Sanchez


Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July fun (on July 3rd)

The Carlsons and Wordens were invited to Wayne & Melissa's for an Independence Day BBQ.

Patriotic Jell-O
No need for bowls... just break out the spoons!

Sis & Baby Meg

Looks like Meg just got spanked by Uncle Chuck for being naughty

Aunt Deb & Jare Bear

Carlsons at Magic Mountain

Well as it happened Randy had the 4th of July weekend off, so we decided to head out and take the kids to Magic Mountain. We had a fun time and we were glad to have a weekend together. It may be the only weekend we get together this summer! This picture pretty well describes the rest....

You can pay to squirt the people on the ride with a squirt gun!

Happy Independence Day, America!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Cameron!

Our baby boy is now 17 years old! It's hard to believe. What can we say about Cameron? He is a fun kid to be around and is very laid back. He has lots of friends here in town in three different stakes and in many high schools. He loves playing football and volleyball. He has had 3 different universities ask him to play football for them next year. (Colorada State University, Northern Arizona University, and U.N.L.V.) He is still trying to decide where he wants to go to college, and has decided he wants to be an orthodontist. He is getting braces on as soon as his mouth heals from getting his wisdom teeth out.

Cameron is a great student and after report cards came out at the end of school, he now has a 4.41 GPA. Not too shabby. Cameron is the 1st assistant in the Priests Quorum and still participates in a lot of scouting activities. He is going to a high adventure camp (Del Webb) at the end of July. Dad and Mom are throwing a big birthday luau for him and Carissa next week. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Cam is determined that he is going to be taller than his dad. We'll have to wait and see.
Cameron, we're so blessed to have you in our FLAMILY. We hope you have a terrific birthday.
~Love, Mom

Cameron is the sweetest "little" brother there is. Him and I have so much fun and definately know how to stay out of trouble :) hehe He is the teddy bear of our family and LOVES to cuddle with people, and trust me, it gets to the point where he is practically smothering you! Cameron was always known at school as the Mormon boy which I am so proud of. All his friends know his standards and they knew he wouldn't back down on them. I can't wait til you go to BYU with me!!! ;) (haha mom that was my pitch for you!) Love you Cam! Happy Birthday!!!

Cam is such a cute, fun kid. It's funny to watch all his little cousins following him around like little puppy dogs. Cam is very smart and talented. I think it's great that he already knows what he wants to be when he "grows" up. I can just imagine what his life will be like when he's my age. He'll be rakin' in the dough for his hot wife and 6 kids! Whatever he does, I'm sure he'll be successful! Happy Birthday Cam, we love you very much and are very proud of you!

~Vicki, Shane and Kids