Howdy -
Ran errands the other day... One was a stop at the feed store. We go there more often that the grocery store! As we drove in the front gate we were greeted by the three stooges. The three standard donkeys that have full control of the property.
We were very blessed with a little bit of rain a couple of weeks ago... and then all this tiny green stuff started coming up everywhere. It had been too long since we saw any thing close to green! The donkeys are loving it! And for the first time in awhile Valentine, Cocoa and Teddy were up at the gate grazing. There was nothing but dirt up front so really no reason for them to venture up there... but now! Oh they are happy campers!
We drove up our dirt driveway and stop. Hubby says I am going to run in and change clothes and then unload all the chicken feed, and donkey feed. And out of nowhere in just minutes the Three Stooges magically appeared! And in a blink of an eye Valentine reached over the tailgate, and ripped a big ole' hole in the chicken feed bag and started grabbing large mouths full and chowing down. What he was dropping on the ground, Cocoa and Teddy were cleaning up as fast as it was hitting the dirt. I ran out and of course snapped a photo first and then told them to back off! They were not scared of me and decided they were hidden well behind the tailgate... LOL
Hubby went flying out arms waving and screaming NO bad Donkeys! And a few other things...
They took off running and acted like they had no clue why he was upset. US? Look how far away we are.... I stood out there while Hubby went in to finish putting on his shoes... and here they came towards me. Uh NOPE I am standing right here! BAD DONKEYS... funny but Bad!
Hubby brought in a couple of round bales this week. The forecast is predicting rain next week and he decided to get them in now just in case they are actually right.
Here Patricio and Flavio are more interested in the decoy hay thrown in to keep them off the truck and hay trailer. Otherwise they run all around while he is moving and it scares us both. Decoy hay works very well to keep them in one place away from the drop zone. And this was fresh cut this week decoy hay so I am sure it is much tastier than that round bale, but once it is gone guys... round bale is it!
Snapped a photo of Black Jack. He has been very very busy out grazing in his new green grass. Didn't see him at all when I first went out. Heart starts beating harder... Yell out... nothing, where is he? I go in his pen and start looking everywhere and slowly he starts making his way up to me. No biggie.. whats up Mom?
Some ear scratches and then his favorite loved rear end scratches and then he went on back to grazing.
As I made my way back to the porch, there was sweet little Chica just sitting on the edge of the porch waiting for me to let her back in.
She has been such a perfect little dog. Always minds. Never bad. Well other than trying to sneak the cat food from time to time. Just a sweet beautiful little girl. Love her so much!
Now I have in the past told you about the three boy "kittens" that were born months back in the barn and now living here. Its ok... they are boys - and they keep the mice away and are fun to watch playing outside. Their Momma disappeared a couple months after they were born. We thought something had happened to her. Months go by.... And guess what.. OH NO!
She showed up again. This time with FIVE little fur balls in tow. She has had them living in the garage, and on the back porch. Moving them back and forth every few days. Thankfully we have a family member that works with stray cats and she is going to help us trap and find them all homes. THANK YOU!!!
Is there some Cat radar out there that they send out a message saying travel a long way to these peoples farm and have your kitten there. They will feed you and take care of you cuz the man there is a bit nuts for cats. Ha! When he called me to see the little furry adorable things I said awe how cute.. .if you even think of bringing one inside you will be living in the barn for sure! Find them other homes! They are cute but we need to spread the love and cuddles elsewhere!
Hope you enjoyed this week - Have you AC Smile again!
HUGS and