On the last Saturday of the year I always look back at a few of my favorite photos of the year. It is always hard to pick just a few of my fur children to show off again, but sometimes a photo just is special :0)
Babies are always a highlight!
Domino was born in May and has more personality than he knows what to do with...
Then we were blessed two weeks later with Waylon and Willie... twins that follow Domino around like little shadows and all though Willie is a bit more shy than Waylon or Domino they are all three super special little boys!
Now another thing that just had to be shown off as a highlight
Alvin... Oh my we love Alvin!
This guy has made himself at home here on the farm and in our hearts! He is such a warm friendly dude and we can't wait to see what kind of little babies we get from him and a few of our girls this Spring! Hoping for some of his color and LOTS of his personality!
Now Black Jack has been such a special man for so many years here ... and he LOVE to have his photo taken.
He is getting a little grey with age, but with age comes wisdom and sweetness!
For a smile EVERY TIME... you call up Lacey and Patti.
Those faces are just beautiful and those eyes just crack me up they are so full of humor and personality!
And speaking of personality... I LOVE this girl. Moxie!
She was so proud of herself and enjoying her view of the world from the top of this hay bale! Being the Momma I was worried about her getting down safely... but like lightning she was down and running a million miles an hour then back up again. LOL
Love this group shot of the girls... One second they were all focused on me...
The next they were all totally focused on "Dad" coming with a load of hay. That was so much more important than me!
This face just says it all...
Love this boy and his big brown eyes.. he just melts me. My special boy -
And then this girl she has her Daddys same eyes but she does her special look with more of a grin.
My Libbie... she since being blind is slower and more cautious but don't let that fool you...
She is still 110% in charge of everyone and everything!
It has been a wonderful and blessed year here at Animal Crackers... praying that 2019 brings lots of smiles to you all year long!
Have a blessed weekend and new year!
HUGS and