Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Basement Of Doom

Its amazing what gets stashed in basements! I've been working at getting ours a little bit more situated in the last month. Its the kind of project you have to work at a little at a time.

Last night I unearthed 2 boxes of books.

I hate when that happens. I can't get rid of books until I know they've been read. Just what I needed to do, add 20 more books to my "to be read" pile.

I did find some one of my childhood favorites. A little book about a family going on a picnic. It was one of those books I read over and over again as a child, much like The Little Golden Book: A Bunny Book. Oh how I loved that one. (And also anything by Richard Scarry)

The books I found couldn't be short little Harlequin Romances that I could breeze through either. Nope this are some really thick historical romances.

I guess I'll be doing a lot of reading in the next few months. Here's hoping that when I go back down to clean some more I don't find any more books!


Mike said...

"a little bit more situated"

HA! Trying to clean out a basement is an exercise in futility.

rashbre said...

...Er that should have said 'bit'.

rashbre said...

your basement sounds a bot like my garage