Showing posts with label payperpost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label payperpost. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Travel Plans

Believe it or not I'm still trying to get to Atlantic City this fall. I can't be sure it's going to happen, but I was on every website known to man for good deals on hotel rooms. I found Hotel Reservations today when I decided to give it another go at finding a reasonable rate.

All I can say is wow! I did get a better rate than I was finding on my own. The site was easy to use and like many of other travel sites, offered deals on flights, cars and even vacation packages.

Being the type of person that harbors delusions of fantastic vacations, I decided to do a lookup for rates on Las Vegas, which is my dream vacation. I got rates as low as $410 for airfare and hotel accommodations! Round trip, airfare! That's fantastic! It's better than some of the deals I've got through AAA. I think it was better pricing than what I saw one a few other sites too.

I know for Atlantic City, The Hilton Casino never came up at all in any of my searches, and it was the best rate by far for Sunday and Monday, which are the days I'd need the room for, if we go.

The best part is that the site is easy to navigate. Plus it offers discounts on hotels and flights etc all over the world. Not that I'd have any use for international travel, but one day. One day, when I get brave and decide to go to London or Dublin, or let's be more realistic, Toronto or Quebec.

I know that I'll probably use this site when booking my trip to Atlantic City in September, assuming that all goes well with my father in the next few days.

I checked on their rates for car rentals too, though nothing comes up for my area, other than the rental places near the airports, but from what I'm seeing their rates are very competitive too.

So I must file away for further use. I've already written the phone number down just in case. I don't know why but I always end up with questions and thankfully, you can talk to a person if you need to with this site. Reservations can be booked online or by phone. That's a plus for people that don't like to give their credit card info to a website too.

Now if only I had the money to take an awesome vacation, and if only my dad were home from the hospital so I could stop worrying.

Friday, July 27, 2007

I signed up for PPP!

I just signed up for a payperpost account. What's that, you ask? It's a blog network that allows bloggers to make money by posting for advertisers on your blog, and I don't mean having a block of ads posted on my blog. I'll be posting about real websites with services that I can relate to and maybe you will to.

The first time I read about these sites, I was hesitant, but Valbee is doing it so I thought, what could it hurt? I need some extra money. Don't we all? So I figured why not sign up?

I can choose how much extra money I make. This could be vacation money or money for those bills that creep up on me without notice every month and make me frustrated. Who knows? The only way I'll find out is by giving it a shot, and that's what I'm doing.

Ah...extra CD money. That's enough to motivate me. Actually money for rental cars motivates me too. Money to pay off bills is another motivator. Can you tell money motivates me? I imagine you can. Plus it's money made through writing, and I love to write and research. So this could be a great opportunity for me.

If you think you might like to make some extra money too, there's a sign up link in this post and on the sidebar of this blog. Just give it a click and you can sign up too!