Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Weekend Photos

For those of you not on Facebook...

Some pictures from my Saturday out with my brother and his family

Friday, July 05, 2019

Family Feud

I don't mean the game show either.

These days my youngest nephew and I are not speaking, and saying that is an understatement.

It all started a few weeks ago.

At some point, I've not said hello in passing to said nephew's future mother in law.

In my life, I have met this woman a grand total of 3 maybe 4 times and 1 time I didn't say hello. I received a snarky text message saying that since she is going to be family soon, I should talk to her.

I was either coming or going from break!

For the love of God!

Enter the bridal shower, which I've really not wanted to go to. I hardly ever speak to the bride to be. In fact, haven't had much communication since Easter with her. I've always felt showers were more for the bride's family and friends..and I would be totally uncomfortable and out of place there.

Also it would require me losing a shift at work, which is usually a full 8 hrs. Now this isn't a greedy thing. This is a I need this to get food on the table and my credit card paid off.  Not to mention I've had to do repairs on my roof as well as getting my porch fixed. These things cost money. I am also feeding more than just me.

He doesn't understand this at all. Neither does said bride to be.

I had a screaming match about this a few weeks ago...where I word jumbled...I wouldn't be going to either wedding or shower if my mother were he could pretend she was still here..

All things came to a head when he conveniently forgot my birthday this week.

For me that was it.

I wasn't asking for a present. I was asking for an acknowledgement, as I know our relationship is strained at best now.

By July 3rd, I was fuming mad.

Which ended up with a text saying that I don't support his girlfriend. (Hey..I don't have to..she's your girlfriend not mine) And that I bashed I did not. Anything I posted on Facebook had no names mentioned...It was only guilt that made him angry. Kinda a Your So Vain...You Probably Think This Post Is About You Carly Simon sort of thing.

Which also ended up with a fight between him and his mom, which made me feel very guilty.

I'm done.

I love my nephew, but right now I don't like him very much at all and I'm pretty sure there is no way to fix things at this point.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Yesterday I was doing a lot of thinking. I probably hurt myself doing it too.

I was thinking about my grandmother and how time and finances keep me from keeping her grave the way I'd like to.

As I talked to my mother about that, we discussed the graves of my great parents. There's not much family left to put flowers on their graves either.

It had been awhile since I was at Belle Vernon Cemetery, but today I went, just to see if I could remember where everyone was.

It took awhile, but I did find Grandma and Grandpap Wasicek.

Then I went in search of my aunts and uncles.

The grave I took a picture of is my Aunt Faith, who was truly an amazing woman. I wish I would have had a better chance to get to know her. She was one of the only members from my grandmother's side of the family that lived long enough for me to have any memories of. She was at my gram's 100th birthday party in 2007.

She traveled the world and wrote poetry and painted. She was a beautiful lady too. Very elegant and dignified.

I miss her and my grandmother so much

Monday, April 07, 2014

RIP Aunt Faith

The world lost a lovely talented lady on Friday. This photo shows my Aunt Faith, her daughter Justina and her son Charles, and the little lady in the front is my Grandma. This photo was taken on Gram's 100th b-day. Faith was 99.

She was a poet, a painter and a world traveler. There was nothing she wouldn't do. She really lived life to the fullest.

I'm sure she's catching up with Grandma in heaven now.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Civil War

My brother is a Republican.

I'm ashamed to say that.

I've known that for awhile, and I've lived with it, but recently he's turned into another person. A person full of hatred and spite and bigotry. I know he didn't learn that from mom and dad.

On my birthday I got into it with him, via facebook messages and text messages. (A fight that started over a post I made about Faux...erm Fox News)

It escalated from there.

I defriended him and everyone in his family from Facebook.

I got a verbal tirade back from him.

I don't have a brother now. I will not acknowledge that man in Canton as my brother.

The other day the mother of a friend of mine, messaged me on Facebook to tell me he did much the same to her.

I post my views on Facebook. Occasionally I'll argue a point with someone, but I won't swear at them on their wall post that wasn't directed at me.

I don't know what happened to the man I called a brother, but whoever took his place is a wanker and I'm ashamed to know him

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Why Do Things Sucketh So?

Yesterday was my 38th birthday. I don't usually expect much when it comes to these things, but yesterday was exceptionally awful. By 8:30 I was dealing with an insurance claim from my little fall down the stairs that could cost me $1000.00


Then after only 30 minutes at work, my mom ends up at the ER where I spend most of the day. When I leave the ER...with 5% charge on my battery, my brother calls, wishes me a happy birthday and mentions that it might be time to put mom in a home.

Well fuck you really hard dry!

After a small tiff that escalated on Facebook today. Thank you political pictures, I am no longer speaking to my brother. In fact, I refuse to acknowledge him as my brother. I wash my hands of him, so much so that his birthday present is getting mailed back. I don't want his money.

In fact. I want nothing to do with him.

So lots of drama in the past 48 hours. A lot of it I could do without...and you only know half of it. I am however sure, my brother was switched at birth and somewhere out there is a 60 year old man that is my actual brother.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another Vintage Picture

This is a photo of my Grandma Anna, my dad's mum. I never knew her, because she passed away 11 or 12 years before I was born.

The first thing I thought when I saw this picture was "Boy does she look rough!"

But then, she had 10 children and lived in a coal mining town.

So I guess looking rough was the thing.

Having seen the photos of my dad's family, I am now quite happy to say that I look more like the Rehula/Wasicek side of the family.

Is that bad of me?


Monday, January 16, 2012

Dad and Grandpap Guy

This is a photo my brother found on

That's my dad and my grandpap back in the day...Like way back in the day!

He found a lot out about my dad's family that we didn't our ancestors came from Ireland and our name was originally Gaw.

OK..anyone know how that is pronounced? And I wonder how Guy came from that.

All I know is it must be nice to be able to afford to be a member of that site! $23 a month!


To learn stuff that even our parents parents didn't know or care to share with us!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

To the 2 women that have loved me more.

Mom: You've put up with so much from me, school, relationships, jobs. You've criticized for all the right reasons. Sometimes I listened, sometimes I didn't. But no matter what you always loved me. You always were there with a hug and kiss and a shoulder when I needed it. A huge heart, so full of love. You've taught me how to love and you gave me my faith. I hope there are many more mother's days to celebrate together.

Grandma: Always a dollar to spare. Always a hug and a kiss. Always a word of advise that I didn't want to hear, but always you. Always a smell of Olay and Rose Milk hand cream. Always a smile. Always a lady. Always a sparkle in your eye. Someone to share my smutty novels with. What am I going to do without you? Love you so much more than you could imagine, grandma.


And now a few of grandma and a little grandbaby that looks suspiciously like me from some Christmases in the 70s.





Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day....

I'm hard pressed to find a good picture of my father. I think I inherit from him the gene that says there will be no really good photos taken of either of us.

My dad is an older version of Tim Allen. He's Mr. Fix-it. (Or at least he wants to be) He loves to take things apart...its getting them back together that often results in a few choice words being uttered. If you don't hear him say "sonafabitchinbastard" or "dammit to hell" once or twice during a fix-it operation, well the operation was just too easy.

He is also the one that created some of our favorite phrases...

Like "Left hand turn artists." My dad hates these people. Everyone should go around the world to the right.

He's the cat man too. The first cat we had in my lifetime, Mutchka would never have come through the doors if not for him. All of the cats we have now, love him, except Bootsie, who has something against male humans.

My dad is the type to worry when I drive to Pittsburgh....or anywhere that's more than 20 minutes from home. The oil must be checked....the tires too.

He's a great dad! Happy Father's Day, Daddy.

And here's The Mistress Of The Dark's Family....I think this is all of us

I'm standing next to my father in this shot...and for those of you that don't know what I look like (lucky you) I'm the one on the far right, holding the toddler (my nephew Wild Will)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

It Was 55 Years Ago Today

I thought it would be nice to share my parents wedding photo. I can only hope to find a love half as strong and as enduring as theirs is.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

Today is my mom and dad's 55th wedding anniversary. God bless them. Neither of them has tried to kill one another and both of them still love each other very much.

They are one of the few couples that still allow me to have faith in the institution of marriage which I generally don't care to much for, since most people tend to bail out when the going is rough.

I know my parents have had rough patches, but they worked through their problems and though there wasn't always money for everything they wanted, they made it work and they gave all they could to their three brother, Rudy; my sister, Debby; and myself.

I can only thank them both for being wonderful parents...and its my greatest wish that they have many more years together.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Girls

Two days of good photos of's unbelievable.

These are pics of me with my youngest nieces...Amanda and Ali

It was a lovely weekend even with the flat tire and cell phone troubles. I enjoyed spending time with everyone and I think things with my sister are improving slightly. We had a good time in Wheeling, the food was great, as always and we walked around a bit, to walk off the food that we ate. A good time was had by all.

Back To Normal

It's funny, I thought the weekend would be completely fab. But as I was going out to get in my car this morning, I had a flat tire.


So much for my workout. I could have taken my sister's car, but I won't use it unless it's an emergency and I'm going to work or she's in the car with me. I guess I'll be doing the ski machine in a bit. Plus I'm still without a cell phone. Glad I didn't just hop into Bernie this morning, or I would have been screwed.

Things aren't all bad though. I'm going to return the worthless cell charger, so that money will go against the new phone I had to buy. 115 bucks....That still makes me quake in my boots. At least I'll get $50 back from my rebate, so it could be worse.

Sis and I have decided that since we're going to Washington to return the charger, we might as well drive 25 miles further and go to Wheeling. I don't even remember when we were there last. November maybe? I'm not sure. I'm going to gamble $5 and eat Islander buffet even though it's not good for my diet. Fuck it! I deserve something other than bills from this weekend.

Big Brother is going to install my DVD burner drive. Woot! I'll get to burn a few things I've been wanting to burn for awhile for friends and family. Plus I'll have a CD Burner and DVD burner on this computer.

And lastly another photo from the party

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Happy 100th B-day Grandma

The party went well. All my close family...including all of my brother's family....wives 1, 2 and 3 were there. How interesting. Plus members of my grandma's family that I've never met in my life.

Dinner was wonderful and Grandma had a blast, so it was all good.

First up...a picture of the B-day girl

Next up is a picture of Mom, Gram and Me

I played with countless babies....and kids...

The photo has me with all my brother's girls Melanie, Amanda, Olivia, Monica and Ali

The best picture was the stress relief of my brother's wife..