Showing posts with label bootsie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bootsie. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2014

Missing My Furbabies

Have you ever had a pet that has crossed the rainbow bridge that just really breaks your heart, in such a way that every time you think of them you cry?

Last year, I lost three kitties. Two were from Miss Itchy's litter, Blinky and Mucker and the third was my Bootsie (aka Bootsietardalopasaurus).

Bootsie was invisacat. She loved hiding. She was a bit shy, but full of love for me.

Then there were my little Muckers..Blinky and Mucker. Both had a form of Feline Leukemia that took them from me shortly after they turned 1 year old


My little ones, I will never ever forget you.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

To Sad To Post

I'm taking Bootsie tomorrow. She's still eating but she's getting nothing from it. She's not moving around much and I'm sure she's suffering.

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

I love all my furbabies.

I still hope that God intervenes and takes her before I have to.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Saying Goodbye To A Friend

My Bootise was diagnosed with inoperable mouth cancer. The tumor in the back of her mouth is already quite large and in the next few days I'm going to have to make the decision of what to do.

I hate playing God with anyone's life, even though I couldn't afford surgery if it were possible.

I feel so powerless.

I want to share my beautiful Bootsie with you so you can help me say goodbye







Bootsie's Beauty Rest


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cat Thursday

Welcome to the weekly meme that celebrates the wonders and sometime hilarity of cats! Join us by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you may have come across, famous cat art or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). It's all for the love of cats!

From The True Book Addict


My Bootsie is anti-social, and she's not to fond of men, in particular, my dad. (This is strange, cos he is the Cat goo gajoob) So seeing her out and about is a rarity. Getting pictures of her is more so.

So here are a few shots of the ever elusive Invisi-cat, Bootsie




Monday, August 30, 2010

Hurry Down Doomsday The Cat's Are Taking Over

If Mr. Rimba can take over Andrea's blog, well so can I, and I think some of my other friends have some things that they'd like to share with the humans.

My big gripe is that silly I Can Has Cheezburger website. Do all humans think that we are that stupid?

The Egyptians had cat gods and goddesses and yet people think that cats walk around going "oh hai!" or "O Rly!" I don't think so!

Perhaps in recent years people have forgotten about TS Eliot's book of Practical Cats. It inspired a musical, you know. I may be no Grizabella, but I certainly know how to speak English, maybe even the Queen's English and that's a hard thing to do, considering I'm a kitty from Washington County in the fair state of Pennsylvania.

I better give this blog back to Andrea or maybe I should give it to one of my other friends.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bootsie Took A Few Years Off My Life

My kitty Bootsie, is a chicken. She's afraid of most everything that isn't an animal. Yesterday she decided she wanted to spend some time in our basement. It would be nice if she would have told us she was going. (We kept the basement door closed for Itchy's sake)

For two hours we searched the house to no avail, fearing the worst, that she had escaped. None of my cats leave the house, as I know that the chances of injury and sickness triple when you let cats roam free. Plus I think its just plain irresponsible, but that's neither here nor there.

Everyone in my house looked. We moved furniture. The whole nine yards. Suffice to say I didn't get a damn thing done last night, except for the request for a birth certificate from my mother.

My father actually had to get out the hose to finally find her. She came rushing up out of the basement where 3 of us had been calling her for ages. Oye! My kitty is a little chicken cat-catorie!

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Crazy Cats

It's funny how my cats have paired off. I have 2 females and 2 males, and though they have all been altered, for lack of a better word, they have split up into couples.

Oogie and Bootsie make a cute couple

And then there's Itchy and Mutchka.

What's funny is that when I had Misty and Buddah they never paired up. Maybe it was the age difference. I don't know, but suddenly I have two groups of married couples in the house. What's really precious is when Mutchka starts to clean Itchy.

So far there's been no true love between the two younger kitties even though they hang out together all the time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Kittehs Everywhere

I think Muthcka was the only kitteh, that didn't have his picture snapped this weekend, and that's because he's a cranky kitty.

Here are my furry feline friends....

Oogie, aka Kitler looking not so pleased.

This is Bootsie's WTF expression. She uses it a lot.

Itchy is glad I didn't snap another picture of her rolly polly belly.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bootsie The Bizarre

My little girl is a very odd kitty. I think spending the first year of her life @ the Humane Society has really altered the way she sees the world.

She's an upstairs kitty. I've seen her sneak downstairs once or twice but on a whole, she doesn't leave the 2nd floor of our house. She has specific prowling hours too. From about 8 o'clock in the evening she comes out of her spot (which is usually far from eye sight of any human in this house) til about 8 a.m.

The only way you know she's still in the house after those hours is because she has her tags on her collar and she jingles when she walks. So we know she's moving about after I go to work, but for the most part she goes unseen.

One of the things I've discovered about Bootsie, is that she loves to watch TV. She's fascinated by it, especially cartoons. She seems to be particularly fond of Ed, Edd and Eddie. Go figure! I guess that's because she's not out and about when Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends happens to be on.

She's far from being the most social cat but at least she's coming out of her kitty shell a little bit with people. She's never had a problem with other animals. She loves all of them, particularly Oogie, much to his chagrin.

Someday I hope she overcomes her strange kitty phobias...but I have a feeling it's not going to be very soon.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bootsie The Weird Little Cat

Bootsie is a bizarre little cat. We've had her for nearly a month now and though she's not nearly as skittish as she was when she came home, she's still a hide-y cat. That is until about 4:30 in the damn morning.

When I go to bed, I have Oogie and her with me. I shut the door, because my dad wakes up at the asscrack of dawn and he doesn't often look at whats wandering about when he goes for the newspaper or when he lets the dogs out.

Well for the last few days, Bootsie has decided she wants to roam, but only at night when no one can see her. Like 4 in the morning, damn it! She walks the hallway upstairs, which she won't do when the sun is up. Hell, she even attempts to go down a few stairs.

If this were during the day, I wouldn't be so concerned, because there would be people to watch her, but at 4 in the morning she could end up anywhere in the house...and thus madness and mayhem would ensue when everyone was awake and looking for her.

It's daylight now and though she's still on the bed, her wanderings seem to have gone away. I have a feeling Bootsie doesn't like the idea of me sleeping very much. I wonder if she'll ever turn into a normal kitty, whatever that might be.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pet Pictures

Because it's bright sunny and lovely out and I have no money to go anywhere and do anything fun right now...

Purrbee giving his best, "I'm a pathetic pooch" look.

Sleepy little Oogie.

Bootsie the chicken cat, hiding under my desk.

Another Oogie, because he wants to be a model for Cat Fancy

Monday, March 26, 2007

Meet Bootsie

When I called the Washington County Humane Society today, I learned that Roxy had been adopted. I was heartbroken for a moment because I had my heart set on her...but then I looked through the list at petfinder of all the other kitties that needed loving homes and I found Bootsie.

I immediately called and asked if she was still there. She was. Yay! So after work today I drove to Eighty-Four, PA and went to see her.

Isn't she gorgeous?

She's a year old and still very shy. It's going to take some time for her to get used to her new friends, Oogie, Mutchka and Itchy, but I'm sure she'll be fine.

Right now she's taken up residence in Oogie's cage. She's spent her whole life in one and upon finding Oogie's spot, she ran right in. When she's not in a cage she looks for the first cubby hole she can hide in.

Poor baby.

She'll be fine in time, I'm sure. I'm so glad I could give her a forever home.