Showing posts with label renfest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label renfest. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Camera Critters

If you want to play along with Camera Critters just go here

There was a juggler with two dogs at the Renfest today. They did tricks and oh they were so cute!

The black and white doggie is Daisy May. She was just so pretty, I wanted to hug her and love her and make her my very own. Then there was Rocket the Basset Hound. Our neighbors had a Basset named Daisy and an old friend had one named Duchess. Seeing this dog brought back a lot of memories. I miss having a bigger dog. Our J.J. is as sweet as can be, but he's a tiny ankle biter!

It was a a fun day, and I have many more pictures to share, especially of the Cast In Bronze performance. That's definitely a post of its own, because I have some exciting news about Frank Dellapenna and Cast In Bronze! I got my picture taken with Frank too!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stupid Things I Do So I'm Entertained

I probably shouldn't have gone to the Renaissance Festival, but I just can't resist the festival. I've gone the same week for the last three years, and I enjoy myself each time.

I enjoyed it this year too, but oh do I feel it now that I'm home.

I felt half human this morning when I woke up.

I still feel mostly human, but oh this cold is still kicking me in the ass hard!

Remind me, the next time I get any bright ideas like going out when I'm not over a cold, TO STAY HOME!

No, don't do that. I'd be bitter and cranky that I didn't go, and I loved every minute of the Renfest. My cold however is giving me payback for being on good behavior for the seven hours that I was away from my warm bed.

But I'll take it like a trooper because I had fun. Plus see my 23 year old nephew get a lap dance from Pearl The Washing Well Wench was priceless! I'll explain more about that when my head feels less likely to explode!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Pittsburgh Renfest

This is the second year we've attended the Renaissance Festival in West Newton, which is about 20 minutes from where I live. I love it! It's great fun. There are at least 8 or more acts performing at the festival. My favorite being the Washing Well Wenches and Cast In Bronze.

This year we saw a few new acts as well as the old staples. The German Brothers that rapped were really a hoot. The best part however is the jousting. Why? Because. Erm. Well. Uh. I'm not really sure why, except that the horses are pretty and well, so are the guys that ride them.

Hey! I'm a girl. I appreciate a good looking man on a stead! I was lucky enough to give Sir Roderick (The Evil Knight) a favor in the last challenge! Yipee!

So in my day, I had a German rapper, rap a dirty song at me, I gave a favor to a rather dashing dark knight and the King of the Festival sang to me. Oh and the guy that plays the carillion in Cast In Bronze signed my CD! It really doesn't get much better than that.

If you want to see my photos from the festival, just click here

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Renfest Recap

There's so much to say about Pittsburgh's Renfest that I don't know where to start, except to say, if you are in my area, you should take it in.

The food is fantastic and not too expensive for a fair. I had beef stew in a bread bowl for $3.75 and it was so good. The price was less than Panera Bread too, if I remember correctly. Drinks are pricey. Soda is $2.25 for a bottle. Water is $1.50 and beer $3.00.

That aside, be merry. Oh and get a turkey drumstick. They are fantastic, but you'll need a friend to share it with, those are big birdies.

The shows were marvelous. I was really amused by the Washing Well Wenches and the Naughty Bawdy Babes. The first group are a bit of a comedy act and they are just hysterical. And the Babes, well they sing a bunch of old raunchy folk songs.

The Washing Well Wenches

So far I've kept myself from singing "Roll you leg over and do me til dawn." in public. But if I do,'s their fault.

The Naughty Bawdy Babes

Then there was the jousting. Mmmmm The jousting. Those were some lovely men on those horses.

Let me introduce you to the these knights that weren't in white satin.

Sir William in his armor.

Roderick, the evil knight. How can you boo the block in your city's colors, eh? And he's a pretty fine knight if you ask me.

Oh and here's my favorite, Sir Aidan. Lord of Sexyness.

Such fun! I must go back next weekend. I must!

But wait I forgot the thing that had me awestruck. Cast In Bronze was there. Cast in Bronze is the only transportable carillon in the US, and to hear those bells. It's beyond description.

All my pictures from the festival can be found here. Go have a look.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Jousting Hottie

I'm a sucker for a pretty face. If that pretty face is on horseback playing a chivalrous knight, all the better.

Pittsburgh Ren-fest as a jousting hottie. Or at least a hottie to me.

Allow me to show you what I spent 1.5 hours drooling on today.

And is it me or does my little jousting hottie resemble my delectable DJ?