Showing posts with label motivational graphics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivational graphics. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Colours of the Rainbow

If you are new to my blog and would like to know why I started "Thursdays Are For Thanksgiving", please go HERE

If you are here strictly for the freebie, you will need to scroll down.

Today's message is a simple one.  Be happy with what you have in life here and now.  Sure we all want new things.  That is very natural.  Just don't spend so much of your time and energy working solely to obtain all the little extras in life.  There won't be any time left to enjoy them.  Every single day, be thankful for what you have.  It is the surest way to prosperity. 

NOT FOR DOWNLOAD.  THIS IS NOT A FREEBIE.  However, the quote on its own is available as a freebie further on in the post.
Sorry for the big and bold 'not for download' statement but I need to make sure that it is clear.  You guys are used to being able to download my digital graphics but NOT when they are created using another artist's image with strictly PUO terms.  The site where this image was obtained only allows for redistribution as long as the number does not exceed 250,000.  Since I have no way of knowing how many would be downloaded, I cannot offer it up as a download.  However if you would like the image, please email me with DDD_Colors of the Rainbow in the subject line.
Image Details:  

  • The image in this design is from Shutterstock and is owned by Robert S.  Now as I just mentioned above, while I am unable to offer it up as a download for you to take on your own, I can offer it to you if you email me because that way I can keep track of the number going out.  It isn't like 250,000+ people are going to wander in and want it, but I still have to be able to account for the number going out.  For those of you who know me, you are coming to realize I'm a bit of a stickler for the 'rules'.  I'm repeating this statement in case you didn't bother to read the note above since you have seen it before and may not have realized it has changed.   
  • I had so wanted to do a completely different design.  I had it all planned out in my head and everything.  Unfortunately, I just didn't have the time to pull it off before the challenge over at Digitally Sweet.  As it is, there is less than 15 hours to enter and I plan to sleep for at least eight of them!     
Challenges I hope to enter include:

FREEBIE QUOTE that you can download...
I've provided today's quote to you two different ways.  First, I've provided it in a solid black colour and the second way is in the same colours I used in my digital design.

Now I can't forget all my fellow Canadians, and British and European readers that spell colour with a 'u'.  Since the quote is author unknown, I took some spelling liberties and am offering it up with the alternative spelling for colour.

Unfortunately, the coloured version didn't turn out properly this time.  I had no problem using the painbucket in Inkscape to originally colour in the letters but when I added the u and tried to do it again it wouldn't, so it doesn't have the same strength of outline that the original one does.  Additionally, for some reason it looks white in preview when it is actually a yellow green.  I would have liked to spend some more time figuring out what happened but it is already 4:00 am and I really want to go to bed now.
Until next time,

Fonts Used: 

Click the font names to take you to a download location.  These fonts are free for commercial use.
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page.  Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above.  Below is a quick summary of those Terms of Use: 
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Live Life to the Fullest

If you are new to my blog and would like to know why I started Motivational Mondays, please go HERE.
 You know the expression 'Carpe Diem'?  Horace, the first century Roman poet  is quoted as saying, "“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.”   Those words may have been spoken over 2000 years ago but they are still relevant to this day.  It is important for all of us to lead fulfilling lives, not only because we don't know how much time we have but also because it makes us a better person in general.  

Now for the most part, none of us are really free to sit around and do exactly what we'd like to all day long.  We have responsibilities.  We have families to take care of and nurture.  However, if we don't spend at least part of our day doing something we love, being with people we want to be with, taking some time for ourselves; we will never be fulfilled.  

Remember when you are in a plane and they are going through the emergency procedures, what is the first thing they tell you if you have children?  If the masks drop, you get your own on first.  Then you worry about getting them on your dependents.  Well, the same goes for life.  If you don't take care of your own needs, you can't be all that you can be for those around you.  You need to try new things, do what you want to and experience life to the fullest, even it it is only for a short period each day.  

Be a better you for yourself, and you will be a better you for everyone else!

NOT FOR DOWNLOAD.  THIS IS NOT A FREEBIE.  However, the quote on its own is available as a freebie further on in the post.

Sorry for the big and bold 'not for download' statement but I need to make sure that it is clear.  You guys are used to being able to download my digital graphics but NOT when they are created using another artist's image with strictly PUO terms.  Digital stamps and images are not available for redistribution whether alone or part of a new creation unless explicit permission has been given from the designer.
Image Details:  
  • The majority of the elements in this design are from San's wonderful 'Purple and Dots Digital Scrapbooking Kit' which you can find in the store HERE.  The set includes seven papers, an alphabet (including å, ä and ö), and twenty elements. The only element that was not in the kit was the purple rectangle which I made so that I could have a lighter space for the quote.

  • San introduced the kit back at the end of January (you can click HERE to go to the post where she introduced the kit).  As part of that introduction she showed us a couple designs she had made using one of the quick pages in the kit.  Right then and there I was inspired to create one of my one.  Here is the design by San that inspired me: 

  • Isn't this just beautiful?  I just knew that this would be the perfect kit to play around with to create my own version of a 'live life to the fullest' sentiment for a Motivational Mondays post.  So stealing borrowing some creative inspiration from San I came up with the one I displayed up top.
  • As you guys know, when I create my digital designs I usually just combine photographs and quotes and perform a little magic.  This is the first time where I have taken elements from a kit and manipulated them to come up with a design. This may be the first thing I create with it but it certainly won't be the last.  I love all the different items San has put together.  Now I just need the practice in coming up with layouts! 
  • You can pick up the quick pages from the kit by clicking on the image below.  It will take you to the original post where San introduced the kit and the freebie can be picked up there. 
  •  Here is the quote on its own as your freebie for today. 

  •  If anyone wants it separated into two, just drop me an e-mail.  Unfortunately, if I actually want this Motivational Monday post to get out while it is still Monday, I don't have time right now to create it but will if there is interest.  The font is Beyond Wonderland, is free for commercial use and is available HERE.

Until next time,

Quick summary of Terms of Use:   
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation.
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.


Monday, March 04, 2013

Motivational Monday: Death Leaves a Heartache

All of us face loss in our lives.  Whether it is the loss of a job, a home, or a loved one we are all affected by loss to varying degrees.  I don't really deal that well with concept of death; but, it is something that is going to become much more prevalent as I get older and am surrounded by aging parents, other relatives and friends.  However, there is no escaping its effects as was reinforced to me this past week.  On Tuesday evening, my Godfather passed away.  Now, I haven't really been close to my Godparents in many, many years.  However, my Uncle Roy was my father's oldest and dearest friend.  A friendship that lasted over sixty seven years.  So, while his passing saddened me, it didn't touch me like it touched my father who of course amidst his grieving, must once again face the idea of his own mortality.  My poppa doesn't do very well with the idea of death either.  

My Uncle Roy was a good man who served his community with pride.  He was a member of the Lion's Club, and his community's Garden Club.  He was diagnosed with lung cancer in November and lost his battle on the evening of February 26th.  He is survived by his wife Ruth , his son Robert (wife Tahlia) and his grandson Calvin.  Like myself, Robert is an only child so I can only imagine the devastating grief he is feeling right now over the loss of his father.  My Auntie Ruth will obviously be feeling his loss the deepest.  They were married for over 48 years.  So, today I dedicate this post to the Dutt family and also to my poppa whom I hope can find some solace in the wonderful lifetime of memories he has of his dear friend.  May we all be reminded just how precious life really is and not take a single moment for granted.

In memory of Roy Edward Dutt 
1940 - 2013

Image Details:
  • The background image is a picture in the public domain.  The artist is George Hodan and you can find this particular photo HERE at
Challenge I am entering this digital design into:
 In case you'd like to use the quote without the background I've provided it as well giving you a few different options.  First, I've provided it as one single image which you can find at the top of this page.  I've also split it up so the first line could be put on the front of a card and the rest of the quote inside...

Both these lines are actually the same font size I think that it is only in the display here that one looks a little smaller than the other.  At least I hope that is the case.  All of these quotes are much larger than they appear here.  Take whichever versions you are interested in.

Until next time,

Font Used: 
Click the font names to take you to a download location.  This font is free for commercial use.
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page. 
Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above.  Below is a quick summary of those Terms of Use:  
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Motivational Monday: Concentrate

 If you are new to my blog and would like to know why I started Motivational Mondays, please go HERE. 

Boy, do I need to adopt this quote as a mantra.  I am soooooo bad for splitting my focus.  I do it continuously.  I can't seem to concentrate on only one assignment at a time, follow it through and then move on to the next.  I am continuously flitting from task to task.  Especially as it relates to card making and blogging.  Of course, that could account for the errors I make and then have to correct.  It could also account for the steps I sometimes miss, propelling me to go back and do things over again thereby wasting even more time. 

The experts say that if we learn how to concentrate and avoid distractions that we'll achieve more goals.  However, what happens when it is our own mind that is the distraction?  Why is it so difficult to just concentrate and focus our thoughts upon the work at hand?  The worse part is I know what to do, I know the steps:
  • make lists
  • prioritize what is important
  • divide your tasks up into achievable bites
  • schedule each task
  • maintain your focus
  • review your goals
  • reach your deadlines
For crying out loud, I used to teach the steps to others!  For some reason though these days, I just can't seem to apply them to my own life.  So, I have no answers for you today, only questions.  The key is I suppose, like it is with everything else, is to never give up trying to stay on track.  Strive to concentrate all your energy on one thing at a time.  Keep working the 'program' and maybe one day it will stick.  Until I get there, I'll keep this week's quote handy.

Image Details:
  • The background image is a picture in the public domain.  The artist is mzcha and you can find this particular photo HERE at MorgueFile.
Challenge I am entering this digital design into:

 In case you'd like to use the quote without the background I've provided it as well giving you a few different options.  First, I've provided it as one single image which you can find at the top of this page.  I've also split it up so 'concentrate' could be put on the front of a card and the rest of the quote inside...

All of these quotes are much larger than they appear here.  Take whichever versions you are interested in.

Until next time,

Fonts Used: 
Click the font names to take you to a download location.  These fonts are free for commercial use.
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page. 
Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above.  Below is a quick summary of those Terms of Use:  
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Motivational Monday: Obstacles Don't Have to Stop You

If you are new to my blog and would like to know why I started Motivational Mondays, please go HERE. 
Life isn't always about taking the easy route.  The road is often fraught with challenges and obstacles strewn along our pathway.  Our days are often filled with tests to see how strong we really are and whether we have the wherewithal to push through and move past the bumps that get in our way.  If you are coming up against some of these hurdles while you work towards achieving your goals, don't give up.   Find a different way of getting through the barrier.  Take a different route, grab a ladder and work your way over top it or grab a mallet and clear the route before you.  Just change what needs to be changed and keep going in the right direction.  Don't let defeat be the thing that prevents you from getting what you want. 

So, with that thought in mind here is our quote to focus on this week...

Image Details:
  • The background image is a picture in the public domain.  The artist is Petr Kratochvil and you can find this particular photo HERE at
Challenge I am entering this digital design into:
 In case you'd like to use the quote only I've provided it as well giving you a few different options.  First, I've split it up so 'obstacles' could be put on the front of a card and the rest of the quote inside...

Second, I've provided it as one single image...

Finally, I've put the word obstacles as a watermark in behind the quote.  This way, you could put the single word 'obstacles' on the front of a card and when you put the rest of the quote on the inside, there is some carryover...

All of these quotes are much larger than they appear here.  Take whichever versions you are interested in.

Until next time,

Fonts Used: 
Click the font names to take you to a download location.  These fonts are free for commercial use.
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page.  Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above.  Below is a quick summary of those Terms of Use:   

  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Digital Design: Life is Like a Piano...

Are you experiencing a feeling of deja vous?  Feel like you have seen this image before?  Well, you wouldn't be completely wrong.  When I put my introduction post for Digital Darla's Challenges Design Team together, I created this same design except it was all done up in blues.  What I didn't tell you at the time is that I had originally created the brown/gold version you see below.  Then I went over and found out our image was supposed to follow the theme that week which was winter blues.  Silly me became panicked me because I had less than a day to figure out what else to do!  I took a chance and turned it into a blue version.  Thankfully, it didn't look too bad in the blues so I used it.  Well, one of my Digi Darla teammates put me on to a challenge that calls for 100% digital creations.  So, the digital creation centre of brain is really excited because now I have a place to showcase the digital designs I create too.  Of course, they'll have to fit into the theme of the week but it is another opportunity to showcase my work which is really exciting.  So, here is the original version I created.

Sorry for the big and bold 'not for download' statement but I need to make sure that it is clear.  You guys are used to being able to download my digital graphics but when they are for a challenge it means that I have used a sponsor's image within the piece.  Digital stamps are not available for redistribution whether alone or part of a new creation unless explicit permission has been given from the designer.

Image Details:
  • I created this digital project using one of Digi Darla's inspirational sentiments.  You can find this image in the store under the sentiments section.  When I came across this particular one I knew it would be perfect for my design.  The sentiment has been coloured using Photoshop Elements (PE).  I then uploaded the new image into Inkscape to finish putting it together. 
  • The background image is a picture in the public domain.  The artist is Sabine Sauermaul and you can find this particular photo HERE at
  • The theme of the challenge this week is 'Not a Card or Layout".  I guess the best way to describe this project is as an inspirational poster.  I could print it and mount it or just use it for a backdrop for my computer screen.  I can assure you that the image has been created 100% digitally.
Challenge I am entering this digital design into:
Until next time,