Showing posts with label Name:Decanter Too. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Name:Decanter Too. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2009

Eishun ki'anu rifs @ Decanter Too

de·cant·er (d-kntr)
A vessel used for decanting, especially a decorative bottle used for serving wine.
a stoppered bottle into which a drink is poured for serving

ox·tail (äks′tāl′)
noun: the tail of an ox, steer, or cow, esp. when skinned and used in soup/stew.


flash (fl' esh)
v. flashed, flash·ing, flash·es
1. To burst forth into or as if into flame.
2. To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts.
3. To appear or occur suddenly
4. To move or proceed rapidly

spic·y (spai' si)
adj. spic·i·er, spic·i·est
1. Having the flavor, aroma, or quality of spice.
2. Piquant; zesty: a spicy tomato sauce.
3. High-spirited; lively.
4. Slightly scandalous; risqué

hand·some (han' shum)
adj. hand·som·er, hand·som·est
1. Pleasing and dignified in form or appearance.
2. Generous or copious.
3. Appropriate or fitting.
4. Large.

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de·li·cious (di-lishus)
1. Highly pleasing or agreeable to the senses, especially of taste or smell.
2. Very pleasant; delightful.

Asian Keanu Reeves ( ei-shun ki'anu rifs)
1. actor, born September 2 1964 in Beirut, Lebanon, and raised in Canada.
2. Well known for playing Neo in the action film trilogy The Matrix.
3. heart-breaker/hunk.

des·sert (di-zûrt)
1. A usually sweet course or dish, as of fruit, ice cream, or pastry, served at the end of a meal.

sa·ti·ate (say-tee' ated)
tr.v. sa·ti·at·ed, sa·ti·at·ing, sa·ti·ates
1. To meet expectations (an appetite or desire) fully.
2. To satisfy to excess.

Decanter, more famously known for being a pub, is now changing its concept to restaurant. The main improvements they have made (other than having a young, good-looking keanu reeves look-alike manager ahem..) include no smoking indoors till after 10pm(i.e. after dining, so other non smoking customers can enjoy their dinner properly and not leave the place smelling smoky), upgrading their chef and food and revamping their style so that more executives will drop by and have a great chill-out 'makan-spot' for both lunch and dinner.. and finally, the best part is that alongside all these improvements, their prices are really reasonable. So , there you go. Check it out today! For more info, click here.For a map, click here.

*definitions courtesy of thefreedictionarydotcom.