Showing posts with label Name:Cosmic Bowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Name:Cosmic Bowl. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cosmic Bowl


I cannot bowl to save my life. I can possibly count the number of times I have had the pleasure of bowling in one hand, maybe. This is cosmic bowl in Mid Valley. 38 lanes! Fully Computerized! The first glow in the dark bowling centre in Malaysia! (That's what the Ad says).

CK lines up the bowl...
CK strike!
(some people make it look so sexy.. i mean, easy.)

Those who cannot bowl, levitate.
(Air-borne bowler)

What can I say? Things have changed since I last bowled as a teenager.

The good thing about being a novice bowler here is that you can blame your bad bowling skills on the worn-out bowling balls, the smelly rented shoes, the neon lights, the frantic, deafening 'feng-tau' music or even the distracting fluorescent pins.. heck blame it on anything but you!

"Blame it on the rain (rain)
Blame it on the stars (stars)
Whatever you do don't put
the blame on you
Blame it on the rain yeah yeah
You can blame it on the rain
Whatever you do, don't put the blame on you."
- milli vanilli

(incidentally, if this was back in the day when I actually bowled as a teenager, then Milli Vanilli would most probably have been playing over the airwaves.)


* This post is specially dedicated to Kenny Mah (of LFB), CK (masterbowler extraordinaire) , Alilfatmonkey, Steven and The Toy couple (who were a lil too late to bowl.. but still, it's the thought that counts!) .. never a dull moment witchu!

** motion shots courtesy of Alilfatmonkey.. thank u munkey!
*** if you really want to know how to bowl, and bowl WELL, kindly check out Life For Beginners by Kenny Mah!