Ideal Weight and Total Fitness,the barbarian diet with your Vitamix!
Again, I have to stress "The Barbarian Diet"! - Meat, vegetables, fruits,natural fats, and minimal dairy-whole grains-beer/wine. Let's say you are a typical modern American, eating the diet that goes along with it: BAD! (refined carbohydrates, i.e. "sugar", corn syrup i.e. "sugar", soda, i.e. "sugar", fast food, i.e. "mainly sugar"... These all cause the "diseases of civilization"- heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. If you eat "sugar", aka "refined carbohydrates", you stimulate an insulin response, and this is what triggers future cravings for... refined carbohydrates/sugar! and endless, negative (for you health!) cycle. You get the idea! And whenever you make breakfast at home, you make... PANCAKES!! (I know I used to!) Can you say... SUGAR!!! On STEROIDS!!! And you think you should eat healthier, so you eat bagels, (without butter or cream cheese, since that's the bad part!), and eat pasta...