Free Quest Protein Bars!
Click the link, and get two free, postpaid protein bars! I heard about this deal on the Jimmy Moore "Livin' la vida low carb" podcast- I highly recommend this podcast! Jimmy is a thoroughly engaging host, and the guests he has are the best in the low-carb field. So, now just what am I eating in the photo, and why do I look so happy? I have bacon and eggs, the eggs being "basted" in the bacon fat... I also have my trademark barbarian juice drink as a chaser, and espresso with real whipped cream atop. Of course I look happy! "But Jay", I hear you asking frantically "Isn't all that fat and cholesterol really bad for you?" In a word, no. And, I don't eat like this every day- this is a relaxing Sunday morning. I did my "DVR" or dynamic visualized exercises earlier, did my Hindu back-bridging, and some self-resisted exercises as well as some stretching. Then, shower and breakfast! I won't n...