
Showing posts with the label health

the Classical diet

Making jerky! As part of the "Paleo/ancient Greek-Roman" diet, which I recommend, jerky is about #1 in the " Classical Diet! In the classical diet, which I think is correct as a "pre-industrial" diet, jerky would have been a mainstay. When you slow cook already lean cuts of meat, in this case beef, your cook off the fat, and wind up with a really lean source of protein. Also, what a great way to have portable (lunch) protein! Each Sunday, I enjoy firing up the smoker, putting in some good hardwoods, and letting the smoker "do it's thing". You wind up with the ultimate nutrition source- portable, available, and right there for the upcoming week. I would recommend making jerky, or, if you must, buying jerky for food "on the go". It's a natural!


I live a vintage life. From the 100 year old farm house my wife and I live in, to my 45 year old Ford F100 green pick-up truck, the past is my day to day reality. Even the dog, Charlie, at fourteen and a half years, is nearly an antique! (Please note I spared my wife a similar comparison.) Seriously though, there's a lot of work and maintenance that goes into the upkeep of our farmhouse and various vehicles, including a JeepCJ5 and an old John Deere tractor. But it's satisfying work and it recaptures an era that should never have ended in the first place! Here in our valley in Wisconsin, we manage to hang on to that time when the pace was slower and life was simpler. At 55, I'm only a week away from my official retirement date as a mailman, but I plan to keep working for a few more years. Hey, I want my daughter to get the best education she can at the best college I can afford! In a sense, I think of myself as already retired... but working! Let me explain: No long...