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Showing posts with label Waterfall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waterfall. Show all posts

Saturday 22 September 2007

Well chilled out and relaxed

Yesterday my MIL and I went to Eden Day Spa at Hoar Cross Hall. My hubby had given me £100 of vouchers for my birthday last year and they were about to run out.

I had a lovely massage using lovely Thalgo oils. It was very relaxing and I almost fell asleep ! I previously was never the kind of person who was interested in being messed about with, going to the hairdressers was torture enough so the thought of a massage was not appealing in the least. This was until I had a massage in Gran Canaria last year and I was a changed person forever.

The one thing I have always wanted to do is go in a flotation tank. The thought of being in a totally dark enclosed space and floating with relaxing music is something that I have wanted to do ever since I saw it on one of those spa programmes on satellite TV years ago. OH had found out that Hoar Cross Hall did it and that is the reason why he gave me the vouchers. I couldn't book it until I got there so there was SOME doubt that I would not be able to do it, but I am glad to say that I was able to. It was the most wonderful experience and I just totally switched off while I was in there.

The food was fantastic, it was like being in a 5 star restaurant and the facilities throughout the whole spa were wonderful. If anyone gets an opportunity to go it is well worth it.

OH got me a Tom Tom as I am not good going to new places, but that made it so much easier and getting there and back was a breeze. It made me a lot more relaxed knowing I hadn't got to keep referring to maps and when I got back home I was really chilled out and still grinning like a cheshire cat.

The deal from Paul was I had to be able to drive myself to the Spa and as I kept failing my driving test and time was knocking on I was getting more and more doubtful that I would be able to do it. My confidence is growing all the time as I expand my abilities and I feel so much more positive about myself and how far I have come.

Today I feel like a new person and cannot tell you how good that feels.

Friday 7 September 2007

Normal Service has resumed

I have had to pretty much stop doing anything recreational over the last few weeks as I have been studying for a Certification of Professional Competence in Road Transport & Haulage 'affectionately' known in the trade as a CPC.

I have been on a 2 week course and today I have taken my exams - 3 papers in all. As well as doing the classroom based course I have had to do a tremendous amount of studying each night and the whole weekend. I only hope that this has all paid off and I pass they exam.

Unfortunately I won't get the results for about 8 weeks so tonight I'm going to the pub to celebrate and leaving the car at home ;)

This all means I now should have a lot more free time for cardmaking and it's a good job too as September is a very busy month for me as there is a lot of birthdays and anniversaries (including mine)

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Added a Counter

My Blog is constantly evolving so I have added a counter to see how many visitors I get. I suppose I should have done that at the start- Ho Hum !

Friday 10 August 2007

Wonderful RAK card from Pwincess

I have today received the loveliest of cards from Pwincess Becky Stewart

I saw the card on her blog this morning and thought it was lovely and was absolutely gobsmacked when I opened the post and got the very same card from her. It is REALLY lovely and I feel very lucky to have received such a beautiful card from her.

Please take a look at her blog as she is very talented as makes some lovely cards and is a designer for Pink Petticoat too.

Sunday 5 August 2007

Went To A Christening

Very good friends of our John & Lisa invited us to the Christening of their daughter Daisy Jayne on Sunday 29th August in Lichfield. It is the first time Paul and I have seen her since she was born as they both have large families and we felt they would have been inundated and then I was bad with a cold and one thing led to another and a couple of months just dissappeared !

Anyway, Daisy is absolutely gorgeous (she comes from good looking parents so I suppose that helps a bit LOL)

I have never been to a Christening and thought it was a lovely service.

Our friend Phil went with us and I drove. On the way back I went on the A38 which is a very busy stretch of motorway and I joined it at the Weeford Island which a lot of people will vouch for is a very busy stretch of road. Went up to 60 MPH and loved it !!!!

1st Waterfall Card

I have wanted to have a go at this type of card for a long while but they looked too complicated and I didn't think I would be able to do it. This was until a couple of weeks ago when I saw it demonstrated at The Range. The dimensions given were for a much smaller card so I played about until I was happy with the sizing (this is an A5 card)

I used DCWV glittered cardstock for the backing, complementary coloured cardstock for the square panels. Diecut the letters using Cuttlebug red Tag Sale alphabet. The Happy Birthday sentiment is a Papermania peel off as are the little flowers.

The flower brads and ribbon for the pull tag are also Papermania and the inside of the tag is decorated with a Royal & Langnickel rub on sentiment and a peel off birthday cake which was coloured in using Sakura pens.

Sunday 22 July 2007

Got a Visitor

One of our friends Phil is stopping over at our house for the next 2 weeks, and as the computer room is also the spare room this means I may not be able to get on as much as I would like to.

However I have made 2 cards today which is great as they are the first I have made since I got back from my holidays.

Sunday 15 July 2007

I've Been Tagged

Leigh has tagged me, that has never happened to me before so I hope I do this right !

Here goes , 7 things to know about me are :-

1. I met my husband by sitting next to him at a Pet Shop Boys Concert in 1989 and believe me love at 1st sight does exist :)

2. I played keyboards at a music workshop with Orbital before they were famous.

3. I used to go out with a trainspotter and he WAS really boring.

4. I adore music and hate cooking or housework without it. Satellite music channels are a godsend.

5. I got a 3 AAA's athletic association badge for being the school shotput champion when I was 10

6. I have a phobia of woodlice since watching a Hammer House of Horror film called Firebugs when I was far too young to watch scary movies. Gradually over the years I am learning to overcome this......

7. I have a butterfly tattoo on my right shoulder which was done in Amsterdam last year.

Right I am going to tag the following people



Jo Wardle



Lime Green Bogie Girl


Got some new stash

Yesterday was a small milestone for me driving wise as I was able to go to a Docrafts demonstration at a garden centre in Walsall. I went to Craft Central and I would not have been able to get there without the car. It felt absolutely brilliant and I was talking to a lady there who said it will make a huge difference to my life, and open up so many more choices for me. It was a great confidence boost for me as I went on my own and didn't really know where I was going so felt very proud of myself.

I was very impressed with Craft Central. They had a huge choice of manufacturers and their prices were pretty good. I got a Docrafts Goody bag, 2 packs of Papermania 6 x 6 paper in warm tones and black & white, and a Christmas messages rubber stamp. I only spent £29 but could have spent sooo much more :)

I'm back off my Holidays :(

Came back off my holidays on Tuesday 10th but only got on my computer yesterday after a bit of drama at home and doing the washing !

Crete was absolutely gorgeous. The sun rose at about 6.15am and set at 8.30pm and in between it was clear blue skies, no clouds at all and very very hot. Paul has burnt his back swimming in the sea but that is now healing up fairly well. I have gone a nice shade of brown even wearing factor 30 and 40 which I am most surprised about. The photos are still on the camera but I will get some put on here asap.

So I think it is fair to say I have holiday blues as the weather is awful here, Paul's not been well, the neighbours are causing problems with parking the car and I just want to be back in Crete !